Clostridium botulinum is ubiquitous in nature, often found in soil and water. The bacteria and spores alone do not cause disease, but they produce the botulinum toxin that causes botulism, a serious paralytic condition that can lead to death. Although it is one of the least common of the foodborne diseases, anyone is susceptible even with the ingestion of only a small amount of toxin present in contaminated food. Immunocompromised individuals, young children, and elderly individuals may suffer from more serious symptoms. This 6-page fact sheet was written by Keith R. Schneider, Rachael Silverberg, Alexandra Chang and Renée Goodrich Schneider, and published by the UF Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, December 2014.
Author: dihagan
Handbook of Florida Fence and Property Law: Trees and Landowner Responsibility
This 3-page fact sheet provides answers to these questions: What is the rule for the removal of a healthy tree on a boundary line? What is the liability for over-hanging branches and encroaching roots? and, Which landowner is responsible for dead or live trees falling on adjoining property? Written by Michael T. Olexa, Eugene E. Shuey, and Patrick H. Todd, and published by the UF Department of Food and Resource Economics, November 2014.
Selective Antibiotic Treatment for Dairy Cow Mastitis
Mastitis is the most common disease in dairy cattle and is estimated to cost dairy farmers $179 a case. When farmers detect clinical mastitis, they usually take immediate action with antibiotics; but many cases either do not need antimicrobial treatment, resolve without treatment, or are not effectively treated by the antimicrobial used. A selective treatment approach can be more effective. This two-step strategy involves first identifying the pathogen, then deciding on a treatment — this would decrease the use of antimicrobials as well as treatment-associated costs for the farmer. This 5-page fact sheet was written by Kathryn Merriman, Fiona Maunsell, Corwin Nelson, and Albert De Vries, and published by the UF Department of Animal Sciences, December 2014. (Photo: University of Minnesota Laboratory for Udder Health, 2004)
Postemergent Herbicides for Use In Ornamentals
Postemergent herbicides are applied directly to weeds. This 5-page fact sheet is largely comprised of two tables: Table one lists postemergent herbicides that can be safely used over the top of some ornamentals when used according to label directions; table 2 lists postemergent herbicides that are registered for use around ornamental plants when applied as a directed spray. Written by Jeffrey G. Norcini and Chris Marble, and published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, November 2014. (UF/IFAS photo: Thomas Wright)
How to Start a Food Business: Writing a Business Plan
Before starting a new food business, you should set a goal and have detailed plans to accomplish that goal. But writing a good business plan is often a challenge and it requires a great amount of effort. This 3-page fact sheet provides guidance on how to write a good food-business plan. Written by Soohyoun Ahn, Lisa House, and Renée Goodrich-Schneider, and published by the UF Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, December 2014. (Photo: iStock/Thinkstock)
The Facts about Mothballs
Mothballs, moth flakes, crystals, and bars are insecticides that are formulated as solids. Naphthalene and paradichlorobenzene, the active ingredients in mothballs, are registered as pesticides. As such, their label directions carry the force of the law, including use intent and the sites where they may legally be used. They can harm people, pets, or wildlife that may touch or eat the mothballs or that may breathe the vapors. This 3-page fact sheet was written by Fred Fishel, and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, December 2014.
Prueba de la cuchara para alimentos en pure
Los alimentos en puré preparados para personas con problemas al tragar deben satisfacer las guías de textura recomendadas. La textura apropiada es la prioridad cuando se crean purés. Un puré debe tener textura uniforme que es un “espesor en la cuchara” y no requiere masticar. No debe ser seco, pegajoso, grumoso o delgado. Los ajustes de espesor pueden hacerse de acuerdo a las necesidades específicas del individuo.This 1-page fact sheet is the Spanish language version of Spoon Test for Puréed Food. Written by Wendy Dahl and Jamila Frazier, and published by the UF Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, November 2014.
Carinata Production in Florida
Brassica carinata is a promising oilseed crop with great potential for profitable cultivation in Florida. Its high oil content and favorable fatty acid profile make it suitable for the biofuel industry, especially as a biojet fuel. The UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC) in Quincy, Florida, has been working to identify advanced carinata genotypes that are high yielding (seed and oil), disease resistant, early maturing, and adapted to Florida. The work at NFREC is being done in conjunction with Agrisoma Biosciences Inc., a crop company that has the world’s largest collection of carinata germplasm. This 6-page fact sheet’s “Agronomic Management” section provides recommendations resulting from NFREC’s research. was written by C. M. Bliss, R. Seepaul, D. L. Wright, J. J. Marois, R. Leon, N. Dufault, S. George, and S. M. Olson, and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, December 2014.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Africanized Honey Bee in Florida
The African honey bee, Apis mellifera scutellata, was introduced into South America from the central and southern part of Africa in 1957. Since its introduction into South America, the African bee has migrated into the southwestern United States and Florida. Apis mellifera scutellata is the African bee subspecies referred to in this 3-page fact sheet, which answers commonly asked questions about these bees and their behavior. Written by M. K. O’Malley, J. D. Ellis and A. S. Neal, and published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, November 2014.
