This 1-page handout is the Spanish language version of “Healthy Living: Dietary Supplement Labels Word Search” Written by Karla P. Shelnutt, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, September 2011.
Category: Spanish Language
Ayudándole a su hijo a hacer las tareas (FCS2255Span/FY980)
Casi todos los estudiantes de la escuela primaria hasta la secundaria recibirán tareas regularmente. Estas tareas pueden ayudar a los niños para:
- practicar lo que han aprendido
- recibir información más profunda
- aplicar las habilidades abiertamente
- obtener importantes habilidades organizacionales y de aprendizaje
- aprender a trabajar independientemente
- y con disciplina propia
Por medio de las tareas los padres pueden tener una idea de lo que sus hijos hacen en la escuela, darse cuenta que tan bien va el niño y mejorar su relación con sus hijos.
This 3-page fact sheet is the Spanish language version of “Helping Your Child with Homework,” written by Heidi Liss Radunovich, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, September 2011.
Cómo manejar el estrés al perder el empleo (FCS5265Span/FY1084)
Aunque la pérdida de trabajo es más común hoy que en el pasado, una pérdida inesperada de empleo puede ser una experiencia terrible, miedosa y ciertamente estresante. This 3-page fact sheet is the Spanish language version of “Coping With Stress During a Job Loss.” Written by Heidi Liss Radunovich, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, September 2011.
Orinarse en la cama (FCS2112Span/FY949)
Orinarse en la cama o mojar la cama, es un problema común en niños entre las edades de 5 a12 años. Se estima que de 5 a 7 millones de niños en los Estados Unidos padecen de enuresis en algún momento dado y que alrededor de un 10% de los niños en edad escolar han mojado la cama.
This 5-page fact sheet is the Spanish-language version of FCS2112, “Bedwetting.” Written by Garret D. Evans and Heidi Liss Radunovich, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, September 2011.
Ley del Estado de la Florida para el avalúo tributario de tierras según su uso: Preguntas y respuestas sobre la Clasificación Agropecuaria en el Condado de Miami-Dade (FE895)
Use-value assessment is the most widely used technique in the United States today for maintaining land in agricultural production. Although general guidelines are provided to Florida counties on the application of the state’s use-value assessment law, counties may vary slightly in the application and determination of the agricultural land’s value. Therefore, it is important for agricultural landowners to understand the guidelines used to determine value in the county where the land is assessed and taxed. This 6-page factsheet applies specifically to Miami-Dade County, Florida. Written by Edward A. Evans, Mauricio Mosquera, Rodney L. Clouser y Jonathan Crane, and published by the UF Department of Food and Resource Economics, August 2011.
Alimentación Saludable: Creando una comida sin tener quecocinar (FCS8692Span/FY692)
¿No tiene gana de cocinar? Utilice MiPlato para crear comidas balanceadas y que no necesitan cocinarse. This 1-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan y Emily Minton , and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2011.
Glosario de términos usados en riego por goteo y su traducción al inglés (A Glossary of Drip Irrigation Terms and Their Translations in English) (HS1192)
En esta publicación se presenta el léxico técnico de riego por goteo en dos secciones. En la primera sección se describen en orden alfabético los términos y sus definiciones en español. En la segunda sección se enlista de forma alfabética los términos y sus definiciones en inglés.
This publication includes the drip irrigation lexicon in two sections. In the first section, terms and their definitions are alphabetically described in Spanish. The second section lists terms and their definitions in English in alphabetical order. In both sections, each term includes its respective translation into English or Spanish in parenthesis. This 10-page fact sheet was written by Monica Ozores-Hampton, Dagobiet Morales-Garcia, Eric Simonne, and Viviana Medina, and published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, July 2011.
Identification of Early Citrus Black Spot Symptoms (Identificacíon de los Síntomas Iniciales de la Mancha Negra de los Cítricos) (PP285)
This bilingual identification sheet was designed to assist packinghouse employees to identify the early yet subtle symptoms of citrus black spot. Proper identification of citrus black spot prevents the rejection of international fruit shipments. Written by M. M. Dewdney, J. D. Yates, and M. A. Ritenour and published by the UF Department of Plant Pathology, July 2011.
