Bebidas nutricionales suplementarias: Las necesito?

Las bebidas nutricionales suplementarias a menudo se usan en hospitales y hogares de adultos para ayudar a nutrir a quienes pueden comer mal y han perdido peso debido a una enfermedad o falta de apetito. Más recientemente, las bebidas nutricionales están disponibles para la compra de los consumidores. Ejemplos de bebidas o batidos nutricionales suplementarios comunes son Ensure® y Boost®. Esta publicación explora la pregunta que muchos adultos mayores se hacen: “¿Necesito bebidas nutricionales suplementarias?”
This new 3-page publication of the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department is a Spanish translation of FSHN18-12/FS315, Supplemental Nutrition Drinks: Do I Need Them? Written by Claire Marie Fassett, Nancy J. Gal, and Wendy J. Dahl, and translated by Daniela Rivero Mendoza.

Supplemental Nutrition Drinks: Do I Need Them?

Supplemental nutrition drinks are often used in hospitals and adult care homes to help nourish those who may be eating poorly. More recently, these drinks have become available for purchase by consumers. This 2-page publication explores the question that many older adults ask: “Do I need supplemental nutrition drinks?” Written by Claire Marie Fassett, Nancy J. Gal, and Wendy J. Dahl and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, August 2018.

Raising Healthy Children: Age Five

Alachua County kindergarten students touch a 2-month-old calf during the annual dairy-day event held at the University of Florida's Dairy Science Unit in Hague, Friday - Dec. 12, 2003. Children tour the facility, learn about dairy production and even enjoy some ice cream. Students in UF's College of Agricultural and Life Sciences organized the event.

This publication is designed to give you some information about the social, mental, and physical development of your five-year-old child. This new 5-page fact sheet discusses nutrition, eating behaviors, healthy food options, cooking activities, and physical activity. Written by Claire Marie Fassett and Karla P. Shelnutt, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, January 2018.