Heart disease is the #1 cause of death among men and women within the United States. Heart disease is an umbrella term for the following heart conditions: angina; irregular heartbeats; heart attacks; heart failure; and stroke. This new 8-page publication of the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department describes the modifiable risk factors for heart disease and tips to reduce one’s risk for heart disease. Written by Elena B. Smith, Jodi Fitzgerald, Danielle Nelson, Madison Woodard, and Jeanette Andrade.
Tag: Meal Planning
The Mediterranean Lifestyle: The Power of Food
The Mediterranean diet dates back to the early 1960s, in which the population living among the Mediterranean basin, much of Greece and Southern Italy consumed high amounts of fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and unprocessed cereals with minimal consumption of meat. This dietary pattern has been shown to improve heart health, maintain weight, and reduce the risk for chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. This new 6-page publication discusses the Mediterranean dietary pattern and provides tips to incorporate this lifestyle into daily life, as well as sample recipes. Written by Charissa Lim, Alexa Hosey, Farah Tadros, Madison Woodard, and Jeanette Andrade, and published by the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department.
Reducing Your Risk for Type 2 Diabetes: The Power of Food
Type 2 diabetes is a medical condition where you have too much sugar in your blood. According to the Centers for Disease Control, nearly 1 in 10 adults have Type 2 diabetes and 1 in 3 adults have pre-diabetes. This new 14-page publication of the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department describes the modifiable risk factors for type 2 diabetes and tips to reduce your risk for diabetes. It also includes several example recipes. Written by Elena Torna, Jodi Fitzgerald, Danielle Nelson, Madison Woodard, and Jeanette Andrade.
Reducing Your Risk for Arthritis: The Power of Food
Arthritis is the swelling or tenderness of the joints, and one in four adults within the United States have been diagnosed with some type of it. Arthritis can happen because of genetics and aging, but other factors, such as diet and lifestyle, may contribute to it. This new 5-page publication of the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department describes the modifiable factors contributing to arthritis and tips to reduce risk for arthritis. It also includes some relevant recipe ideas. Written by Sarah Curl, Jodi Fitzgerald, Danielle Nelson, and Jeanette Andrade.
Reducing Your Risk for Cancer: The Power of Food
Cancer is the #2 cause of death within the United States, where 2 out of every 5 people will be diagnosed with some form of cancer within their lifetime. Forty-five percent of cancer deaths may have been caused by risk that factors that you can change, such as weight, diet, and lifestyle. This new 6-page publication describes the modifiable risk factors for cancer and tips to reduce your risk for cancer. Written by Jodi Fitzgerald, Danielle Nelson, Madison Woodard, and Jeanette Andrade, and published by the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department.
Planificacion de comidas para la diabetes: manejo de la ingesta de carbohidratos
Mantener una ingesta constante de carbohidratos durante todo el día es un método eficaz de planificación de comidas para ayudar a mantener su objetivo de niveles de glucosa en sangre. Los alimentos que contienen carbohidratos tienen el mayor efecto sobre los niveles de glucosa en sangre en comparación con los alimentos que contienen principalmente proteínas o grasas. Los carbohidratos en los alimentos que contribuyen a la glucosa en la sangre incluyen azúcares y almidones. Los alimentos que contienen carbohidratos se dividen en grupos según su similar contenido de carbohidratos por porción. La cantidad de carbohidratos que consuma se basa en sus objetivos de tratamiento de la diabetes y la tolerancia a los carbohidratos.
This new 2-page article is the Spanish translation of FSHN20-1/FS324, Diabetes Meal Planning: Managing Your Carbohydrate Intake, written by Nancy J. Gal and Wendy J. Dahl, translated by Daniela Rivero Mendoza, and published by the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department.
Planificacion de menu para adultos con diabetes
La nutrición, la actividad física y la medicación son los tres componentes principales de un plan de manejo de la diabetes. Según la Asociación Americana de Diabetes, no existe un plan específico de comidas para la diabetes. Si tiene diabetes, es importante desempeñar un papel activo en su autocontrol diario. Al trabajar con un Dietista Nutricionista Registrado (RDN), preferiblemente uno que sea un educador certificado en diabetes (CDE), puede desarrollar un plan de nutrición personalizado basado en sus objetivos de tratamiento, medicamentos y preferencias personales.
This new 2-page article is a translation of FSHN19-3/FS323, Meal Planning for Adults with Diabetes, written by Nancy J. Gal and Wendy J. Dahl, translated by Daniela Rivero Mendoza, and published by the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department.
Meal Planning for Adults with Diabetes
Nutrition, physical activity, and medication are the three main components of a diabetes management plan. According to the Americans Diabetes Association, there is no one diabetes meal plan; rather, it is a healthful eating pattern specifically designed to meet your individual needs. This new 2-page publication of the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department provides some basic tips for creating a personalized meal plan for adults with diabetes. Written by Nancy J. Gal and Wendy J. Dahl.
Diabetes Meal Planning: Managing Your Carbohydrate Intake
If you have diabetes, maintaining a consistent carbohydrate intake throughout the day is an effective meal-planning method to help maintain your target blood glucose levels. Foods that contain carbohydrates have the greatest effect on blood glucose levels compared to foods that contain primarily protein or fat. Carbohydrates in foods that contribute to blood glucose includes sugars and starches. The amount of carbohydrate you consume is based on your diabetes treatment goals and carbohydrate tolerance. This new 3-page publication of the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department, written by Nancy J. Gal and Wendy J. Dahl, provides a strategy for planning your daily menu to manage your carbohydrate intake.