L’extrait de vanille est populaire dans le monde entier comme ingrédient dans la crème glacée et divers autres desserts. La source botanique de l’extrait de vanille provient principalement des gousses durcies (préparées) de l’espèce Vanilla planifolia. Les États-Unis sont les plus grands importateurs mondiaux de gousses de vanille, mais la production nationale est très faible. Toutefois, le sud de la Floride a un potentiel de production favorable á la culture de la vanille. Ce document contient des informations utiles aux producteurs intéressés par l’établissement d’une vanillerie.
This is the French version of HS1348, Vanilla Cultivation in Southern Florida. This new 9-page publication was written by Alan Chambers, Pamela Moon, Vovener de Verlands Edmond, and Elias Bassil, translated by Francesca Carla Erié, and published by the UF/IFAS Horticultural Sciences Department.
Tag: Pamela Moon
Cultivo de vainilla en el sur de Florida
El extracto de vainilla es popular en el mundo entero como un ingrediente usado en helados y otros postres. La fuente botánica del extracto de vainilla es principalmente los frijoles curados de Vanilla planifolia. El Estados Unidos es el mayor importador mundial de vainilla judías, pero la producción nacional es mínima. El sur de la Florida tiene un clima de crecimiento favorable para el cultivo de vainilla. Este documento incluye información relevante para los productores interesados en establecer un cultivo de vainilla.
This is the Spanish version of HS1348, Vanilla Cultivation in Southern Florida. This new 8-page publication was written by Alan Chambers, Pamela Moon, Vovener de Verlands Edmond, and Elias Bassil, translated by Dayana Valdes, and published by the UF/IFAS Horticultural Sciences Department.
Vanilla Cultivation in Southern Florida
Vanilla extract is popular around the world as an ingredient in ice cream and various other desserts. The botanical source of vanilla extract is primarily the cured beans of Vanilla planifolia. The United States is the world’s largest importer of vanilla beans, but domestic production is minimal. However, southern Florida has a favorable growing environment for vanilla cultivation. This new 7-page publication of the UF/IFAS Horticultural Sciences Department includes information relevant to growers interested in establishing a vanillery. Written by Alan H. Chambers, Pamela Moon, Vovener de Verlands Edmond, and Elias Bassil.