Navigating the Unprecedented: Leading Remotely Unexpectedly

Contract with office equipment. Image by TheDigitalWay from Pixabay

Leaders tend to have a set of assumptions or ideas about how to do their job. As the world moves quickly to social distancing and remote work, leaders rely on their assumptions to navigate this new landscape. Different frames of reference can act as a road map allowing leaders to take the first steps into the unknown. This new 4-page article utilizes these Bolman and Deal’s four frames addressing different aspects of leadership to provide best practices for leading in a remote work environment. Written by Matthew Sowcik and Megan Stein, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication.

COVID-19 and Food Safety FAQ: Is Coronavirus a Food Safety Issue?

COVID19 virus

These flyers, written by Natalie Seymour, Mary Yavelak, Candice Christian, and Ben Chapman (NC State University Extension), provide quick, digestible information regarding prevention of COVID-19 and procedures for food service, grocery stores, and other food-related businesses. This flyer in particular provides information about food safety in relation to COVID-19. Published by the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department.

COVID-19 Preventative Measures and FAQs for Food-Related Businesses

COVID19 virus

These two new series, written by Natalie Seymour, Mary Yavelak, Candice Christian, and Ben Chapman (NC State University Extension), provide quick, digestible information regarding prevention of COVID-19 and procedures for food service, grocery stores, and other food-related businesses. There are 15 flyers total, published by the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department.

Adecuado lavado de manos para cuidadores

Elderly person receiving assistance from a caregiver with everyday tasks. UF/IFAS Photo by Marisol Amador.El lavado de las manos es una forma importante de reducir la transferencia fecal-oral de gérmenes que causan enfermedades. Los niños pequeños y los ancianos con limitaciones tienen menos capacidad para combatir los gérmenes que otras personas. Como cuidador, usted puede ayudar a reducir el riesgo de transmisión de enfermedades en ambientes con multitudes mediante el uso de los adecuados procedimientos de lavado de manos. This is the Spanish language version of Proper Hand Washing for Caregivers (FCS8782Eng/FY724).

Adecuado lavado de manos para ninos en la escuela

Active preschool children playing on a playground. Photo taken on 12-01-16.Los gérmenes pueden esconderse debajo de uñas largas y en manos sucias. Mantener las uñas cortas y lavarse las manos con frecuencia son las cosas más importantes que puedes hacer para evitar que los gérmenes te enfermen. Los gérmenes que causan enfermedades como resfriados, gripe, diarrea y vómitos pueden llegar a tus manos al tocar las cosas a tu alrededor. Las personas, las mascotas, los alimentos crudos, los juguetes, la tierra y los objetos utilizados en nuestra vida diaria pueden tener gérmenes. Lavarte las manos adecuadamente ayuda a eliminar los gérmenes. This is the Spanish language version of Proper Hand Washing for School Children (FCS8783Eng/FY725).

Adecuado lavado de manos para manipuladores de alimentos

Hands washing kale in a sink. Photo taken 02-15-18.El lavado de manos es uno de los principales métodos utilizados para ayudar a prevenir enfermedades transmitidas por los alimentos. El lavado adecuado de las manos reducirá el riesgo de transmitir microorganismos, como bacterias, virus y otros agentes, que causan enfermedades a las personas que comen los alimentos que manipulas. Si necesita usar desinfectante para las manos, ¡siempre lávate las manos primero! La suciedad, los alimentos o cualquier otra cosa en las manos hacen menos eficaz el efecto del alcohol. ¡No use desinfectante para manos en lugar de lavarse las manos! This is the Spanish language version of Proper Hand Washing for Food Handlers (FCS8784Eng/FY726).

Adecuado lavado de manos para adultos mayores

An elderly person's bathroom can be made safer by adding items that will help them maneuver easier. UF/IFAS Photo by Marisol Amador.Lavarse las manos es una forma importante de reducir la propagación de enfermedades infecciosas. Los gérmenes de origen humano y animal pueden transmitirse a las manos, que a su vez pueden transmitir los gérmenes a otras personas, alimentos y cualquier otra cosa que toquen. El adecuado lavado de las manos puede reducir la cantidad de microorganismos infecciosos en nuestras manos y reducir el riesgo de contraer algunas enfermedades. This is the Spanish language version of Proper Hand Washing for Elders (FCS8785Eng/FY727).

