Las bebidas nutricionales suplementarias a menudo se usan en hospitales y hogares de adultos para ayudar a nutrir a quienes pueden comer mal y han perdido peso debido a una enfermedad o falta de apetito. Más recientemente, las bebidas nutricionales están disponibles para la compra de los consumidores. Ejemplos de bebidas o batidos nutricionales suplementarios comunes son Ensure® y Boost®. Esta publicación explora la pregunta que muchos adultos mayores se hacen: “¿Necesito bebidas nutricionales suplementarias?”
This new 3-page publication of the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department is a Spanish translation of FSHN18-12/FS315, Supplemental Nutrition Drinks: Do I Need Them? Written by Claire Marie Fassett, Nancy J. Gal, and Wendy J. Dahl, and translated by Daniela Rivero Mendoza.
Author: Paul Roberts
¿Cuantas comidas debo comer cada dia?
Comer de manera saludable no se trata tanto de la cantidad de comidas y meriendas consumidas, sino de los tipos y las cantidades de alimentos totales consumidos en un día. Tratar de cumplir con las porciones recomendadas de los cinco grupos de alimentos, es decir, frutas, verduras, granos, proteínas y productos lácteos ayudará a promover la buena salud y prevenir enfermedades.
This new 2-page publication of the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department is the Spanish translation of FSHN18-10/FS313, How many meals should I eat each day? Written by Zainab Alyousif and Wendy Dahl, and translated by Daniela Rivero Mendoza.
Sal: ¿Debo recortar su consumo?
La sal alimentaria está compuesta de sodio y cloruro, dos minerales esenciales necesarios para una buena salud. El sodio es muy importante para nuestro cuerpo para mantener el equilibrio de líquidos, el volumen de sangre y la presión arterial. Sin embargo, muchas personas consumen más sodio en la dieta (de la sal) que lo que se necesita. La disminución de sodio en la dieta ha recibido mucha atención en los últimos años debido a la asociación del alto consumo de sodio en la dieta con hipertensión (presión arterial alta) y enfermedad cardiovascular. Esta publicación explora los efectos en la salud de la ingesta excesiva de sodio y las formas de disminuir la ingesta de este mineral.
This new 3-page publication of the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department is the Spanish version of FSHN 18-9/FS312: Salt: Should I Cut Back? Written by Asmaa Fatani, Nancy J. Gal, and Wendy J. Dahl, and translated by Daniela Rivero Mendoza.
Culture de la vanille dans le sud de la Floride
L’extrait de vanille est populaire dans le monde entier comme ingrédient dans la crème glacée et divers autres desserts. La source botanique de l’extrait de vanille provient principalement des gousses durcies (préparées) de l’espèce Vanilla planifolia. Les États-Unis sont les plus grands importateurs mondiaux de gousses de vanille, mais la production nationale est très faible. Toutefois, le sud de la Floride a un potentiel de production favorable á la culture de la vanille. Ce document contient des informations utiles aux producteurs intéressés par l’établissement d’une vanillerie.
This is the French version of HS1348, Vanilla Cultivation in Southern Florida. This new 9-page publication was written by Alan Chambers, Pamela Moon, Vovener de Verlands Edmond, and Elias Bassil, translated by Francesca Carla Erié, and published by the UF/IFAS Horticultural Sciences Department.
Cultivo de vainilla en el sur de Florida
El extracto de vainilla es popular en el mundo entero como un ingrediente usado en helados y otros postres. La fuente botánica del extracto de vainilla es principalmente los frijoles curados de Vanilla planifolia. El Estados Unidos es el mayor importador mundial de vainilla judías, pero la producción nacional es mínima. El sur de la Florida tiene un clima de crecimiento favorable para el cultivo de vainilla. Este documento incluye información relevante para los productores interesados en establecer un cultivo de vainilla.
This is the Spanish version of HS1348, Vanilla Cultivation in Southern Florida. This new 8-page publication was written by Alan Chambers, Pamela Moon, Vovener de Verlands Edmond, and Elias Bassil, translated by Dayana Valdes, and published by the UF/IFAS Horticultural Sciences Department.
