Kondisyon meteyo yo ka jwe yon gwo wòl nan siksè oswa echèk aktivite agrikòl yo. Kiltivatè yo rekonèt sa e se sak fè yo toujou swiv bilten ak previzyon meteyo pou ka ede yo pran desizyon nan sa ki gen pou wè ak irigasyon, pwoteksyon kont fredi ansanm ak anpil lòt desizyon. This new 4-page publication is the Haitian Creole version of EDIS document AE532, Guidelines for Establishing and Maintaining Farm-Based Weather Stations in Haiti. Written by Caroline G. Staub, William Eisenstadt, William Blanc, Nicole Monval, Clyde W. Fraisse, William Lusher, George Braun, and Lee Staudt, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, May 2019.
Author: Amanda Quintos
Guidelines for Establishing and Maintaining Farm-Based Weather Stations in Haiti
Weather can significantly influence the success or failure of agricultural enterprises. Monitoring weather conditions can provide critical decision-making information. This new 4-page publication provides Haitian farmers with basic guidelines for installing and maintaining an on-farm weather station. Written by Caroline G. Staub, William Eisenstadt, William Blanc, Nicole Monval, Clyde W. Fraisse, William Lusher, George Braun, and Lee Staudt, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, May 2019.
Nitrogen Contributions from Peanut Residues to Subsequent Crops
There is not enough evidence to support current peanut N credit recommendations in the Southeast. Nitrogen is released rapidly from peanut residues, and it moves quickly through light-textured soils found in this region. Only a relatively small amount of N from peanut residues is available when subsequent crops need it. This new 5-page document discusses peanut nitrogen credits, nitrogen release from peanut residues, crop performance following peanut, tillage and nitrogen release, and peanut residue distribution and nitrogen release. Written by Arun Jani and Michael J. Mulvaney, and published by the UF/IFAS Agronomy Department, April 2019.
Establishing a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization: An Overview
This new 3-page document provides an overview of the process to establish a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and also discusses eligibility criteria and filing requirements. Written by Jacqueline Phillips, Jorge Ruiz-Menjivar, Jennifer A. Jones, and Julianne Shoup, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, April 2019.
Biologia y Manejo de Nostoc (Cyanobacteria) en Viveros y Invernadores
Este artículo es escrito para ayudar el lector a entender la biología y ecología de Nostoc, un género común de cianobacteria (alga verdeazulada) de suelos húmidos, y proporcionar métodos para manejar esta plaga en viveros. This 4-page document is the Spanish version of Biology and Management of Nostoc (Cyanobacteria) in Nurseries and Greenhouses. Written by H. Dail Laughinghouse IV, David E. Berthold, Chris Marble, and Debalina Saha, and published by the UF/IFAS Agronomy Department, April 2019.
How Are Cows Cooled on Dairy Farms in Florida?
While hot and humid conditions cause grief for dairy producers, additional impacts of heat and humidity on the dairy cow are sometimes overlooked. These conditions and their associated losses in productivity pose a growing concern to dairy producers, as more frequent and severe fluctuations in temperature, precipitation, and droughts are predicted to occur in the United States. This new 4-page document discusses heat stress in the dairy industry, the Florida dairy heat stress abatement survey, and heat stress abatement for lactating cows, dry cows, and dairy calves. Written by Bethany Dado-Senn, Geoffrey E. Dahl, and Jimena Laporta, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Animal Sciences, April 2019.
Permeable Pavement Systems: Technical Considerations
Permeable pavement systems are Green Stormwater Infrastructure practices that can reduce runoff while supporting vehicle and pedestrian traffic. This new 8-page document provides technical details of permeable pavement systems, such as application, system elements, design, installation, operation, maintenance, crediting, and costs, in order to inform planners, engineers, landscape architects, local government officials, and other professionals in the built environment about the considerations for implementing and maintaining permeable pavements. Written by E. Bean, M. Clark, and B. Larson, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, April 2019.
Sugarcane Cultivar Descriptive Fact Sheet: CPCL 02-0926 and CP 05-1526
This new 5-page fact sheet provides basic information as well as yield and disease information for CPCL 02-0926 and CP 05-1526 to assist growers in selection and management of these cultivars. Written by Hardev Sandhu and Wayne Davidson, and published by the UF/IFAS Agronomy Department, February 2019.
Facility Registration and Initial Regulatory Compliance Activities for Acidified Food and Low-Acid Canned Food Processors in Florida
Food businesses are subject to a wide range of regulatory requirements. Food entrepreneurs who want to produce and sell acidified foods or low-acid canned foods must abide by specific FDA regulations. This new 3-page document intends to clarify the initial steps food entrepreneurs must implement to comply with these regulations. This factsheet is one in a Food Entrepreneurship in Florida series, which assists beginning and established food entrepreneurs by providing them information on topics highly relevant to starting and running a food business: regulations, safety, labeling, processing, and marketing. Written by Matthew Krug and Soohyoun Ahn, and published by the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department, February 2019.