How to Properly Dispose of Unwanted Medications

Medicine bottles. Image by Bob Williams from Pixabay

Properly disposing of expired or unused medications can help reduce the prevalence of prescription drug abuse in Florida. It also helps prevent accidental ingestion by children or pets, helps prevent accidentally taking the wrong medication, and prevents medications from entering water sources. This new 3-page publication of the UF/IFAS Department of Soil and Water Sciences provides some dos and don’ts for disposing of your medications. Written by Alexander J. Reisinger.

How to Start a Food Business: Basic Food Technology; Food Acidity

Pickled cucumbers, homemade preserves

Food acidity is an important parameter in food product development. Most people know that food acidity influences flavor, but more importantly, food acidity can affect the ability of microorganisms to grow in food. Food acidity, or the amount of acid that is present in the food, is used to classify a food product, and that classification determines the regulatory requirements for the specific food product. This new 6-page publication of the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department describes how to measure food acidity and how food is classified based on its acidity. Written by Soohyoun Ahn, Jayna Goldstein, George Baker, and Matthew Krug.

Meal Planning for Adults with Diabetes

Hand held electronic diabetes monitoring devices. Metabolic diseases, blood sugar. Image used in the 2012 Annual Research Report.

Nutrition, physical activity, and medication are the three main components of a diabetes management plan. According to the Americans Diabetes Association, there is no one diabetes meal plan; rather, it is a healthful eating pattern specifically designed to meet your individual needs. This new 2-page publication of the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department provides some basic tips for creating a personalized meal plan for adults with diabetes. Written by Nancy J. Gal and Wendy J. Dahl.

Diabetes Meal Planning: Managing Your Carbohydrate Intake

Assortment of food and groceries that can be purchased for under twenty-five dollars. Photo taken 11-09-16.

If you have diabetes, maintaining a consistent carbohydrate intake throughout the day is an effective meal-planning method to help maintain your target blood glucose levels. Foods that contain carbohydrates have the greatest effect on blood glucose levels compared to foods that contain primarily protein or fat. Carbohydrates in foods that contribute to blood glucose includes sugars and starches. The amount of carbohydrate you consume is based on your diabetes treatment goals and carbohydrate tolerance. This new 3-page publication of the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department, written by Nancy J. Gal and Wendy J. Dahl, provides a strategy for planning your daily menu to manage your carbohydrate intake.

Fibra alimentaria y enfermedades crónicas

Dr. Wendy Dahl posing with fiber and food to stop kidney disease. Image used in the 2014 Research Discoveries report. UF/IFAS Photo by Javier Edwards

La fibra alimentaria tiene muchos efectos positivos en la salud. Esta publicación describe las relaciones entre la fibra alimentaria y la prevención y el tratamiento de enfermedades crónicas.
This new 2-page publication of the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department is a Spanish translation of FSHN18-11/FS314, Dietary Fiber and Chronic Disease. Written by Wendy Dahl and translated by Daniela Rivero Mendoza.

Residential Irrigation Water Costs in Osceola County and Orange County, Florida

Single-family, detached homes.

Interest in understanding water use and irrigation costs has risen in recent years. This case study is a 5-page evaluation of water use and associated costs for residential landscape irrigation in Osceola County and Orange County, Florida. Homeowners in central Florida can use the results to assess their water consumption and bills in relation to similar homes in the area. Written by Nick Taylor, Tricia Kyzar, Pierce Jones, and Kaitlin O. Robb Price, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, December 2019.

Homeowner’s Guide to Selecting a Pest Control Service

A house fly perches on a soft drink can in this file photo by University of Florida entomologist Jerry Butler. The tiny white spots are flecks of powdered sugar from an earlier stroll on a jelly doughnut. In a new study, Butler and colleagues tested house flies captured outside restaurants and found they often carried harmful bacteria, including five species never associated with flies before.

While you can prevent pests from infesting your home, you might need the services of a professional to evict them if they have already moved in. The pest control industry in Florida is the largest in the nation. How do you choose the best pest control company for you? This 6-page fact sheet written by Faith Oi, James E. Davis, John M. Diaz, Sarah M. Ellis, Randall A. Cantrell, Nelly Nelson, and Judy Corbus and published by the UF/IFAS Entomology and Nematology Department is full of practical tips and advice to help you choose a reliable and effective pest control service to help you kick out any uninvited crawlies.

