Do you think your blood pressure may be too high? Have you been diagnosed with high blood pressure? In either case, it is recommended that you monitor your blood pressure at home and get it checked at the doctor's office. This 4-page document discusses how to monitor your blood pressure at home. Written by Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, revised November 2018.
Category: Families & Consumers
Hurricane Impacts on Florida's Agriculture and Natural Resources
Hurricanes are capable of affecting almost everything in their paths. Their strong winds and heavy rains can directly impact both inland and coastal areas in short periods that usually last about a day. This new 10-page document reviews basic facts about hurricanes and their effects in Florida and discusses ways they might affect Florida's agriculture and natural resources. Written by Young Gu Her, Ashley Smyth, Pamela Fletcher, Elias Bassil, Ulrich Stingl, Zachary Brym, and Jiangxiao Qiu, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, October 2018.
Communicating with Local Elected Officials
This 5-page document is part of a series on communicating with elected officials. Written by Ricky Wayne Telg and Shelli Rampold and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, November 2018.
Lightning Safety for Florida Agriculture Workers
Lightning is a common occurrence in Florida. Although lightning kills only about 10% of the people it strikes, it can cause physical and mental complications that victims must face for the rest of their lives. Agriculture workers need to have a good working knowledge of lightning, its effects, and ways to protect others and themselves from this potentially life-threatening hazard. This new 4-page document discusses types of lightning, outdoor safety for farm workers, lightning medical aid, and regulations for employers. Written by Shawn Steed and Alicia Whidden, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, October 2018.
Alimentacion Saludable: Liquidos
Más de la mitad del peso del cuerpo humano adulto es agua. El agua transporta nutrientes a las células en nuestros cuerpos y remueve los residuos. Nuestros cuerpos no podrían funcionar sin una fuente de agua adecuada. This 2-page fact sheet discusses the importance of water, effects of dehydration, implications for older persons, suggested fluid intake, and ways to include more water in one’s diet. It is the Spanish version of Healthy Eating: Fluids. Written by Linda B. Bobroff, Luisa Oliver-Cordero, and Emily Minton, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, revised September 2018.
Alimentacion Saludable: Bebidas saludables
Los batidos son una manera deliciosa de incorporar más frutas y nutrientes a su dieta. This 2-page fact sheet provides tasty recipes for shakes and smoothies. It is the Spanish version of Healthy Eating: Drink to Your Health. Written by Jennifer Hillan, Emily Minton, and Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, revised September 2018.
Supplemental Nutrition Drinks: Do I Need Them?
Supplemental nutrition drinks are often used in hospitals and adult care homes to help nourish those who may be eating poorly. More recently, these drinks have become available for purchase by consumers. This 2-page publication explores the question that many older adults ask: “Do I need supplemental nutrition drinks?” Written by Claire Marie Fassett, Nancy J. Gal, and Wendy J. Dahl and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, August 2018.
How Many Meals Should I Eat Each Day?
For older adults who want to stay healthy, it’s a common question: should I eat three meals a day, or is two adequate? Also, how much should I snack? This 2-page publication discusses the appropriate amount of daily food consumption in older adults. Written by Wendy J. Dahl and Zainab Alyousif and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, August 2018.
The Health Benefits of Grapefruit Furanocoumarins
Grapefruits are known for their numerous health benefits, specifically anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-obesity, and bone-building effects that are the result of natural chemicals called furanocoumarins. This 4-page document discusses the health benefits of grapefruit furanocoumarins. Written by Yu Wang and Laura Reuss and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, August 2018.
Dietary Fiber and Chronic Disease
Dietary fiber supports health in various ways. This 2-page document describes the relationships between dietary fiber and prevention and treatment of chronic disease. Written by Wendy J. Dahl and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, August 2018.
Salt: Should I Cut Back?
Sodium is important for our body to maintain fluid balance, blood volume, and blood pressure; however, many people consume more dietary sodium (from salt) than needed. This 3-page publication explores the health effects of excessive sodium intake and ways to decrease intake of this mineral. Written by Asmaa Fatani, Nancy J. Gal, and Wendy J. Dahl and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, August 2018.