Weed Management in Rice
Successful weed control is essential for economical rice production in Florida. This 6-page document discusses field sanitation and tillage, water management, and herbicides. Written by D. C. Odero and M. VanWeelden, and published by the UF/IFAS Agronomy Department, revised August 2018.
The Consequence of Postpartum Uterine Disease on Dairy Cow Fertility
This new 4-page document discusses the reproductive consequences of uterine disease in the dairy cow, potential mechanisms, and current treatments. Written by Rachel L. Piersanti and John J. Bromfield, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Animal Sciences, March 2019.
Biology and Management of Nostoc (Cyanobacteria) in Nurseries and Greenhouses
This new 4-page document provides an overview of the biology and ecology of Nostoc-like cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) in humid soils and discusses cultural, physical, and chemical methods to manage this weed in nursery environments. Written by H. Dail Laughinghouse IV, David E. Berthold, Chris Marble, and Debalina Saha, and published by the UF/IFAS Agronomy Department, February 2019.
Living with a College Roommate in a Residence Hall
As you enter college, you may wonder what it will be like to live in a residence hall and share a space with a roommate. A good roommate relationship can help you navigate many of the changes you are about to make. This new 2-page document discusses six steps you can take to help establish a good relationship between you and your roommate. Written by Suzanna Smith and Heather Wallace, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, February 2019.
Feeding Your Baby
Feeding your baby is one of the first things you do as a parent. It is also one of the ways that you develop a relationship with this new family member. When feeding goes well, everyone in the family is happier. This 3-page publication can help you develop a close feeding relationship with your baby. The skills you learn will also help you and your child avoid conflicts over food during the toddler and preschool years. Written by Linda B. Bobroff and Nicole Owens Duffy, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, revised March 2019.
Enhancing Motivation through Work Meaningfulness
Work meaningfulness is described as the amount of significance an employee perceives in their work. Employees who view their work as meaningful demonstrate higher work motivation, performance, and satisfaction than employees who do not. This new 2-page document discusses ways to change the perception of meaningful work. Written by Jarred A. Shellhouse, Hannah S. Carter, and Matt P. Benge, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, February 2019.
Economic Selection Indices: The Best Tool for Dairy Cattle Selection
An economic selection index combines multiple traits into a single value, facilitating the identification of the best animals. This new 3-page document discusses economic selection indices, their changes in the US, and a 2018 update. Written by Francisco Peñagaricano, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Animal Sciences, March 2019.
Florida 4-H Community Pride Leader’s Guide
Service learning is an important component of youth development because it allows youth to strengthen their critical thinking skills, leadership skills, and civic and social responsibility. This 5-page Leader's Guide will help you and your club members get the most out of the Community Pride Program. Written by Stacey Ellison and Grace Carter, and published by the UF/IFAS 4-H Youth Development Department, January 2019.
Elemental Sulfur Recommendations for Sugarcane on Florida Organic Soils
Micronutrient deficiencies can be important limiting factors in alkaline soils, with most micronutrients becoming less available for plant uptake as soil pH increases. This 6-page document is intended primarily for Florida sugarcane growers but may also be useful to researchers and others interested in sugarcane nutrition. It presents revised elemental sulfur recommendations for sugarcane grown on Florida organic soils along with supporting information. Written by J. Mabry McCray, and published by the UF/IFAS Agronomy Department, February 2019.
La Ley de Modernizacion para la Seguridad Alimentaria (FSMA): Controles Preventivos para los Alimentos de Animales
La Ley de Modernización de la Seguridad Alimentaria (FSMA) se convirtió en ley en enero de 2011 y se considera la reforma más amplia de las normas de seguridad alimentaria en 70 años. Primero, se establecieron las regulaciones sobre alimentos para el consumo humano luego con la contribución de la industria, la academia, y los consumidores y otras agencias, se modificaron para adaptarse mejor a la producción de alimentos para animales. En Florida, estas nuevas regulaciones se aplican a las instalaciones que fabrican, procesan, empacan o almacenan alimentos o ingredientes para animales. El objetivo principal de estas regulaciones es garantizar alimentos seguros para los animales, las personas que manejan el alimento y las personas que consumen productos derivados de animales. This 4-page document is the Spanish version of The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Preventive Controls for Animal Food. Written by Francisco Rivera, Chad Carr, and Jason M. Scheffler, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Animal Sciences, February 2019.
Potassium Fertilizer Recommendations for Sugarcane on Florida Organic Soils
Potassium is a primary plant nutrient that is required in large amounts by sugarcane. About 74% of the 400,000 acres of Florida sugarcane is grown on organic soils in the Everglades Agricultural Area. Potassium is not a component of organic matter and virgin Histosols contain very low concentrations of K, so release of K through mineralization of organic matter in these soils is not an adequate K source for plant growth. This 7-page document presents revised potassium fertilizer recommendations for sugarcane grown on Florida organic soils along with supporting information. Written by J. Mabry McCray, and published by the UF/IFAS Agronomy Department, February 2019.