Ocho Pasos para Desarrollar un Plan Simple de Mercadeo

person in silhouette runs up eight steps
El mercadeo es parte esencial de un negocio. De hecho es el corazón de cualquier negocio que sirva la función vital de convertir actividades de producción en desempeño financiero, asegurando la supervivencia del negocio. El mercadeo es clave, sin importar el tipo de negocio (incluyendo la agricultura).
This 5-page fact sheet provides a rationale for developing a marketing plan, a step-by-step process for creating one, and a marketing plan worksheet. Written by Edward A. Evans and Fredy H. Ballen, and published by the UF Department of Food and Resource Economics. Translated into Spanish November 2015. (Photo credit: Thinkstock)

(also available in English as “Eight Steps to Developing a Simple Marketing Plan” at http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/fe967)

El Zika, un Virus Transmitido por Mosquitos

aegypti_albo2 blrrb
Zika es un virus transmitido por mosquitos que se ha esparcido recientemente en regiones tropicales y ha causado epidemias, especialmente durante los últimos 8 o 9 años. En su ámbito nativo en África Occidental y Uganda, el virus se mantiene en los bosques, circulando entre mosquitos que viven en huecos de árboles y primates arbóreos; las infecciones de humanos se consideran incidentales y de poca importancia médica. Una cepa del virus que se implicó en brotes en Polinesia Francesa emergió en el Norte de Brasil en el 2015 y causó gran consternación debido a la alta incidencia de microcefalia en bebes nacidos de madres que fueron infectadas con el virus durante la gestación. Transmisión local, principalmente por el mosquito de la fiebre amarilla Aedes aegypti, ha sido documentada en la mayoría de los países tropicales de las Américas, pero aún no se ha detectado en Los Estados Unidos Continentales. Los síntomas de la infección incluyen, salpullido, dolor de cabeza, fiebre, dolor muscular y en las coyunturas, conjuntivitis, y malestar general.
This 7-page fact sheet written by J. R. Rey, L. P. Lounibos, B. W. Alto, N. D. Burkett-Cadena, C. C. Lord, C. T. Smartt, and C. R. Connelly and published by the Department of Entomology and Nematology is the Spanish language version of Zika, a Mosquito-Transmitted Virus and describes the Zika microbe, its mosquito hosts, and the disease it causes. A history of the virus and its migration are included, along with some details about the virus in the state of Florida and preventative measures people can take to avoid infection. The best way to avoid contracting Zika (and other mosquito-borne diseases) is not to get bitten in the first place. Take precautions to avoid mosquito bites.

De Compras Para la Salud: Mariscos

Sea Grant seafood app photography at Wild Ocean Market on Friday, August 24th, 2012. Fish.
El marisco es un término general para todo tip de pescados y mariscos (USDA 2010). Los mariscos son parte del “grupo de alimentos de proteína” de MyPlate y también proporciona otros nutrientes necesarios para una buena salud (USDA 2011). Como hay muchos beneficios para la salud associados con la inclusión de los mariscos en la dieta, se recomienda que los adultos consuman al menos ocho onzas de una variedad de mariscos cada semana. Mientras que comer más mariscos se recomienda como parte de una dieta saludable, es importante tener en cuenta su presupuesto al hacer compras de mariscos. Este artículo explica los beneficios para la salud de los mariscos y ofrece algunas estrategias para ahorrar dinero para hacer los mariscos más asequible. This four page fact sheet is the Spanish language version of http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/fs247, written by Michelle Brown and Wendy J. Dahl, and published by the Food Science and Human Nutrition Department.

Consejos para pleanear contra desastres para gente mayor

Through its Hurricane Preparedness for Hotels and Motels Program, the Florida Energy Extension Service helps the tourist industry keep guests safe during lightning storms.FY1462 is the Spanish language version of FY620, Disaster Planning Tips for Older Adults. This 4-page publication offers an abundance of information pertaining to water storage and use, food, first aid, important papers, electronics, medical needs, stress reduction, and evacuation which can help older adults plan for natural disasters and other emergencies. Written by Carolyn Wilken, Linda B. Bobroff, and Emily Minton, and published by the Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, May 2003.