Bebidas nutricionales suplementarias: Las necesito?

Las bebidas nutricionales suplementarias a menudo se usan en hospitales y hogares de adultos para ayudar a nutrir a quienes pueden comer mal y han perdido peso debido a una enfermedad o falta de apetito. Más recientemente, las bebidas nutricionales están disponibles para la compra de los consumidores. Ejemplos de bebidas o batidos nutricionales suplementarios comunes son Ensure® y Boost®. Esta publicación explora la pregunta que muchos adultos mayores se hacen: “¿Necesito bebidas nutricionales suplementarias?”
This new 3-page publication of the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department is a Spanish translation of FSHN18-12/FS315, Supplemental Nutrition Drinks: Do I Need Them? Written by Claire Marie Fassett, Nancy J. Gal, and Wendy J. Dahl, and translated by Daniela Rivero Mendoza.

¿Cuantas comidas debo comer cada dia?

Figure 1. Food preparation area in the home kitchen

Comer de manera saludable no se trata tanto de la cantidad de comidas y meriendas consumidas, sino de los tipos y las cantidades de alimentos totales consumidos en un día. Tratar de cumplir con las porciones recomendadas de los cinco grupos de alimentos, es decir, frutas, verduras, granos, proteínas y productos lácteos ayudará a promover la buena salud y prevenir enfermedades.
This new 2-page publication of the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department is the Spanish translation of FSHN18-10/FS313, How many meals should I eat each day? Written by Zainab Alyousif and Wendy Dahl, and translated by Daniela Rivero Mendoza.

Raising Backyard Chickens for Eggs

Chickens. Chicken, poultry, eggs, small farms livestock. UF/IFAS Photo by Tyler Jones.

Raising backyard chickens is an increasingly popular way to explore self-sufficiency, connect with how our food is produced, and gain experience for future dabbling in food production. This 13-page publication is designed primarily for those considering raising backyard chickens for eggs for personal consumption. Written by Mary E. Henry, Jessica M. Ryals, Alicia Halbritter, and Derek L. Barber, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Animal Sciences, revised November 2019.

Sal: ¿Debo recortar su consumo?


La sal alimentaria está compuesta de sodio y cloruro, dos minerales esenciales necesarios para una buena salud. El sodio es muy importante para nuestro cuerpo para mantener el equilibrio de líquidos, el volumen de sangre y la presión arterial. Sin embargo, muchas personas consumen más sodio en la dieta (de la sal) que lo que se necesita. La disminución de sodio en la dieta ha recibido mucha atención en los últimos años debido a la asociación del alto consumo de sodio en la dieta con hipertensión (presión arterial alta) y enfermedad cardiovascular. Esta publicación explora los efectos en la salud de la ingesta excesiva de sodio y las formas de disminuir la ingesta de este mineral.
This new 3-page publication of the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department is the Spanish version of FSHN 18-9/FS312: Salt: Should I Cut Back? Written by Asmaa Fatani, Nancy J. Gal, and Wendy J. Dahl, and translated by Daniela Rivero Mendoza.

Cetaceans 4th Grade Curriculum–Lesson 9: How Do Whales Stay Warm?

Exposed oyster beds at low tide along the shoreline at Anastasia State Park in Northeast Florida. Oyster beds, mollusks, shellfish, coastline, state parks. UF/IFAS Photo: Josh Wickham.

This 9-page document is the ninth lesson in the Cetaceans 4th Grade Curriculum. It will help students investigate the roles that blubber, body shape, and body size play in preventing heat loss in marine mammals. Written by Maia Patterson McGuire and Ruth Francis-Floyd, and published by the UF/IFAS Veterinary Medicine–Large Animal Clinical Sciences Department, June 2019.

Cetaceans 4th Grade Curriculum–Lesson 16: North Atlantic Right Whales and Ship Strikes

A boat off the coast of the Florida Keys. Photo taken 03/02/15.

This 7-page document is the sixteenth lesson in the Cetaceans 4th Grade Curriculum. It will help students learn why ship strikes are a threat to North Atlantic right whale survival, and what conservation measures are in place to reduce this threat. Written by Maia Patterson McGuire, Jessica Hardy, Brenda Cannaliato, and Ruth Francis-Floyd, and published by the UF/IFAS Veterinary Medicine–Large Animal Clinical Sciences Department, June 2019.