Successful weed control is essential for economical rice production in the Everglades Agricultural Area. Weeds reduce rice yields by competing for moisture, nutrients, and light during the growing season. Weed infestations can also interfere with combine operation at harvest and can significantly increase harvesting and drying costs. Weed seed contamination of rice grain lowers grain quality and may lower the cash value of the crop. As with any biological system, an effective weed management program must consider many factors that vary from crop to crop and year to year. The most important of these factors include planting date, climatic conditions, seedbed preparation, seed quality, stand establishment, and water management. This 5-page fact sheet was written by D.C. Odero and C. Rainbolt, and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, October 2014. (Photo: C. Odero, UF/IFAS)
Author: dihagan
Sugarcane Ratoon Stunting
Ratoon stunting, also known as ratoon stunting disease (RSD), is considered by many sugarcane pathologists to be the most important disease affecting sugarcane production worldwide, because it can cause 5% to 15% crop yield losses without growers even realizing their fields are infected. This 3-page fact sheet describes the symptoms, causal agent, and prevention and control. Written by P. Rott, S. Sood, J. C. Comstock, R. A. Gilbert, and H. S. Sandhu, and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, August 2014. (Photo credit: Sushma Sood, USDA)
Controlled-Release and Slow-Release Fertilizers as Nutrient Management Tools
There are many fertilizer sources available for commercial crop production. The characteristics of each fertilizer type determine whether its use poses an advantage or a disadvantage to a farmer. This 6-page fact sheet focuses on how to select the right fertilizer to enhance profitability and satisfy best management practices (BMPs). Written by Guodong Liu, Lincoln Zotarelli, Yuncong Li, David Dinkins, Qingren Wang, and Monica Ozores-Hampton, and published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, October 2014. (UF/IFAS Photo by Thomas Wright)
Sensation™ Brand 'Florida127' Strawberry
‘Florida127’ is a new strawberry cultivar released from the University of Florida in 2013, the fruit of which are eligible for marketing under the Sensation™ brand. It is a short-day plant adapted to annual, winter plasticulture growing systems. The plant is moderately compact, robust, and upright with long pedicels, making the fruit easy to harvest. This 4-page fact sheet provides information and recommendations based on several years of testing in field plots in west-central Florida. Comparisons are made to ‘Florida Radiance’ and ‘Strawberry Festival’ for disease resistance. Written by Vance M. Whitaker, Craig K. Chandler, and Natalia A. Peres, and published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, October 2014. (Photo by Vance M. Whitaker)
New Sources of Southern Chinch Bug Resistance in St. Augustinegrass
Currently, Captiva is the only chinch bug-resistant variety of St. Augustinegrass grown on sod farms in Florida. But since these pests have previously overcome their resistance to Floratam, it is highly probable that they will do the same with Captiva in the future. It is also desirable to have resistant varieties available with different agronomic qualities such as shade tolerance or drought tolerance. This 4-page fact sheet reports the results of a preliminary screening to detect resistance to chinch bugs, conducted at the UF/IFAS Everglades research station on 36 untested St. Augustinegrass lines. Written by Huangjun Lu and Ronald Cherry, and published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, July 2014.
Plagas y Hongos Identificados en Olivos (Olea europea) en Florida
La producción de olivo o aceitunas (Olea europea) en Florida ha aumentado en los últimos años. La disponibilidad de árboles en los viveros de plantas ha aumentado y muchos residentes los compran para plantarlos en su patio. Afortunadamente, los olivos son una especie relativamente resistente a muchas plagas, pero en ocasiones surgen invasores que pueden causar daños significativos. Algunos patógenos también pueden infectar los olivos y causar enfermedades, reducir los rendimientos o arruinar la apariencia estética de los árboles. Siguiendo las prácticas de cultivo apropiadas para olivos podemos reducir las probabilidades de perder árboles por plagas y enfermedades. Una encuesta realizada con productores de aceitunas en Florida durante el año 2014 identificó las plagas y enfermedades descritas en este documento.
This 6-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer L. Gillett-Kaufman, Sandra A. Allan, Jonael H. Bosques-Méndez, and Lyle J. Buss; translated into Spanish by Jonael H. Bosques Méndez, and published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, September 2014.
