What Is Biting You? (ENY2015/IN926)

posterWhy are you itchy? Identify the problem pest with this handy poster written by E. E. Harlow, C. A. McNeill, R. W. Baldwin, R. M. Pereira, P. G. Koehler, and J. C. Medley, and published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, April 2012.

Florida 4-H Treasurer’s Manual and Record Book (4HGCR02/4H012)

book coverSo you’ve been elected treasurer of your 4-H club! This 36-page record book will help guide you in your duties and responsibilities, and will be the official financial record of your club. Written by Joy Jordan and published by the UF Department of 4-H Youth Development, March 2012.

Engaging Youth in the Environment through the Florida Land Judging Program (SL362/SS563)

Florida 4-H and FFA students observe characteristics of soil profiles during the Florida 4-H/FFA Land Judging Contest.The Florida 4-H/FFA Land Judging Contest is steeped in a tradition of enthusiastic participation, challenging science, and dynamic field conditions. Learn more in this 3-page fact sheet written by Amy L. Shober, L. Rex Ellis, Edward A. Hanlon, and Christine Wiese, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, November 2011.

Best Practice Checklist for Management of a Swine Show for Youth (AN274)

Figure 3. Pig behavior and handling diagram.The management team for a swine show for youth should have a plan to manage the facilities, pigs, and personnel in a way that allows the show to be as stress-free and educational as possible. This 3-page fact sheet includes a checklist of information about unloading pigs, the size of the show ring, and pig handling training so that show managers know how to prepare for their show. Written by Chad Carr and Justin Crosswhite, and published by the UF Department of Animal Science, December 2011.

Conducting a Successful Livestock Show for Youth (AN268)

youth showing a hogWant to plan a livestock show for youth that will serve as the educational summit of the livestock project experience? Make sure the entire event is as stress-free as possible for the livestock, youth exhibitors, their families, and show management and as educational as possible for youth exhibitors, their families, and all public spectators. Consider the recommendations in this 4-page fact sheet written by Chad Carr, Justin Crosswhite, Jennifer Shike, and Heather Shultz, and published by the UF Department of Animal Science, December 2011.

Rules and Scorecard Grading Policies for the Annual Florida 4-H/FFA Land Judging Contest (SL144/SS195)

evaluation scorecardsThis 11-page fact sheet outlines the rules of the annual Florida 4-H/FFA Land Judging Contest and guides participants in correctly completing the Land Judging and Homesite Evaluation scorecards. Written by Amy L. Shober, L. Rex Ellis, Christine Wiese, Edward A. Hanlon, Randy B. Brown, and J.H. Herbert, Jr., and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, November 2011.

Public Speaking (WC115)

4-H Congress gives the youth of Florida the chance to practice their public speaking skills.Knowing what to say and how to say it are foundational skills for all leaders; therefore, people promoting the agricultural industry need to know how to speak in face-to-face situations. This 3-page fact sheet shares the basics about gathering information and organizing, writing, and delivering speeches. Written by Ricky Telg and published by the UF Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, August 2011.

Public Speaking Tools (WC117)

A graphic, photograph, or chart may be easier to understand than someone's vocal description of a topic.When making a public speech, there are various tools at your disposal: vocal delivery, body language, visual aids, audience engagement, and the method of delivery. This 3-page fact sheet provides some suggestions about how to make good use of these tools. Written by Ricky Telg, and published by the UF Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, August 2011.

Utilizing Basic Digital Photography Techniques on the Farm (WC110)

donkey in diagonal rows of hay roundsThis 3-page fact sheet focuses on plant and livestock photography and caption writing and outlines tips for taking digital photographs on the farm using a basic digital or cell phone camera. Written by Ricky Telg, Carly Barnes, and Adrienne Boyette, and published by the UF Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, August 2011.

Florida 4-H Project Leader Guide (4HGCL22/4H316)

Adult volunteers who share knowledge and skills with youth as project leaders and mentors are critical to the success of 4-H. This 20-page guide provides an overview of the standards that guide the development and delivery of 4-H projects. For volunteers new to being a Florida 4-H Project Leader, the contents of this guide cover the basics of elements of 4-H that every project leader should learn. Written by Georgene Bender, Joy C. Jordan, Amanda Thein, Sarah Hensley, and Karen Henry, and published by the UF Department of 4-H Youth Development, March 2011.

Investigating the Fungus Among Us: A 4-H Educational Curriculum on Mold (4HHLL70/4H311)

This unit investigates both the benefits and the dangers of mold or mold-based products. By completing the activities in each of the five lessons, youth (grades 5-8) will examine the positive and negative attributes of mold, the conditions that promote mold growth, and how growth can cause illness. They will also learn methods used to deal with mold growth in the home. This 58-page curriculum was written by Jessica Kochert and Joy Jordan, and published by the UF Department of 4-H Youth Development, March 2011.