Vanilla Cultivation in Southern Florida
Vanilla extract is popular around the world as an ingredient in ice cream and various other desserts. The botanical source of vanilla extract is primarily the cured beans of Vanilla planifolia. The United States is the world’s largest importer of vanilla beans, but domestic production is minimal. However, southern Florida has a favorable growing environment for vanilla cultivation. This new 7-page publication of the UF/IFAS Horticultural Sciences Department includes information relevant to growers interested in establishing a vanillery. Written by Alan H. Chambers, Pamela Moon, Vovener de Verlands Edmond, and Elias Bassil.
Exemplary Youth Leadership Series: Model the Way
This publication series is designed to outline strategies and experiences to expose youth to and engage them with leadership concepts. In this series, activities have been developed to introduce youth to Kouzes and Posner’s five practices of exemplary leaders. This new 2-page article allows students to engage with the first practice: modeling the way. Leaders must identify and exemplify values in order to be effective. The two outlined activities help students illustrate the idea of identifying values and modeling expectations. Written by Megan Stein and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication.
Tropical and Subtropical Fruit Propagation
Propagation is an important technique used by tropical and subtropical fruit growers worldwide, allowing plants to be grown cheaply and efficiently. While sexual propagation (by seed) results in plants that are not genetically the same as the mother plant, asexual propagation (cuttings, division, air-layers, and grafting) creates offspring that are clones of the mother plant. Cloning fruit trees is important because it allows different cultivars to be preserved over time. This new 7-page publication of the UF/IFAS Horticultural Sciences Department explains both sexual and asexual propagation techniques, why they are used, and what type of propagation is best for which species of tropical fruit. Written by Jeff Wasielewski and Carlos Balerdi.
Implementation of Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation in Florida Tomato Production
Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) is a relatively new technique that appears to be a promising tool for soilborne pest management and crop production improvement. This new 5-page publication of the UF/IFAS Horticultural Sciences Department is intended to introduce ASD for Florida vegetable growers. Written by Bodh R. Paudel, Francesco Di Gioia, Qiang Zhu, Xin Zhao, Monica Ozores-Hampton, Marilyn E. Swisher, Kaylene Sattanno, Jason C. Hong, and Erin N. Rosskopf.
Integrated Management of Bacterial Spot on Tomato in Florida
Bacterial spot is one of the most detrimental diseases of tomato and is especially severe in the southeast United States when weather conditions (high temperature, high humidity, and rain) become conducive for disease development. This new 8-page publication of the UF/IFAS Plant Pathology Department presents updated information about the causal pathogen and management of bacterial spot on tomato in Florida. Written by Amanda Strayer-Scherer, Ying-Yu Liao, Peter Abrahamian, Sujan Timilsina, Mathews Paret, Tim Momol, Jeff Jones, and Gary Vallad.
Exemplary Youth Leadership Series: Activities to Engage Youth With Practices of Exemplary Leaders
This publication series is designed to outline strategies and experiences to expose youth to and engage them with leadership concepts. In this series, activities have been developed to introduce youth to Kouzes and Posner’s five practices of exemplary leaders. Each article in the series directly relates to one of the practices and the topics of values, vision, teamwork, trust, and gratitude. This new 3-page article, the first in the series, introduces each practice and Kolb’s Experiential Learning Model. Written by Megan Stein and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication.
Target Spot of Tomato in Florida
Fresh-market tomatoes bring in $400-$500 million annually as the third most valuable crop in the state. Defoliation and fruit damage from target spot, caused by Corynespora cassiicola, can have serious economic implications for growers. This new 5-page publication of the UF/IFAS Plant Pathology Department, written by Keevan MacKenzie, Jessica Chitwood, Gary Vallad, and Sam Hutton, reviews symptoms and epidemiology of the disease and provides current management recommendations.