Factors Affecting the Choice of Irrigation Systems for Florida Tomato Production
Several economic factors should be considered in selecting an agricultural irrigation system. This 7-page fact sheet compares two widely used irrigation systems for tomato production: seepage and sub-surface drip irrigation. Written by Jenna Rogers, Tatiana Borisova, Jeffrey Ullman, Kelly Morgan, Lincoln Zotarelli, and Kelly Grogan, and published by the UF Department of Food and Resource Economics, October 2014. (UF/IFAS Photo: Tyler Jones)
Florida Strawberry Producers' Experiences with Anthracose and Botrytis Fruit Rot, and Producers' Use of the Strawberry Advisory System
Florida’s producers use fungicides to manage anthracnose and botrytis fruit rot diseases, which find favorable growth conditions in Florida’s climate and can reduce strawberry yields and profits. The Strawberry Advisory System (SAS) uses information about weather conditions and user-entered information about past fungicide applications to evaluate the potential spread of these diseases in strawberry fields. If the risk of disease spread is low, no fungicide application is recommended, allowing producers to save on fungicide application costs. In this study, we summarize the results of a 2012/2013 survey of strawberry producers, and focus on the questions, How significant is the impact of anthracnose and botrytis on Florida strawberry producers’ yields? What are the typical fungicide application frequencies used by the producers? What percent of strawberry producers use SAS? and Are there any effects of SAS subscription on producers’ fungicide application? This 4-page fact sheet was written by Tatiana Borisova, Zhengfei Guan, Ekaterina Vorotnikova, Natalia Peres, and John VanSickle, and published by the UF Department of Food and Resource Economics, October 2014.
Establishment Cost of Avocados in South Florida
A major concern for the future of the Florida avocado industry is laurel wilt disease (LW), which is caused by fungus transmitted by the ambrosia beetle. Cost-effective management of LW relies heavily on the early detection and destruction of affected trees (sanitation). While not an official recommendation, some suggest that since the beetles are less attracted to younger trees, growers might consider leaving the young orchards in production while replanting only older and less productive orchards. Since the long-term survival of the Florida avocado industry may ultimately depend on a combination of eradication, prophylactic treatment, and replanting the trees, the purpose of this article is to provide an updated guidance on the costs of establishing an avocado orchard. Information presented in this study is based on interviews with growers, orchard service companies, extension agents, and other industry personnel. It is intended as a guide only to make production decisions, prepare budgets, and investigate insurance options. A follow-up document to this one will focus on the cost and return of maintaining an orchard after it has been established. This 9-page fact sheet was written by Braulia De Oleo, Edward A. Evans, and Jonathan H. Crane, and published by the UF Department of Food and Resource Economics, October 2014.
Aquatic and Marine Ecosystems curriculum
The new Florida 4-H Aquatic and Marine Ecosystems: Leader’s Activity Guide helps leaders address the 4-H Science Initiative and is part of the Environmental Sciences Framework, OUR NATURAL WORLD. This framework includes the basic premise that aquatic/marine environments are important in children’s lives, particularly to those children in Florida. The 4-H Aquatic and Marine Ecosystems curriculum provides an opportunity for young people to practice a variety of life skills while learning marine science concepts. The curriculum also utilizes science inquiry as a way for young people (9-14) to gain a deeper curiosity about the natural world. Written by Karen Blyler and Joy Jordan, and published by the UF Department of 4-H Youth Development, November 2014.
- Introduction
- Lesson 1: Aquatic and Marine Ecosystem Connections
- Lesson 2: Wetland Ecosystems: Freshwater Marshes and Swamps
- Lesson 3: Aquatic Ecosystems: Lakes, Springs, and Rivers
- Lesson 4: Coastal Ecosystems: Beach, Estuary, Marsh, and Swamp
- Lesson 5: Marine Ecosystems: Coral Reefs and Open Ocean
- Appendices: Glossary and Additional Resources
- Facilitator Evaluation
Managing Against the Development of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds: Sugarcane
Profitable sugarcane production in Florida requires effective weed management. Herbicides provide an efficient and cost-effective means of weed control, but excessive use of a single herbicide or group of herbicides with the same mechanism of action has resulted in the development of herbicide-resistant weeds. In crops such as sugarcane where a limited number of herbicides are registered, the loss of a single effective herbicide can be very costly. Thus, it is critical to manage herbicides in order to prevent or delay the development of herbicide-resistant weed populations. This 4-page fact sheet lists herbicides by group number, mechanism of action, chemical family, common name, and trade name. Written by D.C. Odero, B.A. Sellers, J.A. Ferrell, and G.E. MacDonald, and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, October 2014.
An Overview of US Blueberry Production, Trade, and Consumption, with Special Reference to Florida
This 8-page fact sheet provides updated information about the recent trends in blueberry production, consumption, and trade for the US market. Current and future short-term trends are discussed. Price analysis at the wholesale level for selected markets on the US East Coast (New York City) and US West Coast (Los Angeles) are presented. Also, the national average retail prices for conventional and organic blueberries are presented. Written by Edward A. Evans and Fredy H. Ballen, and published by the UF Department of Food and Resource Economics, October 2014.
Converting from seepage irrigation to plasticulture for vegetable production: a case study and on-farm demonstration
Cabbage production in Florida has been dominated by the use of seepage or sub-irrigation, because it is inexpensive to maintain and simple to use, but it can require vast quantities of water to be pumped from the aquifer in low rainfall years. Plasticulture has been proposed as an alternative production method for cabbage production in Florida. An on-farm demonstration was setup on Greene’s Farms in Bunnell, FL to provide a platform for collaboration between researchers, growers and extension professionals. This 6-page fact sheet illustrates an innovative approach converting from seepage irrigation to plasticulture and points out some options and challenges for growers considering a plasticulture system. Written by Charles E. Barrett, Lincoln Zotarelli, Brian S. Taylor, Lucas G. Paranhos, and Mark Warren, and published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, July 2014.