Tomando buenas decisiones serie
Now available in Spanish, this series of publications by David C. Diehl and Stephanie C. Toelle addresses media and its effects on young children, from birth to age six. The series is designed to reach both professional educators and parents and to provide research summaries, tips for parents, and internet resources for further information. Spanish versions published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, June 2011. UF/IFAS photo: Thomas Wright
Just published:
- La televisión y el aprendizaje de los niños pequeños, consejos para los padres (FCS2292Span/FY1236)
- Medios de comunicación y salud física de los niños pequeños, consejos para los padres (FCS2294Span/FY1237)
- Estrategias de crianza para guiar a los niños pequeños sobre el uso de los medios de comunicación (FCS2298Span/FY1238)
Búsqueda de palabras del grupo de los granos (FCS8725Span /FY426)
Busque en la sopa de letras alimentos del grupo de los granos. Algunos de estos granos pueden ser nuevos para usted, búsquelos en su próxima visita al supermercado y prepare nuevas recetas. ¡Puede que uno de estos granos se convierta en su favorito!
This 1-page fact sheet was written by Isabel Valentin-Oquendo and Claudia Peñuela, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, June 2011.
Ser un papá comprometido: ¿Qué significa esto? (FCS2141Span /FY1231)
What exactly does it mean to be an involved father, and how does one go about having a healthy and involved relationship with one’s child? Find out in this 5-page Spanish-language fact sheet written by Kate Fogarty and Garret D. Evans, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, May 2011.
Los otros beneficios de ser un papá comprometido (FCS2137Span /FY1232)
Over the past twenty years, as more mothers Having both parents involved in rearing their child has some obvious, and some maybe not-so-obvious, benefits for the child, the family, and for fathers themselves. This 5-page fact sheet was written by Kate Fogarty y Garret D. Evans, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, May 2011.
Aprendiendo a ser un papá: ¿Cómo se hace? ¿No hay un manual en algún lugar? (FCS2138Span/FY1233)
Learning to be a good father isn’t for flojos. This 5-page Spanish language fact sheet was written by Kate Fogarty and Garret D. Evans, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, May 2011.
Nutrición para una mejor salud y condición física: el sodio en su dieta (FCS8129Span/HE986)
This 6-page fact sheet was written by Linda B. Bobroff , and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, May 2011.
Prevención de Caídas: Estilos de vida y riesgo de caídas (FCS2230Span/FY860)
There are many things that may cause you to fall, and you can change several of these. This 1-page Spanish-language fact sheet describes some easy changes you can make to decrease your risk of falling. Written by Linda B. Bobroff y Jennifer Hillan , and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, May 2011.
Planear las comidas: Para una buena nutrición (FCS1070Span/HE975)
Do you ask yourself, “What’s for dinner tonight?” Planning meals helps you save time, money, and energy. When you write out your meals, it is easier to see if your family is eating a variety of food choices, nutrient-dense foods, and the right amounts of foods for good nutrition. This 1-page Spanish-language fact sheet was written by Isabel Valentin-Oquendo y Claudia Peñuela, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, May 2011.
Planear las comidas: Use una lista de compras (FCS8933Span/FY1234)
Have you ever gotten home from the grocery store and realized you forgot to buy what you went for? Have you bought foods that you already have at home? Keep this from happening to you again. Write your shopping list before going to the store — it saves time and money. This 2-page Spanish language fact sheet written by Claudia Peñuela, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, May 2011.
Vida Saludable: ¿Qué conoce sobre la diabetes? (FCS8578Span/FY087)
Test your knowlege about diabetes with a simple crossword puzzle. This 1-page Spanish-language handout was written by Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, May 2011.
¿Donde está el agua? (FSHN1113S/FS179)
Foods vary widely in water content. You may be surprised to find out that many common foods that are not liquids are quite high in water! This 5-page Spanish-language fact sheet offers a brief quiz and pictorial answer key, written by Wendy J. Dahl, and published by the UF Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, May 2011.
Modificación de la textura de alimentos para los adultos mayores (FSHN1008S/FS183)
This 2-page Spanish-languagefact sheet discusses information on altering food texture for older adults, and offers tips for enhancing puréed and ground foods. Written by Wendy J. Dahl and published by the UF Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition , May 2011.