“When planning your family meals, you probably try to make sure your children get enough calcium and vitamin D, perhaps including a fresh cup of milk. Since milk is full of calcium, vitamin D, and other important nutrients, it’s one of the best foods for building strong bones. People who don’t get enough calcium or vitamin D are at risk for osteoporosis: weak bones that are more likely to fracture.” This 2-page Family Album Radio transcript was written by Jacob Young and Jennifer Hillan, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, September 2012.
Tag: Jennifer Hillan
Healthy Living: Beating Barriers to Physical Activity (FCS8818/FY883)
Being active can help you function better and maintain your independence. It also can reduce your risk for getting some diseases, such as diabetes, and help you manage health problems you may already have. If you’re not active, what’s stopping you from getting started? Read on to learn how to overcome some common barriers! This 2-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan and Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, September 2012.
Alimentación Saludable: Sugerencias para ensaladas (FCS8696Span/FY703)
¡Las ensaladas son rápidas y fáciles de preparar y tienen infinidad de opciones! Las ensaladas son una comida práctica y saludable, acompáñelas con galletas integrales o con pan de trigo. Pruebe algunas de estas opciones en su próxima ensalada. This is the Spanish Language version of Healthy Eating: Salad Suggestions. Written by Jennifer Hillan and Emily Minton, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, May 2012.
Healthy Eating: Salad Suggestions (FCS8696/FY702)
Salads are quick and easy to make and have endless possibilities! Paired with whole grain crackers or whole wheat bread, salads make healthy and convenient meals. Try some of the ideas this 2-page fact sheet for your next salad. Written by Jennifer Hillan and Emily Minton, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, May 2012.
Alimentación Saludable: Recetas que no requieren cocción (FCS8693Span/FY695)
Pruebe estas recetas rápidas y fáciles de preparar para comidas saludables y balanceadas. ¡No hay necesidad de cocinar! This 2-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan y Emily Minton, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, May 2012.
Alimentación Saludable: Dieciséis meriendas apetitosas (FCS8697Span/FY706)
¿Cansado de las mismas meriendas? ¡Aquí hay dieciséis ideas para meriendas que son fáciles de preparar y también saludables! Mantenga algunas de estas opciones a la mano para la próxima vez que tenga ganas de una merienda. This 2-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan and Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, April 2012.
Healthy Eating: Sixteen Savory Snacks (FCS8697/FY705)
Tired of your regular snacks? Here are sixteen snack ideas that are easy to prepare and healthy too! Keep some of these choices handy for the next time you have the snacking urge. This 2-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan and Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, April 2012.
Alimentación Saludable: Bebidas saludables (FCS8694Span/FY697)
Los batidos son una manera deliciosa de incorporar más frutas y nutrientes a su dieta. This 2-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan and Emily Minton, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, March 2012.
Healthy Eating: Drink to Your Health (FCS8694/FY696)
Shakes and smoothies are a great and tasty way to incorporate more fruits and nutrients into your diet. This 2-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan and Emily Minton, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, March 2012.
Vida Saludable: Interacciones de las medicinas . . . ¿Estoy en peligro? (FCS8621Span/FY675)
Las medicinas (con o sin prescripción), las vitaminas, los minerales y los suplementos de hierbas pueden interactuar con los alimentos que ingiere y pueden causar reacciones dañinas. Para saber si está en riesgo de interacciones, encierre en un círculo Sí o No para las siguientes preguntas.
This 1-page fact sheet is the Spanish language version of “Healthy Living: Are You at Risk for Drug Interactions?” It was written by Jennifer Hillan y Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, February 2012.
Healthy Eating: Salad Suggestions (FCS8696/FY702)
Salads are quick and easy to make and have endless possibilities! Paired with whole grain crackers or whole wheat bread, salads make healthy and convenient meals. Try some of the ideas this 2-page fact sheet for your next salad. Written by Jennifer Hillan and Emily Minton, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, October 2011.
Alimentación Saludable: Sugerencias para ensaladas (FCS8696Span/FY703)
¡Las ensaladas son rápidas y fáciles de preparar y tienen infinidad de opciones! Las ensaladas son una comida práctica y saludable, acompáñelas con galletas integrales o con pan de trigo. Pruebe algunas de estas opciones en su próxima ensalada. This is the Spanish Language version of Healthy Eating: Salad Suggestions. Written by Jennifer Hillan and Emily Minton, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, October 2011.
Seguridad Alimentaria: ¡Cocínelo de manera segura! (FCS8633Span/FY188)
Con solo mirar la comida no puede saber si está cocinada de una manera segura, así que debe usar un termómetro para alimentos.This 1-page fact sheet is the Spanish language version of Food Safety: Cook It Safely!. Written by Jennifer Hillan and Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, October 2011.
Vida Saludable: Hiperglicemia e Hipoglicemia (FCS8820Span/FY911)
Si usted padece de diabetes, de vez en cuando puede tener niveles bajos de glucosa en la sangre (hipoglicemia) o niveles altos de glucosa en la sangre (hiperglicemia). Ambas condiciones pueden ser serias si no son tratadas. Por eso es importante aprender sobre la hipoglicemia y la hiperglicemia para que pueda prevenirlas y tratarlas antes de que estas causen problemas adicionales en su salud.
This 2-page fact sheet is the Spanish language version of Healthy Living: Hyperglycemia and Hypoglycemia. It was written by Jennifer Hillan and Emily Minton, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, September 2011.
Alimentación Saludable: Meriendas Saludables (FCS8698Span/FY709)
¡Comer meriendas puede ser bueno para usted! Las meriendas saludables proveen vitaminas y minerales que pueden faltar en sus comidas principales. Tenga presente estas meriendas saludables para la próxima vez que usted tenga “ganas de merendar.”This 1-page fact sheet is the Spanish language version of Healthy Eating: Smart Snacking. It was written by Jennifer Hillan and Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, January 2012.
What Do You Know About Fat? (FCS8688/FY303)
We hear a lot about fat: in the news, from friends, and in the books and magazines we read. For help sorting out all the information about fat, read this 3-page fact sheet written by Jennifer Hillan and Claudia Peñuela, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, September 2011.
¿Qué sabe sobre la Grasa? (FCS8688Span/FY355)
Se habla mucho sobre el contenido de grasa en los alimentos – en las noticias, con amigos, libros y revistas que leemos. Para ayudarle a entender toda esta información acerca de las grasas, ¡este leyendo! This 3-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan and Claudia Peñuela, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, October 2011.
Alimentación Saludable: Super sándwiches (FCS8699Span/FY712)
Los sándwiches pueden ser comidas rápidas, nutritivas y fáciles de preparar. ¡A continuación verá unos consejos para crear nuevos sándwiches que podrían ser sus favoritos! This 1-page fact sheet is the spanish Language version of Healthy Eating: Super Sandwiches, written by Jennifer Hillan y Emily Minton and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2011.
Food Safety: Cook It Safely! (FCS8633/FY187)
Do you know the minimum safe internal temperatures for foods? Refer to this 1-page fact sheet written by Jennifer Hillan and Linda B. Bobroff; published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, October 2011.
Healthy Eating: Super Sandwiches (FCS8699/FY711)
Sandwiches can make quick, easy, and nutritious meals. And here are some tips to create new sandwich favorites! This 1-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan and Emily Minton, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, July 2011.