La dieta de alimentos crudos tiene sus raíces en un movimiento vegetariano que se remonta a los años 1800. Como su nombre lo indica, una dieta de alimentos crudos es un patrón dietético compuesto mayoritaria o completamente por alimentos crudos y sin procesar. Esta publicación explora los posibles beneficios y riesgos para la salud de una dieta de alimentos crudos.
This is the Spanish translation of FSHN20-45/FS404, Popular Diets: Raw Foods, written by Alexa Barad, Daniela Rivero-Mendoza, and Wendy Dahl, translated by Daniela Rivero-Mendoza, and published by the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department.
Tag: Alexa Barad
Popular Diets: Raw Foods
The raw foods diet has its roots in a vegetarian movement dating back to the 1800s. As the name implies, a raw foods diet is a dietary pattern composed of mostly or completely raw, unprocessed foods. This new 3-page publication of the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department explores the potential health benefits and risks of a raw foods diet. Written by Alexa Barad, Daniela Rivero-Mendoza, and Wendy Dahl.