This four-page publication provides basic information about land application of biosolids to pastures and hayfields in Florida. The information contained in this document should be of interest to stakeholders, biosolids managers, students, and scientists interested in topics related to biosolids management practices and the potential benefits and risks associated with biosolid land application. Written by Maria L. Silveira, George A. O’Connor, and Joao M.B. Vendramini and published by the Department of Soil and Water Sciences.
Tag: Forage Management
Budgets for Pasture Establishment: Seeded and Vegetative
Budgets can be used to make rational decisions when establishing or renovating a pasture in Florida. This 3-page fact sheet is a guide for evaluating the costs of establishing a seeded-type pasture versus vegetatively propagated hybrid bermudagrasses. Written by Les Harrison, Jonael Bosques, and Yoana Newman, and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, August 2014.
Estimando la Cantidad de Forraje en Campos de Heno y Potreros
El forraje sirve como fuente primaria de nutrientes para la industria ganadera en Florida. El uso eficiente de esta fuente nutricional es crítico para la supervivencia de los agricultores y rancheros de dicho estado. El estimar la cantidad de forraje en potreros puede proveer información útil a la hora de tomar decisiones acerca del manejo de nuestros recursos. Debe de haber suficiente material en el predio para justificar el costo de utilizar el equipo para cosechar (por ejemplo, precio de compra del equipo, renta, costo del combustible a invertirse, y el costo de la mano de obra). Sin esta información, el predio debe ser sometido a pastoreo. Esta publicación contiene las instrucciones para la implementación de un método simple que nos permite determinar la cantidad aproximada de forraje en campos de heno y potreros.This 2-page fact sheet was written by T. Wilson, C. Sanders, J. Breman, y L. Sollenberger. Traducido por J. Bosques, and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, January 2014.
Forage Planting and Establishment Methods (SSAGR161/AG107)
Establishment of an excellent, uniform stand of forage in a short period of time is important. The producer needs to do everything possible to ensure successful establishment. Several requirements that must be met are briefly discussed, along with various planting methods. This revised 8-page fact sheet was written by Y.C. Newman, J. Vendramini, C.G. Chambliss, M.B. Adjei, and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, April 2011.
Creep Grazing for Suckling Calves: A Pasture Management Practice (SSAGR211/AG193)
The concept of creep grazing is based on the fact that the nutritional requirements of suckling calves are much higher than those of cows. Calves creep grazing on high quality forage that provides high intake of digestible energy and protein make extra growth while the cows are grazing lower quality pasture. Learn more in this revised 4-page fact sheet was written by Y.C. Newman, D.E. Mayo, J. Vendramini, and C.G. Chambliss, and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, March 2011.
SSAGR177/AG180 Silage Harvesting, Storing, and Feeding
Revised! SS-AGR-177, an 8-page illustrated fact sheet by A. T. Adesogan and Y. C. Newman, discusses the advantages, disadvantages and phases of silage fermentation and the factors affecting silage quality. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, September 2010.
SSAGR93/AG161 Factors Affecting Forage Quality
Revised! SS-AGR-93, a 5-page illustrated fact sheet by A. T. Adesogan, L. E. Sollenberger, Y.C. Newman, and J.M.B. Vendramini, discusses forage quality and factors affecting intake and nutritive value. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, June 2009.
SSAGR321/AG331 Pasture Aeration
SS-AGR-321, a 2-page illustrated fact sheet by Joao Vendramini and Maria Silveira, presents the results of research conducted at the Range Cattle Research and Education Center in Ona to test the efficiency of aeration in increasing forage production on soils typical in Florida. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, May 2009.