Meal planning can help you control portion sizes and the amount of carbohydrates you eat throughout the day. This is especially important if you have diabetes or if you are at risk for the disease. The way you ‘create your plate’ to balance carbohydrates for blood glucose control is a bit different from the MyPlate recommendations. Let’s get started with this 2-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan and Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, August 2011.
Tag: Jennifer Hillan
Vida Saludable: ¡Reconozca el fraude! (FCS8585Span/FY097)
This 1-page handout is the Spanish language version of “Healthy Living for Elders: Spotting Quackery Word Search,” written by Jennifer Hillan and Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, September 2011.
Healthy Living: Diabetes Care during Sick Days (FCS8819/FY884)
When you are sick, your blood glucose levels are harder to regulate. Being sick often causes blood glucose levels to rise which can lead to serious health conditions. It’s important to have a plan on how to manage your sick days so you are prepared ahead of time. Read this 2-page fact sheet to learn more! Written by Jennifer Hillan and Emily Minton and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, August 2011. (Public domain photo by Stickpen)
Alimentación Saludable: Creando una comida sin tener quecocinar (FCS8692Span/FY692)
¿No tiene gana de cocinar? Utilice MiPlato para crear comidas balanceadas y que no necesitan cocinarse. This 1-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan y Emily Minton , and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2011.
Healthy Eating: Creating a No-Cook Meal (FCS8692/FY691)
Don’t feel like cooking? Use MyPlate to create well-balanced, no-cook meals. This 1-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan and Emily Minton and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2011.
Compare the Cost per Serving (FCS8718/FY408)
To find the best buy on certain foods, like meat, it’s important to compare the cost per serving. This 2-page fact sheet includes a table with servings per pound of various beef and chicken cuts, as well as examples of how to determine the price per serving. Written by Jennifer Hillan and Claudia Peñuela, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, June 2011. UF/IFAS Photo by Tom Wright.
Prevención de Caídas: Estilos de vida y riesgo de caídas (FCS2230Span/FY860)
There are many things that may cause you to fall, and you can change several of these. This 1-page Spanish-language fact sheet describes some easy changes you can make to decrease your risk of falling. Written by Linda B. Bobroff y Jennifer Hillan , and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, May 2011.
Los hechos acerca de la fibra (FCS8793SPAN/FY1226)
This 2-page fact sheet is the Spanish-language version of FCS8793/FY849, Facts About Fiber. Written by Jennifer Hillan, R. Elaine Turner, y Wendy J. Dahl , and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, May 2011.
¿Qué sabe sobre la fibra? (FCS8689Span/FY398)
¡La fibra a menudo llamada “roughage” o “bulk” es importante para la buena salud! Es bien conocido el hecho de que la fibra ayuda a bajar el colesterol en la sangre y algunas fibras ayudan a prevenir el estreñimiento. This 3-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan and Claudia Peñuela, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, December 2010.
Facts about Iron (FCS8704/FY217)
Iron is a mineral that is found in every cell in the body. It’s an important part of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to all the cells. Our cells use oxygen to make energy from the food we eat. Iron also is needed to keep the immune system healthy and help brain cells work normally. Learn the facts about this important mineral, with this 2-page fact sheet written by Linda B. Bobroff and Jennifer Hillan and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, December 2011.
Limitando los azúcares y las grasas añadidas (FCS8719Span/FY411)
Complete este crucigrama para aprender más sobre simples cambios que le ayudarán a limitar la cantidad de azúcares y grasas añadidas en su dieta. This 1-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan y Claudia Peñuela, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, October 2010.
Escoja el tamaño de su porción (FCS8661Span/FY264)
Desafortunadamente, no siempre hay tiempo o recursos a la mano como tazas o balanzas para ayudarle a medir los alimentos con precisión. Para visualizar estas cantidades se puede utilizar objetos de uso común. Este proceso puede ayudar a controlar la cantidad de alimentos que consume, conocido como el tamaño de su porción. Vea la Tabla 2 para ejemplos de lo que corresponde a una taza o una onza de cada grupo de alimentos.This 1-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan and Claudia Peñuela, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, February 2011.
Healthy Living: Hyperglycemia and Hypoglycemia (FCS8820/FY885)
If you have diabetes, you may experience low blood glucose levels (hypoglycemia) or high blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia) from time to time. Both can be serious if not treated. Therefore, it’s important to learn about hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia so you can prevent and treat them before they cause health problems. This revised 3-page fact sheet describes the causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of each of these conditions. Written by Jennifer Hillan and Emily Minton, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, March 2011.
¡Busque su desayuno! (FCS8717Span/FY407)
Esta búsqueda de la palabra incluye alimentos para el desayuno tradicional y no tradicional. Después de todas las palabras se encuentran, las letras no utilizadas revelar un mensaje oculto.
This 1-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan and Claudia Peñuela, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, March 2011.
Desayunos alrededor del mundo (FCS8714Span/FY402)
Este juego de correspondencias muestra alternativas para el desayuno americano típico de cereal, leche, jugo y pan tostado.This 1-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan and Claudia Peñuela, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, March 2011.
Healthy Living: Taking Care from Head to Toe (FCS8821/FY886)
If you have diabetes, pay special attention to your skin, eyes, teeth, gums, and feet. These areas are at increased risk for complications due to your diabetes. Read this 2-page fact sheet to learn how you can take care of your body from head to toe!
Written by Jennifer Hillan and Emily Minton, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, February 2011.
Vida Saludable: Cuidándose de la cabeza a los pies (FCS8821Span/FY912)
Si usted padece de diabetes, ponga especial atención a su piel, sus ojos, sus dientes, sus encías y sus pies. Estas áreas están en alto riesgo de complicaciones debido a la diabetes. ¡Lea la siguiente información para aprender cómo cuidar su cuerpo de la cabeza a los pies!
This 2-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan and Emily Minton, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, February 2011.
Almacenamiento de frutas y verduras (FCS8707Span/FY400)
Para mantener el sabor y la frescura siga estas instrucciones cuando almacene producto fresco y entero. This 1-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan and Claudia Peñuela, and published by the UF Department of Famiy Youth and Community Sciences, February 2011.
Vida Saludable: Examinando el nivel de glucosa en la sangre (FCS8811Span/FY908)
Examinar el nivel de glucosa en su sangre es una parte importante en el manejo de la diabetes. El conocer los valores de glucosa en su sangre le indica que tan eficiente está funcionando su plan de cuidado y si debe hacer algún cambio. This 2-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan and Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, February 2011.
Desayuno rapido (FCS8715Span/FY403)
¡Si su mamá le dijo que el desayuno era la comida más importante del día, ella tenía razón! El desayuno le da energía y le ayuda a mejorar la concentración y el estado de ánimo. Los niños que desayunan se comportan mejor y tienen un mejor rendimiento en la escuela. Puede que tenga la tentación de olvidar esta importante comida, pero después de leer las siguientes ideas para un desayuno rápido, usted dirá, ¡sí, tengo tiempo para tomar el desayuno! This revised 2-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan y Claudia Peñuela, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, February 2011.