AN246 El Ganado Cracker de Florida

AN246, a 4-page illustrated fact sheet by Jorge R. Rey, is the Spanish language version of AN240: Florida Cracker Cattle. It describes this small to moderately-sized breed of cattle descended from the original cattle brought to Florida by the Spanish in the 1500s — history, breed characteristics, beef, organizations, and contacts. Published by the UF Department of Animal Sciences, July 2010.

AN244 Winter Feed Estimator: A Practical Tool for the Beef Cow-Calf Producer

AN244, a 3-page fact sheet by Mark Warren, Ed Jennings, and Matt Hersom, provides a simple approach for estimating dry matter feed requirements of the beef herd and then converting those requirements into an estimate of required hay or silage round rolls. Published by the UF Department of Animal Science, June 2010.

AN237 Introduction to Pasture-Raised Poultry: Maximizing Foraging Behavior

AN237, a 5-page illustrated fact sheet by Brad Burbaugh, Elena Toro, and Abel Gernat, discusses foraging behavior, pasture management, pasture rotation, and other benefits of foraging. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Animal Science, April 2010.

AN241 Wet Brewers Grains for Beef Cattle

AN241, a 4-page fact sheet by Megan Thomas, Matt Hersom, Todd Thrift, and Joel Yelich, describes this by-product of the beer-brewing industry — feed characterstics, considerations for use, and feeding guidelines. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Animal Sciences, May 2010.

AN240 Florida Cracker Cattle

AN240, a 4-page illustrated fact sheet by Jorge R. Rey, describes this small to moderately-sized breed of cattle descended from the original cattle brought to Florida by the Spanish in the 1500s — history, breed characteristics, beef, organizations, and contacts. Published by the UF Department of Animal Sciences, May 2010.

AN239 Basic Guide for the Backyard Chicken Flock

AN239, a 4-page illustrated fact sheet by Derek L. Barber, provides basic information for small-farm owners about brooding, housing, feed and water, nesting, breeds of chickens, and hatcheries, for starting a backyard flock. Published by the UF Department of Animal Science, April 2010.

SSAGR87/AG267 Forage Grass Tolerance to Pasture Herbicides

Revised! SS-AGR-87, a 2-page illustrated fact sheet by Brent A. Sellers and Jason A. Ferrell, describes the tolerance of forage cultivars grown in Florida to herbicides currently registered for use in pastures. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, May 2010.

AN188 Total Protein Requirements of Beef Cattle III: Match the Diet to the Cattle Requirements

Revised! AN188, a 3-page fact sheet by Matt Hersom and Jeffrey N. Carter, provides realistic examples from different productive states to demonstrate the function of rumen microorganisms and the differences in the nutrient profile of feedstuffs. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Animal Sciences, April 2010.

AN167 Total Protein Requirements of Beef Cattle I: The Rumen and Microorganisms

Revised! AN167, a 2-page illustrated fact sheet by Matt Hersom and Jeffrey N. Carter, describes the unique role of microorganisms in the nutrition of beef cattle and other ruminants. Published by the UF Department of Animal Sciences, April 2010.

AN168 Total Protein Requirement of Beef Cattle II: Protein Components

Revised! AN168, a 3-page fact sheet by Matt Hersom and Jeffrey N. Carter, provides information on protein components and the qualitative differences in the value of the protein in various feedstuffs. Published by the UF Department of Animal Sciences, April 2010.

VM177/VM139 Colic in Horses

VM-177, a 4-page fact sheet by Amanda M. House, discusses this disease symptom which is the number one cause of death in horses, what it is and what things cause it, gastric ulcers, treatment and prevention. Includes references. Published by the UF College of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, March 2009.

AN233 Managing Beef Cow Efficiency

AN233, a 6-page illustrated fact sheet by Travis D. Maddock and G. Cliff Lamb, discusses three key points for managing beef cow efficiency — cow weight, milking potential, and body condition score.
Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Animal Sciences, February 2010.

AN234 Perennial Peanut: Forage Nutritional Composition and Feeding Value

AN234, a 6-page fact sheet by Bob Myer, Lori Warren, Juliet Eckert, Dennis Hancock, Ann Blount, and Clay Olson, summarizes nutritional composition data and results of animal feeding studies, including studies with horses. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Animal Sciences, February 2010.