Why treat the upper half of the water column when the weeds are only present in the lower half? This 4-page fact sheet describes the benefits of using the “bottom acre-foot method” of applying herbicides with weighted trailing hoses and details the construction of the weighted trailing hose system used by the University of Florida Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants.
Written by William T. Haller, Lyn A. Gettys, and Margaret S. Glenn, and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, August 2011.
Category: Pesticide Information
Rainfastness of Pesticides (PI238)
Generally, it is best to avoid pesticide application when rainfall is likely; however, weather can be unpredictable, so it is best to choose a product with good rainfast characteristics. Learn more in this 3-page fact sheet written by Bonnie Wells and F.M. Fishel, and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, August 2011.
The Role of the Codex Alimentarius in Determining International Standards for Pesticides and Food (PI237)
People have the right to expect their food to be safe, of good quality, and suitable for consumption, and national governments must ensure that food imported from other countries is safe. But laws and regulations to minimize threats can create barriers to international food trade. The Codex Alimentarius aims to facilitate international trade by promoting definitions and requirements for foods. This 3-page fact sheet was written by F.M. Fishel, and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, August 2011. (image from usda.gov)
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) of the Caribbean Crazy Ant, Nylanderia (=Paratrechina) pubens (Forel) (ENY2006/IN889)
Incidents of Caribbean crazy ant infestations are on the rise! These highly active ants are
annoying to residents and pets. And, they can cause short circuits and power outages if they infest electrical equipment. Learn how to identify and apply the principles of integrated pest management (IPM) to deal with these difficult pests in this 4-page fact sheet written by Dawn Calibeo and Faith Oi and published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, July 2011.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Reference Guide for Low-Volume Ground Citrus Applicators (CH203)
This 2-page fact sheet provides a table describing personal protective equipment requirements for several products used in citrus production. Written by S.H. Futch, L.L. Stelinski, M.E. Rogers, and J.D. Yates, and published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, July 2011.
Calibrating Equipment for Aquatic Herbicide Application (PI236)
Calibration is the process of measuring and adjusting equipment performance. It is not difficult, but it does require some math. This 12-page fact sheet provides standard formulas and conversion factors incorporated into practical examples to help with calibration. Written by F.M. Fishel and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, July 2011.
IRAC’s Insecticide Mode of Action Classification (PI83/PI121)
This 6-page fact sheet explains the rationale behind the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee’s (IRAC) insecticide and acaricide mode of action classification and provides a listing of those insecticide common names with their groupings and primary modes of action for insecticides currently registered in Florida. Written by Frederick M. Fishel and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, April 2011.
Pesticide Effects on Nontarget Organisms (PI85/PI122)
Pesticides are an integral part of agriculture as Florida's climate fosters an environment conducive to major pest outbreaks throughout the entire year. Our environment also is favorable for the development and presence of beneficial organisms that positively affect our agricultural production and enhance our wildlife and plant communities. This revised 7-page guide addresses the effects of various types of pesticides on nontarget organisms, including natural enemies and beneficial organisms, such as honeybees, wildlife, fish, and nontarget plants. Written by Frederick M. Fishel, and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, April 2011.
Considerations for Developing Effective Herbicide Prescriptions for Forest Vegetation Management (FOR273/FR335)
Developing a herbicide treatment prescription is a complex process that involves matching a suitable herbicide program with a specific silvicultural operation and an overall management objective. This 8-page fact sheet reviews important considerations in developing effective and environmentally sound herbicide recommendations for managing vegetation in forests. It is intended for use by private forest land owners, foresters, and other land managers. Written by Anna Osiecka and Patrick J. Minogue and published by the UF Department of School of Forest Resources and Conservation, May 2011.
Agricultural Pesticide Use in Florida: A Summary, 2007-2009 (PI235)
Commercial farms in Florida span over nine million acres and earn annual profits of more than $7.5 billion. High temperatures and heavy rainfall create heavy pest pressure that leads the majority of Florida farmers to rely upon pesticides for high-yielding, cost-effective crop production. This 4-page fact sheet lists top ten pesticides and the crops associated with this use, and also specifies the most common fungicides, insecticides, herbicides, and other pesticides.Written by Bonnie Wells and F.M. Fishel, and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, June 2011.
