Alimentación Saludable: Meriendas Saludables (FCS8698Span/FY709)

MiPlato¡Comer meriendas puede ser bueno para usted! Las meriendas saludables proveen vitaminas y minerales que pueden faltar en sus comidas principales. Tenga presente estas meriendas saludables para la próxima vez que usted tenga “ganas de merendar.”This 1-page fact sheet is the Spanish language version of Healthy Eating: Smart Snacking. It was written by Jennifer Hillan and Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, January 2012.

Vida Saludable: Ejercicio y diabetes (FCS8613Span/FY670)

ura 1. El ejercicio puede ayudar a que la sarna de la diabetesEl ejercicio es una de las mejores cosas que se pueden hacer para cuidar su salud. El ejercicio puede ayudarle a controlar los niveles de azúcar en la sangre, reducir la grasa corporal y disminuir los riesgos de enfermedades del corazón. A continuación les ofrecemos unos consejos para ayudarles a empezar un programa de ejercicio divertido y saludable. ¡Empiece hoy!
This 2-page fact sheet is the Spanish language version of Healthy Living: Exercise and Diabetes. It was written by Sergio Romero and Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, December 2011.

Food Safety: Cook It Safely! (FCS8633/FY187)

thermometer measuring interior temperature of cooking chicken.Do you know the minimum safe internal temperatures for foods? Refer to this 1-page fact sheet written by Jennifer Hillan and Linda B. Bobroff; published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, October 2011.

Vida Saludable: Manteniéndose regular (FCS8570Span/FY073)

Que se le mueva el intestino menos de tres veces por semana es considerado estreñimiento. Esta afección es muy común en personas mayores de 65 años. Con el paso del tiempo, el estreñimiento crónico puede causar serios y dolorosos síntomas como las hemorroides y la enfermedad de los divertículos. This 3-page fact sheet is the Spanish language version of “Healthy Living: Staying Regular.” It describes causes, prevention, and high fiber foods. Written by Linda B. Bobroff and Luisa Oliver-Cordero, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, October 2011.

Healthy Eating: Improve Nutrition with SNAP (FCS8837/FY918)

EBT card
SNAP helps people with limited resources buy healthy foods. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides this program to eligible persons of all ages. Learn more in this 1-page fact sheet was written by Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, September 2011.

Healthy Eating: Create Your Plate! (FCS8796/FY823)

Using a plate that is nine inches in diameter can help you control your portion sizes.Meal planning can help you control portion sizes and the amount of carbohydrates you eat throughout the day. This is especially important if you have diabetes or if you are at risk for the disease. The way you ‘create your plate’ to balance carbohydrates for blood glucose control is a bit different from the MyPlate recommendations. Let’s get started with this 2-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan and Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, August 2011.

Vida Saludable: ¡Reconozca el fraude! (FCS8585Span/FY097)

wordsearchThis 1-page handout is the Spanish language version of “Healthy Living for Elders: Spotting Quackery Word Search,” written by Jennifer Hillan and Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, September 2011.

MyPlate Nutrition Education Series (FCSDG10TS114/FY1239)

ChooseMyPlate.govAlong with their introduction of MyPlate in June 2011, USDA provided a series of 14 one-page fact sheets to help consumers implement the dietary advice of the Dietary Guidelines 2010 in their daily lives. These fact sheets are being distributed by University of Florida IFAS Extension for use by Extension faculty, health professionals, and consumers in Florida.

Prevención de Caídas: Estilos de vida y riesgo de caídas (FCS2230Span/FY860)

There are many things that may cause you to fall, and you can change several of these. This 1-page Spanish-language fact sheet describes some easy changes you can make to decrease your risk of falling. Written by Linda B. Bobroff y Jennifer Hillan , and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, May 2011.

Vida Saludable: ¿Qué conoce sobre la diabetes? (FCS8578Span/FY087)

Test your knowlege about diabetes with a simple crossword puzzle. This 1-page Spanish-language handout was written by Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, May 2011.

Fall Prevention: Staying Active (FCS2232/FY738)

Exercises that improve your balance, flexibility, and strength can reduce your risk for falls. This 4-page fact sheet describes exercises that can help you maintain or improve your balance, strength, and flexibility. Written by Sergio Romero and Linda B. Bobroff and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, May 2011.

Healthy Living: Staying Regular (FCS8570/FY063)

Having a bowel movement fewer than three times a week is defined as constipation. This condition is very common in persons over age 65. Over time, chronic constipation can cause serious and painful conditions such as hemorrhoids and diverticular disease. This 2-page fact sheet describes the causes, prevention, and high fiber foods. Written by Linda B. Bobroff and Luisa Oliver-Cordero and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, December 2011.

Nutrition for Health and Fitness: Fat in Your Diet (FCS8128/HE695)

Fat is big news. Almost every day we hear about the epidemic of obesity, and recommendations for how much and what type of fat we should have in our diets. With new research all the time, it can get confusing for consumers. This revised 8-page fact sheet will help you understand why it’s a good idea to choose a diet that is low in saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol. It also will give you tips to help you meet these dietary guidelines. You will learn how to make simple changes in your eating habits to help reduce your health risks. Written by Linda B. Bobroff and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, April 2011.

Alimentación Saludable: El calcio (FCS8568Span/FY069)

El calcio es el mineral fundamental que se encuentra en nuestros huesos y dientes. Nosotros necesitamos calcio para el buen funcionamiento de los músculos y nervios. El calcio también ayuda para la coagulación de la sangre.
This 3-page fact sheet is the Spanish language version of FCS8568/FY068: Healthy Eating: Calcium Written by Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, January 2011.

Facts about Iron (FCS8704/FY217)

Iron is a mineral that is found in every cell in the body. It’s an important part of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to all the cells. Our cells use oxygen to make energy from the food we eat. Iron also is needed to keep the immune system healthy and help brain cells work normally. Learn the facts about this important mineral, with this 2-page fact sheet written by Linda B. Bobroff and Jennifer Hillan and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, December 2011.

Facts about Vitamin C (FCS8702/FY215)

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, has a wide variety of uses in the body. It helps slow down or prevent cell damage. It is needed to maintain healthy body tissues and the immune system. Vitamin C also helps our bodies absorb iron from plant foods. Learn the facts about this important vitamin with this 2-page fact sheet written by Linda B. Bobroff and Isabel Valentín-Oquendo and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, December 2010.

Healthy Eating: Folate (FCS8567/FY066)

Folate is one of the B vitamins. It is involved in the formation of DNA and amino acids. DNA is the genetic material found in all cells of your body. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Learn more about this important vitamins in this 2-page fact sheet was written by Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, December 2010.

Healthy Living: Diabetes (FCS8574/FY078)

Diabetes is a condition in which the body has difficulty making or using insulin. This 3-page fact sheet answers basic questions about diabetes, and was written by Linda B. Bobroff, Karla P. Shelnutt, and Paulina Wittkowsky, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, March 2011.

Vida Saludable: Diabetes (FCS8574Span/FY079)

Diabetes is a condition in which the body has difficulty making or using insulin. This revised Spanish language 3-page fact sheet answers basic questions about diabetes, and was written by Linda B. Bobroff, Karla P. Shelnutt, and Paulina Wittkowsky, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, March 2011.