Criando niños saludables: Comience con el desayuno (FCS8901Span/FY1256)

Desayuno con Noa¿Dentro de su rutina hay un desayuno saludable para toda la familia? This 4-page fact sheet is the Spanish language version of Raising Healthy Children: Begin with Breakfast. Written by Rebecca A. Clinton y Karla P. Shelnutt and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, October 2011.

Criando niños saludables: Estado físico de la familia (FCS8892Span/FY1255)

Nochebuena juego de béisbol en la playa.¿Ser activo realmente hace una diferencia? ¡Sí! This 3-page fact sheet is the Spanish language version of Raising Healthy Children: Family Fitness. Written by Lisa D. Chan and Karla P. Shelnutt and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, October 2011.

¿Qué sabe sobre la Grasa? (FCS8688Span/FY355)

La preparación de salmón al horno con vinagreta de un aceite de oliva con limón y cebolletaSe habla mucho sobre el contenido de grasa en los alimentos – en las noticias, con amigos, libros y revistas que leemos. Para ayudarle a entender toda esta información acerca de las grasas, ¡este leyendo! This 3-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan and Claudia Peñuela, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, October 2011.

Alimentación Saludable: Super sándwiches (FCS8699Span/FY712)

Los sándwiches pueden ser comidas rápidas, nutritivas y fáciles de preparar. ¡A continuación verá unos consejos para crear nuevos sándwiches que podrían ser sus favoritos! This 1-page fact sheet is the spanish Language version of Healthy Eating: Super Sandwiches, written by Jennifer Hillan y Emily Minton and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2011.

Vida Saludable: Manteniéndose regular (FCS8570Span/FY073)

Que se le mueva el intestino menos de tres veces por semana es considerado estreñimiento. Esta afección es muy común en personas mayores de 65 años. Con el paso del tiempo, el estreñimiento crónico puede causar serios y dolorosos síntomas como las hemorroides y la enfermedad de los divertículos. This 3-page fact sheet is the Spanish language version of “Healthy Living: Staying Regular.” It describes causes, prevention, and high fiber foods. Written by Linda B. Bobroff and Luisa Oliver-Cordero, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, October 2011.

Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems: Viruses (SL351/SS553)

Rotavirus particleKeeping disease-causing microorganisms out of groundwater used for drinking water supplies is important to protect human health. This 7-page fact sheet characterizes the behavior of viruses in septic systems and the soil drain field and summarizes what we know about the extent and character of groundwater contamination with viruses emanating from septic systems. Written by Mary Lusk, Gurpal S. Toor, and Tom Obreza, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, October 2011.

Healthy Eating: Super Sandwiches (FCS8699/FY711)

Sandwiches can make quick, easy, and nutritious meals. And here are some tips to create new sandwich favorites! This 1-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan and Emily Minton, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2011.

Healthy Eating: Improve Nutrition with SNAP (FCS8837/FY918)

EBT card
SNAP helps people with limited resources buy healthy foods. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides this program to eligible persons of all ages. Learn more in this 1-page fact sheet was written by Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, September 2011.

Healthy Eating: Create Your Plate! (FCS8796/FY823)

Using a plate that is nine inches in diameter can help you control your portion sizes.Meal planning can help you control portion sizes and the amount of carbohydrates you eat throughout the day. This is especially important if you have diabetes or if you are at risk for the disease. The way you ‘create your plate’ to balance carbohydrates for blood glucose control is a bit different from the MyPlate recommendations. Let’s get started with this 2-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan and Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, August 2011.

Vida Saludable: ¿Que son las medicinas? (FCS8855Span/FY1037)

wordsearchThis 1-page handout is the Spanish language version of “Healthy Living: What Are Medicines? Word Search,” written by Karla P. Shelnutt, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, September 2011.

Vida Saludable: ¡Reconozca el fraude! (FCS8585Span/FY097)

wordsearchThis 1-page handout is the Spanish language version of “Healthy Living for Elders: Spotting Quackery Word Search,” written by Jennifer Hillan and Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, September 2011.

Vida Saludable: Etiquetas de suplementos dietéticos (FCS8854Span/FY1039)

wordsearchThis 1-page handout is the Spanish language version of “Healthy Living: Dietary Supplement Labels Word Search” Written by Karla P. Shelnutt, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, September 2011.

Cómo manejar el estrés al perder el empleo (FCS5265Span/FY1084)

too much stressAunque la pérdida de trabajo es más común hoy que en el pasado, una pérdida inesperada de empleo puede ser una experiencia terrible, miedosa y ciertamente estresante. This 3-page fact sheet is the Spanish language version of “Coping With Stress During a Job Loss.” Written by Heidi Liss Radunovich, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, September 2011.

Orinarse en la cama (FCS2112Span/FY949)

Orinarse en la cama o mojar la cama, es un problema común en niños entre las edades de 5 a12 años. Se estima que de 5 a 7 millones de niños en los Estados Unidos padecen de enuresis en algún momento dado y que alrededor de un 10% de los niños en edad escolar han mojado la cama.
This 5-page fact sheet is the Spanish-language version of FCS2112, “Bedwetting.” Written by Garret D. Evans and Heidi Liss Radunovich, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, September 2011.

Healthy Living: Diabetes Care during Sick Days (FCS8819/FY884)

How will this OTC cold medicine affect my blood glucose?When you are sick, your blood glucose levels are harder to regulate. Being sick often causes blood glucose levels to rise which can lead to serious health conditions. It’s important to have a plan on how to manage your sick days so you are prepared ahead of time. Read this 2-page fact sheet to learn more! Written by Jennifer Hillan and Emily Minton and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, August 2011. (Public domain photo by Stickpen)

Alimentación Saludable: Creando una comida sin tener quecocinar (FCS8692Span/FY692)

MiPlato ¿No tiene gana de cocinar? Utilice MiPlato para crear comidas balanceadas y que no necesitan cocinarse. This 1-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan y Emily Minton , and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2011.

Healthy Eating: Creating a No-Cook Meal (FCS8692/FY691)

ChooseMyPlate.govDon’t feel like cooking? Use MyPlate to create well-balanced, no-cook meals. This 1-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan and Emily Minton and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2011.

Shopping for Health: Vegetarian Diets (FSHN1106/FS167)

uses for kaleWell-balanced vegetarian diets can be nutritious and provide a variety of health benefits, but they are at higher risk for several nutrient deficiencies, including iron, vitamin B12, calcium, and zinc. This 6-page fact sheet lists foods that are rich in these nutrients. Written by Lauren Foster and Wendy J. Dahl , and published by the UF Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, June 2011. (photo courtesy of

Shopping for Health: Beans, Peas, and Lentils (FSHN1105/FS166)

pinto beansBeans are one of the most wholesome foods in nature. They come packed with protein, fiber, and vitamins. Naturally low in fat, they contain no cholesterol and are very low in saturated fat. Some are also high in antioxidants. This 4-page fact sheet provides nutritional information and recipes. Written by Lakshmi Mahan, Lauren Foster, and Wendy J. Dahl, and published by the UF Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, June 2011. (photo by nemka)

Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems: Bacteria and Protozoa (SL350/SS552)

boy drinking from hose
Keeping disease-causing microorganisms out of groundwater used for drinking water supplies is important to protect human health.This 7-page fact sheet reports the sources of bacteria and protozoa in wastewater, discusses diseases associated with drinking water contaminated with wastewater, and then details their fate in septic systems. Written by Mary Lusk, Gurpal S. Toor, and Tom Obreza, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, July 2011. (Photo by Tara Piasio)