Seguridad Alimentaria: Crucigrama de alimentos do alto riesgo

caesar salad Algunos alimentos pueden causar más enfermedades alimentarias que otros. La leche ó jugos no pasteurizados no son seguros para consumir. Alimentos que no han sido cocinados, como lo son los huevos crudos ó a medio cocinar son particularmente riesgosos.
This 2-page fact sheet is the Spanish language version of Food Safety: High-Risk Foods Crossword. Written by Jennifer Hillan and Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, June 2015. (Photo Credit: Catherine Yeulet/iStock/Thinkstock)

ENY860S/IN852 Los Mosquitos de Recipientes de Florida

ENY860S, a 5-page illustrated fact sheet by Jorge R. Rey and Roxanne R. Connelly, is the Spanish language version of ENY860/IN851 Florida Container Mosquitoes. It describes the types of container mosquitoes found in Florida and recommendations for control. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, August 2010.

FE838 Costos estimados de reemplazo de árboles de aguacate en plantaciones comerciales y patios en el sur de Florida

FE838, a 4-page fact sheet by Edward A. Evans and Jonathan H. Crane, is the Spanish language version of FE825 Estimates of the Replacement Costs of Commercial and Backyard Avocado Trees in South Florida. It discusses the projected costs to replace commercial and residential avocado trees in South Florida, due to the potential problems caused by the redbay-laurel wilt disease. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Food and Resource Economics, June 2010.

FCS8886Span/FY1137 Problemas particulares de seguridad alimentaria durante el embarazo

FCS8886Span, a 3-page fact sheet by Claudia Peñuela and Amy Simonne, is the Spanish language version of FCS8886/FY1136 Special Food Safety Issues during Pregnancy. It highlights special food safety issues for pregnant women: listeriosis, methylmercury, and toxoplasmosis. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, December 2009.

FCS2083Span/FY972 Pautas para cuidadores

FCS2083Span, a 5-page fact sheet by Suzanna Smith and Jennifer E. Gove, is a new Spanish language version of FCS2083/HE018 Guidelines for Caregivers. It provides guidelines for managing stress, maintaining health, and getting the help that is needed to better enjoy all parts of one’s life. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, October 2009.

FCS8599Span/FY659 Vida Saludable: Presión sanguínea alta

Revised! FCS8599Span, a 1-page illustrated fact sheet by Leigh Ann Martin and Linda B. Bobroff, is the Spanish language version of FCS8599/FY684 Healthy Living: High Blood Pressure. In brief it tells what high blood pressure is, what hypertension can cause, risks, how it afffects the arteries, and the importance of regular blood pressure check-ups. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, October 2009.

HS1160 Prácticas Culturales para la Producción Comercial de Fresas en Florida

HS1160, a 15-page illustrated Spanish language fact sheet by Bielinski M. Santos y Henner A. Obregón, describes strawberry production in Florida, its history, cultivar development and cultural practices. Published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, October 2009.

FCS8882-Span/FY1130 Vida Saludable: Monitoreando la presión arterial desde la casa

FCS8882Span, a 2-page fact sheet by Karla P Shelnutt, is the Spanish language version of FCS8882/FY1126 Healthy Living: Monitoring Your Blood Pressure at Home. It provides instructions and explanation of blood pressure readings, along with a blank blood pressure log. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, November 2009.

4HSFS101.1Spn/4H267 Entendiendo la Cultura de 4-H

4HS-FS101.1-Spn, a 2-page illustrated fact sheet by Marilyn N. Norman and Joy C. Jordan, is the Spanish language version of 4HS-FS101.1 Understanding 4-H Culture. It describes what 4-H is, the colors, pledge, motto, slogan, name and emblem. Published by the Florida 4-H Program, July 2009.

AN219 El Caballo Cracker de Florida

AN219, a 5-page illustrated fact sheet by Jorge Rey, is the Spanish language version of AN216: The Florida Cracker Horse. It describes this small breed of saddle horse designated “Florida’s Heritage Horse” by the Florida Legislature in 2008 — breed characteristics, history, current status, and events. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Animal Sciences, June 2009.

SSAGR17SP/AG328 Control de Brazilian Pepper-tree

SS-AGR-17-Sp, a 5-page illustrated fact sheet by Ken Gioeli and Ken Langeland, is the Spanish language version of SS-AGR-17/AA219 Brazilian Pepper Tree Control. It describes this shrub or small tree which is one of the most agressive non-native invaders of mangrove communities, and affecting nearly all terrestrial ecosystems in central and southern Florida — its history, habitat, identification, and control. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, March 2009.