Techniques for Melon Grafting
Grafting as a cultural practice for controlling soilborne diseases and improving abiotic stress tolerance has been widely used in vegetable production in many areas of Asia and Europe. Interest in vegetable grafting has been growing in the United States in recent years, as well. Cost, along with the desire to customize scion cultivars and the need to produce organic transplants, has led many small and organic growers to choose to graft plants by themselves. To help growers who are interested in grafting melon plants achieve a high graft survival rate, this 5-page fact sheet introduces commonly used grafting techniques and their application in specific circumstances. Written by Wenjing Guan and Xin Zhao, and published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, December 2014.>
Best Management Practices for Siting Honey Bee Colonies: Good Neighbor Guidelines
Keeping honey bees requires responsible management so that the bees do not become a nuisance. Additionally, the presence of Africanized honey bees in Florida places more pressure on beekeepers to maintain their colonies properly. This 3-page fact sheet is a reference for honey bee management in Florida, with emphasis on siting apiaries in sensitive locations, in order to promote harmonious cooperation between beekeepers, neighbors, and landowners. Written by Jamie Ellis, Jerry Hayes, and published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, November 2014. (Photo by Thien Gretchen (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0), via Flickr)
Producing biochar using a custom designed Top-lit Updraft (TLUD) gasifier
Biochar can be produced in a wide variety of ways; some are complex, while others are relatively simple. Researchers at the University of Florida Everglades Research and Education Center in Belle Glade, FL, designed and built a top-lit updraft (TLUD) gasifier that can generate biochar from locally acquired feedstock. This 4-page fact sheet describes its design and evaluates the biochar recovery of four locally available feedstocks. Written by Jehangir H. Bhadha, Stephen Jennewein, Julio Sanchez, and Timothy A. Lang, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, September 2014.
Improving Extension Program Development Using Audience Segmentation
Developing an impactful Extension program depends on acquiring a deep understanding of the audience’s specific needs and preferences. Audience segmentation allows an agent to address the variability among Extension clientele, in order to deliver the programming and messages that are most meaningful to an audience/clientele segment. This 5-page fact sheet was written by Paul Monaghan, Laura Warner, Ricky Telg and Tracy Irani, and published by the UF Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, November 2014. (UF/IFAS photo Marisol Amador)
Building Impactful Extension Programs by Understanding How People Change
Extension is reported to be one of the world’s most successful change agencies, and the ability to encourage behavior change remains critical to its success. This 7-page fact sheet describes an approach to understanding how Extension audiences move through the process of change as a means of delivering meaningful programming at the most appropriate level. Written by Laura A. Warner, Sebastian Galindo-Gonzalez, and Michael S. Gutter, and published by the UF Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, December 2014. (Photo:iStock/
Pest Identification Guides
Created to help growers and crop consultants, private homeowners, Master Gardeners, and the general public identify common arthropod pests and the damage they inflict, each field guide provides photos of the important life stages and crop damage associated with arthropod pests. The text highlights key general morphology and biology, distribution, and natural enemies. Written by Nicole Casuso and Hugh Smith, and published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, October 2014.
Breast Cancer: Making Sense of the Numbers
A breast cancer diagnosis is always a challenge to the patient and her family.* People react in different ways to a breast cancer diagnosis. Some breast cancer patients want to take an active role in understanding and choosing their treatment, and others prefer to leave decisions to their health care providers. This 5-page fact sheet, first in a 12-part series on breast cancer, provides information that will help persons who want to understand and be actively involved in treatment decisions. Was written by Martha C. Monroe, Barbara F. Shea, and Linda Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, December 2014. (Photo: iStock/Thinkstock)
Genetically Modified Food
A food is considered genetically modified when its genetic makeup is altered in some way as a result of the use of recombinant DNA biotechnological procedures. These changes result in the expression of attributes not found in the original. Examples include delayed-ripening tomatoes and pest-resistant or herbicide-tolerant crops. Genetic modification can be used to improve crop yields, reduce insecticide use, or increase the nutritional value of foods. This 5-page fact sheet answers questions consumers might have about genetically modified food. Written by Keith R. Schneider, Renée Goodrich Schneider, and Susanna Richardson, and published by the UF Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, November 2014. (Photo: iStock/
Spousal Individual Retirement Accounts
A spouse who stays at home to take care of children or other dependents is likely to have reduced Social Security benefits and will not have access to a workplace retirement plan. So a spousal Individual Retirement Account (IRA) can be an important step to enabling retirement security. An IRA is a tax-advantaged way to accumulate money for retirement. In order to contribute to an IRA you must have taxable compensation. But if your spouse has taxable compensation and you file a joint return, then you can fund an IRA. This 2-page fact sheet was written by Lisa Leslie, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, November 2014.
Environmental Impact of Beef Cattle Production Systems
This 6-page fact sheet discusses beef demand in the context of a growing population, beef production’s greenhouse gases and their effect on the environment, the great advantage of ruminants, generating accurate greenhouse gas emissions estimates, greenhouse gas emissions by economic sector, and mitigation strategies. Written by Nicolas DiLorenzo, G. Cliff Lamb, Jose Dubeux, John Arthington, Joao Vendramini, and Phillip Lancaster and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Animal Sciences, November 2014. (UF/IFAS Photo by Thomas Wright)
Is My Tree Safe? Recognizing Conditions that Increase the Likelihood of Tree Failure
Urban trees provide shade and beauty and the urban forest as a whole provides a wealth of benefits to neighborhoods and residents. But stresses from the urban environment may lead to problems that pose an unacceptable safety risk to people and property. It is a landowner’s responsibility to ensure that the trees on their property are safe. A key step in reducing the potential for tree-related injury or property damage is learning to identify common tree defects associated with increased risk of failure. This 5-page fact sheet highlights seven easily reconizable tree defects that homeowners and non-professionals in public agencies. may encounter in Florida. Written by Drew C. McLean, Andrew K. Koeser, Robert J. Northrop, and Gitta Hasing, and published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, October 2014. (Photo by Gitta Hasing)