Guidelines for Pomegranate Nutrient Management in Florida
Many Florida growers are interested in the potential of pomegranate as an alternative fruit crop. The first flush of flowers produces the best quality fruit, and climatic conditions have a great impact on the timing of flowering. Proper fertilization is critical to promote healthy canopy development, minimize nutrient disorders, and maximize fruit yield and quality. This new 5-page article, written by Shinsuke Agehara, Weining Wang, and Ali Sarkhosh and published by the UF/IFAS Horticultural Sciences Department, provides guidelines for pomegranate nutrient management in Florida.
Variedades de Durazno y Nectarina en la Florida
La Universidad de la Florida ha desarrollado cultivares de nectarina y durazno de alta calidad, bajo requerimiento de horas frio, y de maduracion temprana que pueden cultivarse desde el Panhandle de la Florida (noroeste del estado) tan al sur como Immokalee. Cultivares de bajas horas frio pueden crecer y producir fruta bajo las condiciones de la Florida que son mucho mas calidas en el invierno que en estados mas al norte. This 18-page fact sheet, translated by Tatiana Sanchez and published by the UF/IFAS Horticultural Sciences Department, is the Spanish-language version of CIR1159, Florida Peach and Nectarine Varieties, written by Ali Sarkhosh, Mercy Olmstead, Jose Chaparro, Pete Andersen, and Jeff Williamson.
Tips for Delivering Effective Presentations
At some point, most people are faced with the daunting task of delivering a presentation. These presentations could be required by job responsibilities, as an academic assignment, or in roles within the community. Presentations may be delivered to small or large audiences. Giving a presentation in front of an audience may be a frightening endeavor; however, this new 4-page publication of the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication provides five steps to make the task of giving a presentation easier and ensure that your presentation will be effective. Written by Brianna Shanholtzer, Andrew C. Thoron, and J. C. Bunch.
Bok Choy, an Asian Leafy Green Vegetable Emerging in Florida
Asian vegetable crops are rapidly expanding in Florida in the last decade due to their health benefits combined with their high profitability. These crops can help increase vegetable growers’ income and diversify Florida’s crop production, and they are new to most Floridians. This new 5-page article provides a general overview of bok choy for vegetable growers, crop consultants, certified crop advisors, Extension agents, and graduate students. Written by Hai Liu and Guodong Liu and published by the UF/IFAS Horticultural Sciences Department.
Florida 4-H Poultry Project Record Book
The Florida 4-H Poultry Project Record Book is designed as a tool for Florida 4-H members to keep records for their dual-purpose or show flocks. The Florida 4-H Poultry project’s purpose is to acquire an understanding of poultry production by preparing for, purchasing, breeding, caring for, and keeping records on one or more chickens or other poultry species. This 18-page major revision by Chris Decubellis is based on the original edition by L. W. Kalch and is a publication of the UF/IFAS Extension 4-H Youth Development Program.
Rodenticides are pesticides designed to kill rodents, primarily mice and rats. However, rodents are not the only species that can be poisoned by rodenticides. Practically any mammal, including humans, can suffer severe effects from unintentional exposure to rodenticides. Rodenticides vary widely in the hazard they present even though they are all designed to kill animals that are physiologically comparable to humans. This new 4-page publication of the UF/IFAS Pesticide Information Office addresses those hazards for rodenticides currently registered in Florida. Written by Frederick M. Fishel.
Phytophthora Crown Rot of Strawberry
This new 3-page article describes Phytophthora crown rot, an important disease in Florida strawberry fields caused mainly by Phytophthora cactorum, and provides some recommendations for cultural and chemical control. Written by Natalia A. Peres and Juliana S. Baggio and published by the UF/IFAS Plant Pathology Department.
Making Action Easier: Behavioral Economics and Nudges for Extension Professionals
As Extension turns more to effecting behavior change beyond simply raising awareness or understanding concerns, how do we not only help clientele make a change, but make it easier? Behavioral economics principles can improve the way we present options to clients, increasing the likelihood of them choosing desirable behaviors. This new 3-page publication of the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication offers an introduction to these concepts as well as practical strategies for setting up the environment for change. Written by Laura Warner, Kathryn Stofer, and Hayk Khachatryan.