Florida 4-H Cloverbuds: A Programming Guide for Staff and Volunteers (4HGCL23/4H317)

4-H Cloverbuds, age 5-7, have unique learning characteristics and developmental needs that are different from older members. As a result, the 4-H Cloverbuds program is designed with specific educational objectives and program policies focused on the 5–7 year-old child. This 36-page fact sheet was written by Joy C. Jordan, Kate Fogarty, Tracy Tesdall, and Renée Gore, and published by the UF Department of 4-H Youth Development, March 2011.

Rabbits, Rabbits, Rabbits: Online Record Books

These online record books familiarize youth with the importance of record keeping as an integral part of project management. By tracking inventory, financial records associated with their project, rabbit health and grooming details, and related information, youth will be well prepared to relate their experiences in a written narrative as part of their project completion activities. Written by Joy Jordan, Loretta Rodriguez, Jessica Kochert, Bill Heltemes, Chris Decubellis, and Renée Gore, and published by the UF Department of 4-H Youth Development, March 2011.

4-H Horse and Pony Lease (4HHSF01/4H318)

In the Florida 4-H Horse Lease Program, the same animal may be leased by up to three 4-H members and all Lessees must conform to the requirements of the Florida 4-H Equine Program. This revised 7-page publication contains the forms that might be needed for one 4-H’er to lease a horse: a page of instructions, a page of advice, the 3-page lease form, and 2 copies of the addendum (if up to two others are sharing Horse). Written by E.L. Johnson and Wendy DeVito, and published by the UF Department of 4-H Youth Development, March 2011.

Should We Use Wood for Energy? A High School Unit (FOR270/FR332)

As communities across the South explore options for reducing carbon emissions with renewable energy resources, local wood may become an attractive possibility. Whether using wood for energy is a good idea and how communities go about deciding whether to build a facility depends upon community residents’ understanding of energy sources, biomass supply and cost, and forest management. This high school unit helps students gain knowledge and skills for making decisions about woody biomass. This 210-page curriculum was written by Jessica Tomasello Ireland, Martha C. Monroe, and Annie Oxarart, and published by the UF Department of School of Forest Resources and Conservation, September 2010.

Develop Your Public Speaking Skills: Tips for Beginning Speakers, Speech Coaches, and Judges (AEC341/WC023)

Developing effective public speaking skills is one of the most valuable benefits young people can derive from participation in 4-H, FFA, and other youth groups. This revised 7-page fact sheet pulls together advise from textbooks and references on public speaking as well as actual critiques from judges of public speaking competitions to provide guidance that is both consistent with accepted practice for public speakers and relevant to the problems faced by young speakers in a competitive setting. It was written by Marshall H. Breeze, Rick D. Rudd, Gregory T. Gifford, and Catherine W. Shoulders, and published by the UF Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, January 2011.

Forensic Entomology (4HENL41/4H310)

Forensics is a hot topic, with many movies and popular television shows (such as “CSI”) introducing youth to the tools, processes, and critical thinking skills needed to solve various crimes. Within this world, insects have a growing presence. The field of forensic entomology focuses on the information that insects provide investigators about the time, location, and criminal negligence within a wide variety of criminal cases. This curriculum is a tool for teaching youth grades 6–8 about the contributions that insects make to the world of forensics. This three-week series of lesson activities is designed for use in after-school programs, summer day camps, and 4-H clubs. However, this package also includes the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards for teachers within formal classroom settings. It was written by Erika Andersen and Russell Mizell with Jessica Kochert and Joy Jordan, and published by the UF Department of 4-H Youth Development, January 2011.

A Guide to the Florida 4-H Council (4HGCM12/4H315)

A 4-H Council at county, district, and state levels is one of the tools the 4-H Program uses to provide educational experiences for youth. A Council is an elected representative group of 4-H members who meet, discuss, plan, and assist in carrying out 4-H programs and activities in the interest of the total membership. The Council provides links between local clubs or groups and County 4-H Programs, County Programs and District 4-H Programs, and District Programs and State 4-H Programs.
This revised 20-page guide, written by J.A. Rutledge, Joy C. Jordan, Wendi Armstrong, and Tracy Tesdall, includes the consitution, bylaws, annual calendar, and 4-H pledge. Published by the UF Department of 4-H Youth Development, January 2011.

4-H SAVE: Steps in Achieving Viable Energy project

The 4-H SAVE project is a new energy education curriculum for youth, ages 11 to 13, taking them on a journey through the exciting world of energy. Three different modules are available within this curriculum:

  • 4H EGM 50—SAVE Youth Book is an independent project book that guides youth through study of four major themes—forms, sources, uses, and impacts of energy in our lives.
  • 4H EGL 60—the SAVE Leader/Helper Guide supplements the Youth Book for club and individual projects.
  • 4H EGL 61—the SAVE Teacher Edition has been created to help teachers and leaders in group settings and includes a series of nine additional experiential activities.