Managing Thrips and Tospoviruses in Tomato (ENY859/IN895)

Placing tomato flowers in vials with 70 % alcoholSeveral invasive species of thrips have established in Florida and are causing serious economic losses to vegetable, ornamental, and agronomic crops. Damage to crops results from thrips feeding and egg-laying injury, by the thrips vectoring of plant diseases, the cost of using control tactics, and the loss of pesticides due to resistance. This 12-page fact sheet describes the biology and ecology of thrips and tomato spotted wilt virus, and recommends a management program. Written by Joe Funderburk, Stuart Reitz, Steve Olson, Phil Stansly, Hugh Smith, Gene McAvoy, Ozan Demirozer, Crystal Snodgrass, Mathews Paret, and Norm Leppla, and published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, August 2011.

Tomato Varieties for Florida: Florida ‘Red Rounds,’ Plum, Cherries, and Grapes (HS1189)

Tomatoes were introduced to European culture more than a hundred years before Linnaeus developed the binomial system of naming plants. After a brief discussion of the scientific naming of tomato and tomato varieties, the tables in this 13-page fact sheet provide a guide to varieties used in Florida listing the companies selling each, growing season, characteristics of plant and fruit, disease resistance, and other comments, separated by regional adaptation. Written by Monica Ozores-Hampton, Gene McAvoy, Stephen Olson, Kent Cushman, and Nancy Roe , and published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, March 2011.

HS1156 Review of Nutrient Management Systems for Florida Vegetable Producers

HS1156, a 17-page white paper from the UF/IFAS Vegetable Fertilizer Task Force, identifies differences between actual fertilization practices and UF/IFAS fertilizer recommendations, especially for vegetables grown with subsurface (Central and South Florida) and overhead (Miami-Dade County) irrigation. The recommendations of the VFTF aim at bridging the gaps between science-based results and the diversity in production systems found in the Florida vegetable industry. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, April 2009.

ENY-678/EP128 A Low Input, Sustainable Production System for Fresh Market Tomatoes

Revised! ENY-678, a 6-page illustrated fact sheet by Jim Rich, Fred Rhoads and Steve Olson, describes a system using disease resistant plant cultivars and sod-based rotation systems to replace or augment chemical alternatives to methyl bromide. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, May 2008.