Integrated Pest Management Policy and Treatment Options for University Housing (IPM151/IN880)
The purpose of this manual is to train pest management technicians of the UF Department of Housing and Residence Education in integrated pest management (IPM). It includes the DOHRE IPM policy, specific IPM objectives, responsibilities of the DOHRE Senior IPM Technician, a flow chart of IPM actions, and requirements for using pesticides and associated recordkeeping. Pest-specific IPM options are provided for ants; bed bugs; bees and wasps; birds and bats; booklice, silverfish, and earwigs; cockroaches; flies; rodents; stored product pests; termites; and weeds. Selected references are provided, and there are forms for assuring service, pest surveillance, and record keeping. This 42-page training manual was written by Kevyn J. Juneau, Jennifer L. Gillett-Kaufman, Norman C. Leppla, Kirk W. Martin and A. Wayne Walker, and published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, February 2011.
Quick Reference Guide to Foliar Fungicides (PP275)
This revised 2-page reference guide provides quick access to foliar fungicide recommendations from the Florida Citrus Pest Management Guide. Verso provides guidelines for fungicide resistance management. Written by M. M. Dewdney and published by the UF Department of Plant Pathology, April 2011.
Pesticide Use Trends in the U.S.: A 25-Year U.S. Summary (PI142/PI179)
The EPA, in cooperation with the USDA and FDA, is responsible for regulating the production and use of pesticides in the U.S. This revised 8-page fact sheet provides data on volumes used and sales of pesticides from EPA survey data available for the 25-year period, 1982 – 2007. Written by F.M. Fishel and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, February 2011.
Pesticide Use Trends in the U.S.: Pesticides for Industrial/Commercial/Governmental Uses (PI141/PI178)
This revised 4-page fact sheet focuses on pesticides used by the industrial/commercial/governmental market sector, providing data on volumes used and sales of pesticides from the latest EPA survey data available, 2006 – 2007. Written by F.M. Fishel, and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, February 2011.
Pesticide Use Trends in the U.S.: Agricultural Pesticides (PI139/PI176)
This revised 4-page fact sheet focuses on the agricultural pesticides market sector, providing data on volumes used and sales of pesticides from the latest EPA survey data available, 2006 – 2007. Written by F.M. Fishel, and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, February 2011.
Pesticide Use Trends in the U.S.: Pesticides for Home and Garden Uses (PI140/PI177)
This 4-page fact sheet focuses on the market sector for pesticides used for the home and garden, providing data on volumes used and sales of pesticides from the latest EPA survey data available, 2006 – 2007. Written by F.M. Fishel, and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, February 2011.
When Cleaning Products Are Pesticides (PI233)
Did you know that cleaning products, such as bleach and disinfectants, can be considered pesticides? This 3-page fact sheet describes the EPA’s interpretation of cleaning product label language, including examples of cleaning product claims that are considered pesticidal, that are considered not pesticidal, and that may or may not be pesticidal depending on the context in which they are presented. It was written by F. M. Fishel and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, January 2011.
Boom Sprayer Nozzle Performance Test (PI23/PI015)
Calibration is adjusting equipment to determine the amount of material being applied to the target area. This 4-page fact sheet explains why equipment needs to be calibrated and how to test calibration of boom sprayer nozzles. Written by F.M. Fishel and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, February 2011.
PI232 Managing Pesticide Drift
PI232, a 17-page illustrated guide by F. M. Fishel and J. A. Ferrell, discusses factors influencing drift and provides
common-sense solutions for minimizing potential drift problems. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, September 2010.
CIR1239/PI037 Florida Crop/Pest Management Profiles: Strawberry
REVISED! CIR1239, a 9-page illustrated fact sheet by Mark A. Mossler, describes the Florida strawberry industry and outlines the potential pests of strawberry and their various methods of control. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, July 2010.