Understanding Nitrogen Transformations and Cycling for Sweet Corn Production in Sandy Soils

Corn, Husks, Vegetable, Maize, Grain.Because sandy soils have low water and nutrient-holding capacities and Florida experiences high rainfall periodically, optimizing fertilizer use efficiency for sweet corn production is challenging. The preparation of nitrogen budgets and the implementation of effective management strategies can help farmers overcome these obstacles. This 4-page fact sheet discusses major concerns which call for nitrogen management in sweet corn production, nitrogen budget preparation and interpretation, and important differences between farm-gate and soil system budgets. Written by Rishi Prasad and George Hochmuth, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, May 2015.

2013 Sweet Corn Variety Performance Trial, Jay, Florida

yellow, white, and mixed ears of cornThis 5-page fact sheet summarizes the 2013 sweet corn variety trial at the UF West Florida Research and Education Center Jay Research farm in Jay, Florida. It shows the performance of fifteen commercial and experimental Sh2 (supersweet) sweet corn varieties. This data only represents one year and one location; test results should be considered over several years and locations before final conclusions are valid. Written by Darcy Telenko, Libby Johnson, and William Wendt, and published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, November 2014.

SL326/CV235 A Summary of N, P, and K Research with Sweet Corn in Florida

Revised! SL326, a 15-page illustrated fact sheet by George Hochmuth and Ed Hanlon, summarizes the historical Florida research literature on nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilization of sweet corn. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, July 2010.

HS1149/HS398 Home Vegetable Garden Techniques: Hand Pollination of Squash and Corn in Small Gardens

Figure 4.  One method of hand pollination, in which male anther is touched to the female stigma to transfer pollen.
HS-1149, a 4-page illustrated fact sheet by Ed Thralls and Danielle Treadwell, addresses techniques for hand pollination of squash and corn to produce bountiful harvests in home gardens. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, December 2008.