Bacterial Black Spot (BBS) of Mango in Florida

Mangos on trees. Photo taken 06-27-18.  Photo Credits:  UF/IFAS Photo by Tyler Jones

Bacterial black spot, caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas citri pv. mangiferaeindicae, is a relatively new (~2015) bacterial disease in Florida that has the potential to limit mango production of some cultivars. This new 6-page fact sheet provides the current knowledge and status of the disease potential on various cultivars. Written by Jonathan Crane and Romina Gazis, and published by the UF/IFAS Horticultural Sciences Department.

Manual de Prácticas para el Mejor Manejo Postcosecha del Mango (HS1190/HS1190)

This 78-page spanish-language manual includes quality-control procedures to use when monitoring the maturity and quality of mangos in commercial handling operations. It was written by Jeffrey K. Brecht, Steven A. Sargent, Adel A. Kader, Elizabeth J. Mitcham, Fernando Maul, Patrick E. Brecht, Octavio Menocal, and published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, January 2011.

HS1185 Mango Postharvest Best Management Practices Manual

HS1185, a 73-page illustrated monograph by Jeffrey K. Brecht, Steven A. Sargent, Adel A. Kader, Elizabeth J. Mitcham, Fernando Maul, Patrick E. Brecht, Octavio Menocal, is the best management practices manual for harvesting and handling mangos marketed in the U.S. The manual includes quality-control procedures to use when monitoring the maturity and quality of mangos in commercial handling operations. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, December 2010.

FE790 Tendencias Recientes en la Producción, Comercio y Consumo de Mango en el Mundo y en los Estados Unidos

FE790 is the Spanish language version of FE718, “Recent Trends in World and U.S. Mango Production, Trade, and Consumption,” a 7-page article by Edward A. Evans. It summarizes some of the recent trends in world and U.S. mango production, trade, and consumption. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Food and Resource Economics, August 2008.