Clearing Up Charitable Giving
Life is filled with uncertainty. When disasters or hard times arise, individuals often become vulnerable and feel helpless and confused. After the initial shock, people start to wonder how they can help. When we feel moved to donate, we should take steps to confirm that our gifts are going exactly where we intended them to go. This 3-page fact sheet discusses impulse giving, ways to avoid it, phone solicitations, mail fraud, resources for accurate information on charitable organizations, and steps to take if one falls victim to a scam. Written by Lynda Spence, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, August 2018.
The Art of Goodbye: A Closer Look at Emerging Trends in End-of-Life Rituals
With increased access to information, survivors as consumers are seeking more alternatives to the conventional funeral. For some, tradition continues to inform, but for others, options are evolving and forming new possibilities. This 3-page document is part of a series which addresses end-of-life concerns, entitled The Art of Goodbye. The publication discusses family-directed funerals, certified celebrants, and green or natural burial. Written by Lynda Spence, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, July 2018.
Alimentacion saludable: Guia de almacenamiento de alimentos
Si usted no compra alimentos a menudo, probablemente debería comprar alimentos que duren hasta su próxima visita a la tienda. Para ayudarle a aprender que tanto comprar, aquí tenemos algunas guías para almacenar alimentos perecederos. This 2-page fact sheet is a major revision that provides food storage tips. Written by Jennifer Hillan and Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, revised July 2018.
The Art of Goodbye: Medicare Covers Advance Care Planning
This 4-page document is part of a series which addresses end-of-life concerns, entitled The Art of Goodbye. The publication discusses the Patient Self-Determination Act, advance care planning, and communication about advance care planning. Written by Lynda Spence, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, July 2018.
Best Practices for Scalloping: From the Boat to Your Plate
Recreational scalloping in Florida is a popular group activity for many residents and visitors throughout the summer months. This 6-page fact sheet written by Brittany Hall-Scharf, Sarah Ellis, and Savanna Barry and published by the UF/IFAS Florida Sea Grant College Program lists the legal requirements for boating and scalloping, provides a safety plan to minimize and/or prevent accidents while you’re out on the water, and explains proper shucking methods to ensure that the meals you make from your catch will be safe and delicious.
Packaging and Storage of Hops (Humulus lupulus)
Hops (Humulus lupulus) are an essential ingredient to the production of beer. This 3-page document describes how to properly store and package hops. Written by Brian Pearson and Sean Campbell and published by the UF/IFAS Environmental Horticulture Department, June 2018.
Teaching for Extrinsic Motivation
Motivation is the idea of being moved to do something, and levels of motivation vary among every individual. Extrinsic motivation is a specific type of motivation that is fueled by external rewards or an expected outcome. This 2-page document, written by Isabella Damiani, Andrew Thoron, and J. C. Bunch and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, discusses how educators can foster extrinsic motivation among their students.
The Mediterranean Eating Pattern
Americans looking for an approach to healthy eating may want to consider the Mediterranean eating pattern. The Mediterranean eating pattern emphasizes fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and olive oil. It also includes moderate amounts of fish and poultry. This 3-page fact sheet discusses health benefits and ways to follow the Mediterranean eating pattern. Written by Sheila Rahimpour and Karla P. Shelnutt, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, May 2018.
Breast Cancer: When the Woman You Love Has Breast Cancer
For the person with breast cancer, a diagnosis causes her life to suddenly and dramatically change. As treatment progresses, the patient has a multitude of doctor visits, procedures, and often support groups to keep her busy and focused. Her partner's challenges are also significant, but unfortunately they are frequently overlooked. This 4-page fact sheet is the second document in a 12-part series on breast cancer. It provides perspectives and suggestions for persons who are accompanying a woman through breast cancer treatment. Written by Martha C. Monroe, Barbara F. Shea, and Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, revised April 2018.