Exploring Citizenship, Unit VII: My World

4H youth participate in a 4H Food Smart Families healthy food shopping workshop.  Photo taken 05/25/16.

The 4-H Citizenship Project offers the opportunity to help 4-H members relate all of their 4-H projects and experiences to the world around them. The 4-H Citizenship manuals will serve as a guide for 4-H Citizenship experiences. To be truly meaningful to the real-life needs and interests of your group, the contribution of volunteer leaders is essential. Each person, neighborhood, and community has individual needs that you can help your group identify. This 14-page major revision of Unit VII covers the “My World” project. Written by John Rutledge, Joy C. Jordan, and Dale Pracht and published by the UF/IFAS Extension 4-H Youth Development program.

Exploring Citizenship, Unit VI: My Government

4H youth raise votes in the old Senate building during 4H Legislature in Tallahassee, Florida.  Photo taken 06-29-16.

The 4-H Citizenship Project offers the opportunity to help 4-H members relate all of their 4-H projects and experiences to the world around them. The 4-H Citizenship manuals will serve as a guide for 4-H Citizenship experiences. To be truly meaningful to the real-life needs and interests of your group, the contribution of volunteer leaders is essential. Each person, neighborhood, and community has individual needs that you can help your group identify. This 23-page major revision of Unit VI covers the “My Government” project. Written by John Rutledge, Joy C. Jordan, and Dale Pracht and published by the UF/IFAS Extension 4-H Youth Development program.

Exploring Citizenship, Unit V: My Community

2014 4H University Community Service Day at the Red Cross, washing an emergency vehicle.

The 4-H Citizenship Project offers the opportunity to help 4-H members relate all of their 4-H projects and experiences to the world around them. The 4-H Citizenship manuals will serve as a guide for 4-H Citizenship experiences. To be truly meaningful to the real-life needs and interests of your group, the contribution of volunteer leaders is essential. Each person, neighborhood, and community has individual needs that you can help your group identify. This 22-page major revision of Unit V covers the “My Community” project. Written by John Rutledge, Joy C. Jordan, and Dale Pracht and published by the UF/IFAS Extension 4-H Youth Development program.

Exploring Citizenship, Unit IV: My Heritage

Credit: Pixabay.com

The 4-H Citizenship Project offers the opportunity to help 4-H members relate all of their 4-H projects and experiences to the world around them. The 4-H Citizenship manuals will serve as a guide for 4-H Citizenship experiences. To be truly meaningful to the real-life needs and interests of your group, the contribution of volunteer leaders is essential. Each person, neighborhood, and community has individual needs that you can help your group identify. This 14-page major revision of Unit IV covers the heritage project. Written by John Rutledge, Joy C. Jordan, and Dale Pracht and published by the UF/IFAS Extension 4-H Youth Development program.

Florida 4-H Secretary Record Book

Florida 4-H Secretary Record Book

The Florida 4-H Secretary record book will provide the club secretary with an official outline for tracking all club records. This 30-page book serves as a guide and should be completed annually by the 4-H club secretary. This major revision was written by Sarah Thomas Hensley and Stacey Ellison and published by the UF/IFAS Extension 4-H Youth Development program.

Educating Your State Legislators

Interior view of the Senate chamber on the final day of the 2008 session.

Both legislators and citizens play important roles in ensuring a fair and effective state government. Florida State Representatives and Senators have a responsibility to represent the will of their constituents. Similarly, citizens have a responsibility to educate their Representatives and Senators on how issues may impact them and other local citizens. This three-page guide walks you through the process of making your voice heard and provides some helpful tips to make your message to your legislator stand out. Written by Stacey Ellison and published by the UF/IFAS 4-H Youth Development Department, March 2019.

Florida 4-H Community Pride Leader’s Guide

2012 4H Community Pride Reception at UF's Straughn Center.

Service learning is an important component of youth development because it allows youth to strengthen their critical thinking skills, leadership skills, and civic and social responsibility. This 5-page Leader's Guide will help you and your club members get the most out of the Community Pride Program. Written by Stacey Ellison and Grace Carter, and published by the UF/IFAS 4-H Youth Development Department, January 2019.

Do a Visual Presentation

Figure 5. Make sure the audience can see all the visual aids and equipment for your presentation. Credit: Kristi LommerseA visual presentation, either a demonstration or an illustrated talk, is a teaching method in which the presenter shares information with an audience with the assistance of visual aids such as posters, models, and computer presentation software. This 4-page fact sheet covers the method of delivery, the plan, the visuals, how to look sharp and to have a sharp presentation. Written by Stacey Ellison, and published by the UF Department of 4-H Youth Development, June 2015.

A Guide to the Florida 4-H Council

4-H youth leader speaking at podiumThe 4-H Program utilizes many tools or methods to provide educational experiences for youth. The 4-H Council (or other relevant named group) at county, district, and state levels is one of these tools. A Council is an elected representative group of 4-H members who meet, discuss, plan, and assist in carrying out 4-H programs and activities in the interest of the total membership. The Council provides a link between local clubs or groups and County 4-H Programs, between County Programs and District 4-H Programs, and between District Programs and State 4-H Programs. This 11-page guide was written by Stacey E. Ellison, Tracy Tesdall, J. A. Rutledge, Joy C. Jordan, and Wendi Armstrong, and published by the UF Department of 4-H Youth Development, December 2014.

Florida 4-H Officer's Handbook

Officers HandbookThe duties and responsibilities of each of the club officer roles are outlined in this helpful guide. It also includes a 4-H club meeting checklist and information about club performance recognition. This 12-page fact sheet was written by Judith Levings, Ali Baker, Sarah Hensley, Stacey Ellison, and published by the UF Department of 4-H Youth Development, September 2014.

Florida 4-H Treasurer's Manual and Record Book

Florida 4-H Treasurer's Manual and Record BookBeing the treasurer is a very important position in your club. Your fellow 4-H Club Members have shown their confidence in you by letting you have this responsibility. As treasurer, you will be responsible for taking care of the club’s money, bank accounts, or other money matters. This 32-page manual and record book has been updated by Judith Levings, Sarah Hensley, and Stacey Ellison, and published by the UF Department of 4-H Youth Development, September 2014.