Candidate Species for Marine Ornamental Aquaculture: Porkfish, Anisotremis virginicus
The porkfish is a member of the grunt family, which create a characteristic “grunting” sound by rubbing their pharyngeal teeth together during periods of agitation or courtship. Many species of grunts are popular in public aquariums because they’re abundantly available, and their schooling behavior and bright colors create interest in aquarium exhibits. Porkfish also have additional appeal to aquarists because they are “cleaner” fish during their juvenile phase, picking parasites from larger fish and other vertebrates. Scientists and aquarists have recently achieved a greater understanding of appropriate aquaculture protocols for grunts in general and porkfish in particular. These characteristics and advancements have led to porkfish being identified as a candidate species for commercial aquaculture. This 5-page fact sheet was written by Eric Cassiano and Kevin Barden, and published by the UF Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, October 2014. (Photo by George H. Burgess, Florida Museum of Natural History)
Description of Enhanced-Efficiency Fertilizers for Use in Vegetable Production
In response to the Federal Clean Water Act of 1972 and the Florida Restoration Act of 1999, a series of best management practices (BMPs) was implemented to improve surface and ground water quality. BMPs are cultural practices that, when implemented as a plan, help reduce the environmental impact of production while maintaining yield and quality. One of these BMPs includes the use of controlled-release fertilizer, which is an enhanced-efficiency fertilizer. This publication describes the common enhanced-efficiency fertilizers and the factors affecting their use in Florida vegetable production. This 9-page fact sheet was written by Luther Carson and Monica Ozores-Hampton, and published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, October 2014.
Mancha foliar causada por Xanthomonas en Ficus elastica
En verano del 2010, en viveros de Homestead se reportaron casos de Ficus elastica con manchas foliares circulares que se asemejan a los síntomas causados por la bacteria fitopatógena Xanthomonas campestris pv fici, aún no reportada en Ficus elastica. El daño severo affectó a la mayoría de los productores comerciales del sur de la Florida. This is the Spanish language version of Bacterial Blight of Ficus elastic Caused by Xanthomonas (PP305). This 3-page fact sheet was written by E. V. Campoverde, A. J. Palmateer, and P. Lopez, and published by the UF Department of Plant Pathology, July 2014.
Using the Delphi Technique to Achieve Consensus: A Tool for Guiding Extension Programs
The ability to achieve a group consensus may be critical during specific activities throughout an Extension professional’s career. For example, it may be important to identify an advisory committee’s highest priorities or a group of stakeholders’ most important programmatic needs. The Delphi method has been recognized as a suitable alternative to interviews and formal meetings in certain circumstances. This 6-page fact sheet provides an overview of the Delphi method and suggestions for using this technique to support Extension programming. Written by Laura A. Warner, and published by the UF Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, October 2014.
The Impact of Fathers on Children's Well-Being
American families have changed dramatically over the last century. Currently, about half the children in the United States will live apart from their fathers some time during their childhood because their parents have separated and the proportion of births to unmarried women has risen from 5 percent in 1960 to 41 percent in 2011. But a father who is absent from the household may not necessarily be absent from his child’s life. This 5-page fact sheet provides a brief summary of the history of fatherhood in America and discusses the importance of involved fathers, and how mothers, other family members, and adult role models can make a positive impact in a child’s life. Written by Sarah M. Ellis, Yasmin S. Khan, Victor W. Harris, Ricki McWilliams, and Diana Converse, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, October 2014.
Emphasizing the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) in Agricultural Extension
STEM is an acronym for science, technology, engineering, and math. In Extension, our purpose is to share the knowledge or products created through Ag-STEM research and design by universities and government agencies. Finding effective solutions to agricultural issues, especially in urban areas, increasingly involves working with clientele to solve problems jointly. Therefore, emphasizing the connections of STEM to agricultural problems through Ag-Extension programming can help our public audiences comprehend the problem-solving system underlying the content. The goal is to provide public audiences with self-confidence and skills in STEM, preparing them to be more engaged in the problem-solving process for the challenges ahead. This 5-page fact sheet was written by Kathryn A. Stofer, Laura A. Warner, and Steven Arthurs, and published by the UF Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, October 2014. (UF/IFAS photo by Tyler Jones.)
Extension and Community Resilience: Improving Community Disaster Preparedness Using Online Resources
As Extension agents work to improve the quality of life in their communities, they must increase the capacity to respond to disasters, especially in high risk areas (which includes most of coastal Florida). Community Resiliency is a community’s ability to quickly recover from adversity and it can be enhanced through planning and adaptation using easily available online resources. This 4-page fact sheet describes supplemental educational materials that can be added to community resiliency training, offering background information and specific tools for disaster preparation. Written by Emily Ott, Paul Monaghan, and Timothy Fogarty, and published by the UF Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, October 2014. (UF/IFAS photo by Milt Putnam)