AN228 The Florida Bull Test 2008-2009

AN228, a 5-page fact sheet by G. Cliff Lamb, reports on this performance test and breeding soundness evaluation conducted in 2008-2009 — procedures, rules and regulations, results, and sale summary. Includes 2009-2010 test dates and a table of individual animal performance. Published by the UF Department of Animal Sciences, October 2009.

AN227 An Overview of the Florida Bull Test

AN227, a 3-page fact sheet by G. Cliff Lamb, describes this test designed as an educational aid for the improvement of beef cattle, its history since inception in 2000, and summarizes the consignors, bulls, breeds, performance and sale averages of all previous Florida Bull Tests. Published by the UF Department of Animal Sciences, October 2009.

AN224 Mineral Concentrations in Grazed Cool-Season Annual Grass Pastures in North Florida

AN224, a 3-page illustrated fact sheet by Bob Myer, G. Chelliah, Lee McDowell, Nancy Wilkinson, Ann Blount, and Cheryl Mackowiak, describes information gained from a mineral study component of four-year grazing study at NFREC Beef Unit, to measure monthly concentrations of selected minerals in forage during the late fall-winter-spring grazing season in north Florida. Published by the UF Department of Animal Science, August 2009.

SL292/SS505 Soil pH and Liming Issues Affecting Bahiagrass Pasture

Revised! SL-292 (formerly SS-AGR-29), a 5-page fact sheet by M. Silveira, J. Vendramini, J. E. Rechcigl and M. B. Adjei, presents results of research conducted to evaluate the long-term effect of liming and N fertilization on dry matter yields, nutritive value, and ground cover of bahiagrass pastures. Includes liming and fertilization recommendations for grazing conditions in south-central Florida flatwoods. Published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, September 2009.

SL293/SS506 Using Composted Poultry Manure (Litter) in Mulched Vegetable Production

SL-293, a 9-page illustrated fact sheet by George Hochmuth, Robert Hochmuth, and Rao Mylavarapu, answers vegetable producers’ questions about what poultry manure and litter are, what plant nutrients they contain, considerations for using them, results of research in Florida, how to use it in a mulched-bed system, and how to collect and submit for testing poultry manure samples. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, October 2009.

AN223 Triticale as a Forage Crop for the Southeastern United States

AN223, a 5-page fact sheet by Bob Myer, Ann Blount, Cheryl Mackowiak, and Ron Barnett, reintroduces this man-made cross of wheat and rye that has potential as a grain crop or forage crop in the Southeastern United States — results of forage yield trials, present status as forage, nutritional value, and recommended varieties. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Animal Sciences, August 2009.

SSAGR320/AG330 Limpograss (Hemarthria altissima) Overview and Management

SS-AGR-320, an 8-page illustrated fact sheet by Yoana Newman, Joao Vendramini, Lynn E. Sollenberger, and Ken Quesenberry, describes this warm-season perennial grass that is well adapted to flatwoods sites in Florida — history and released cultivars, yield, nutritive values, animal performance, planting, management, utilization, and insects and plant diseases. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, August 2009.

ENY251/IG050 External Parasites of Dairy Cattle

Revised! ENY-251, a 23-page fact sheet by P. E. Kaufman, P. G. Koehler and J. F. Butler, describes the biology and management of the most important external parasites of dairy cattle in Florida. Includes references and tables of pesticide information. Published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, May 2009.

ENY281/IG135 Management of External Parasites with Forced-Use Dust Bags

Revised! ENY-281, a 7-page illustrated fact sheet by P. E. Kaufman, P. G. Koehler and J. F. Butler, describes this safe, economical, and effective technique for managing external parasites on cattle in Florida — background, directions for hanging commercial dust bags, safety, cost of treatment, and effectiveness. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, April 2009.

AN219 El Caballo Cracker de Florida

AN219, a 5-page illustrated fact sheet by Jorge Rey, is the Spanish language version of AN216: The Florida Cracker Horse. It describes this small breed of saddle horse designated “Florida’s Heritage Horse” by the Florida Legislature in 2008 — breed characteristics, history, current status, and events. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Animal Sciences, June 2009.

SSAGR94/AG162 General Guidelines for Managing Pastures for Dairy Cows

Revised! SS-AGR-94, a 4-page illustrated fact sheet by L. E. Sollenberger, Y.C. Newman, and J.M.B. Vendramini, is part of the Florida Forage Handbook. It answers dairy producers’ questions about managing pasture as a major source of nutrients for milking cows — soil testing and pasture fertilization, choice of forage species, and grazing strategies. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, June 2009.

SSAGR93/AG161 Factors Affecting Forage Quality

Revised! SS-AGR-93, a 5-page illustrated fact sheet by A. T. Adesogan, L. E. Sollenberger, Y.C. Newman, and J.M.B. Vendramini, discusses forage quality and factors affecting intake and nutritive value. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, June 2009.

SSAGR322/AG332 Defining Forage Quality

SS-AGR-322, a 6-page illustrated fact sheet by Yoana C. Newman, Adegbola T. Adesogan, Joao Vendramini and Lynn Sollenberger, defines forage quality, changes in forage quality, and what information can be obtained from commercial laboratory analyses. Includes reference. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, June 2009.

SSAGR321/AG331 Pasture Aeration

SS-AGR-321, a 2-page illustrated fact sheet by Joao Vendramini and Maria Silveira, presents the results of research conducted at the Range Cattle Research and Education Center in Ona to test the efficiency of aeration in increasing forage production on soils typical in Florida. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, May 2009.