FCS8900, a 4-page illustrated fact sheet by Anghela Z. Paredes and Karla P. Shelnutt, provides parents with some guidance to incorporate healthier options into meals when dining at restaurants. Published by the UF Family Youth and Community Sciences, May 2010.
Category: Children
FCS8902/FY1154 Raising Healthy Children: The Role of Snacking
FCS8902, a 4-page fact sheet by Julie M. Martinez and Karla P. Shelnutt, teaches parents the importance of snacking for children and how to provide healthier options. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, May 2010.
FCS8901/FY1153 Raising Healthy Children: Begin with Breakfast
FCS8901, a 4-page fact sheet by Rebecca A. Clinton and Karla P. Shelnutt, helps parents choose healthful breakfast foods for their families and gives tips on how to make breakfast a healthy habit. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, May 2010.
PI226 Children and Pesticides
PI226, a 3-page illustrated fact sheet by F.M. Fishel, outlines some facts and basic precautionary measures regarding children and pesticides in the home environment. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, March 2010.
FCS8889/FY1140 Raising Healthy Children: Age Two
FCS8889, a 4-page illustrated fact sheet by Anghela Z. Paredes and Karla P. Shelnutt, provides general guidelines for parents of two-year olds in nutrition, physical activity, and language and social development. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, January 2010.
FCS8888/FY1139 Raising Healthy Children: Age One
FCS8888, a 4-page illustrated fact sheet by Anghela Z. Paredes and Karla P. Shelnutt, provides general guidelines for parents of one-year olds in nutrition, physical activity, and language and social development. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, January 2010.
FCS8890/FY1141 Raising Healthy Children: Age Three
FCS8890, a 4-page illustrated fact sheet by Anghela Z. Paredes and Karla P. Shelnutt, provides general guidelines for parents of three-year olds in nutrition, physical activity, and developmental milestones. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, January 2010.
FCS8891/FY1142 Raising Healthy Children: Introducing New Foods to Your Preschooler
FCS8891, a 3-page illustrated fact sheet by Julie M. Martinez and Karla P. Shelnutt, discusses different ways to encourage children to try and accept new foods. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, January 2010.
FCS2006/HE860 Talking With Your Child
Revised! FCS2006, a 3-page illustrated fact sheet by Kate Fogarty, Evelyn Rooks-Weir, and Millie Ferrer-Chancy, gives parents suggestions of ways to help their children’s language skills to develop. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, November 2009.
FCS2138/HE138 Learning to Be a Father: How is it done? Isn’t there a manual somewhere?
Revised! FCS2138, a 5-page fact sheet by Kate Fogarty and Garret D. Evans, discusses ways men can learn how to be good fathers. Includes recommended resources in English and Spanish, and references. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, November 2009.
FCS2137/HE137 The Hidden Benefits of Being an Involved Father
Revised! FCS2137, a 5-page fact sheet by Kate Fogarty and Garret D. Evans, describes the benefits for children, fathers, and families when the father is more involved with his children. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, November 2009.
FCS2140/HE140 The Common Roles of Fathers: The Five Ps
Revised! FCS2140, a 4-page fact sheet by Kate Fogarty and Garret D. Evans, outlines five roles fathers tend to use to define themselves: participator/problem-solver, playmate, principled guide, provider and preparer. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, November 2009.
FCS2141/HE141 Being an Involved Father: What Does It Mean?
Revised! FCS2141, a 5-page fact sheet by Kate Fogarty and Garret D. Evans, explores the meaning of “involvement” for fathers, and provides some strategies for having healthy and involved relationships with one’s children. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, November 2009.
FCS8726/FY457 Breastfeeding: Benefits for Babies, Mothers, and Society
Revised! FCS8726, a 2-page fact sheet by Claudia Peñuela and Jennifer Hillan, lists the benefits for breastfeeding for babies, mothers, and society. Includes tips for breastfeeding and references. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, August 2009.
FCS8726Span/FY458 Lactancia Materna: Beneficios para los bébes, las madres, y la sociedad
Revised! FCS8726-Span, a 2-page fact sheet by Claudia Peñuela and Jennifer Hillan, is the Spanish language version of FCS8726/FY457 Breastfeeding: Benefits for Babies, Mothers and Society. It lists the benefits for breastfeeding for babies, mothers, and society. Includes tips for breastfeeding and references. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, August 2009.
FCS7241/FY1110 Teens and Media Use: Cell Phones – What’s the Plan?
FCS7241, a 5-page fact sheet by Michael S. Gutter, Selena Garrison, and Marina Fayer, assists family communication about wants and needs for cell phone features and plans, with checklists to help decide on the best options. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, September 2009.
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren series
Revised and Expanded! FCS2186-2191, a series of 1-4 page fact sheets by Millie Ferrer-Chancy, Larry Forthun, and Angela Falcone, with contributions by Joe Pergola and Maisie Ross, addresses challenges and issues grandparents may encounter when raising grandchildren. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, August 2009.
- FCS2186/FY427 Understanding Reasons for Misbehavior
- FCS2186a/FY1112 A Crash Course in Child Development
- FCS2187/FY429 Guidance and Discipline
- FCS2188/FY431 Tips for Navigating the System
- FCS2188a/FY1125 Financial Assistance
- FCS2188b/FY1123 Health Care Assistance
- FCS2188c/FY1124 School and Educational Assistance
- FCS2189/FY433 Custody Options
- FCS2190/FY435 Understanding Relationships
- FCS2190a/FY1113 Characteristics of Strong Families
- FCS2191/FY437 Building Strong Families
- FCS2191a /FY1114Taking Care of Yourself
FCS2300/FY1111 Teething: Symptoms and Remedies
FCS-2300, a 3-page illustrated fact sheet by Nila Lenna and Eboni J. Baugh, provides research-based information about the teething process. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, September 2009.
WEC263/UW308 How To Make a Treefrog House
WEC-263, a 3-page illustrated fact sheet by Monica E. McGarrity and Steve A. Johnson, provides simple instructions for children to make, decorate and monitor a treefrog house. Published by the UF Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, June 2009.
FCS2297/FY1086Helping Teens Answer the Question “Who Am I?”: Gender Role and Identity Development in Male Adolescence through Early Adulthood
FCS-2297, a 3-page fact sheet by Rosemary V. Barnett and Stephanie Bates Galligan, focuses on gender role as it relates to identity development in male adolescents and emerging adults. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, May 2009.