Exploring Citizenship: Volunteer Guide

4-H volunteers. UF/IFAS Photo: Thomas Wright.

The 4-H Citizenship Project offers the opportunity to help 4-H members relate all of their 4-H projects and experiences to the world around them. The 4-H Citizenship manuals will serve as a guide for 4-H Citizenship experiences. To be truly meaningful to the real-life needs and interests of your group, the contribution of volunteer leaders is essential. Each person, neighborhood, and community has individual needs that you can help your group identify. This 6-page Volunteer Guide is a major revision written by John Rutledge, Joy C. Jordan, and Dale Pracht and published by the UF/IFAS Extension 4-H Youth Development program.

Educating Your State Legislators

Interior view of the Senate chamber on the final day of the 2008 session.

Both legislators and citizens play important roles in ensuring a fair and effective state government. Florida State Representatives and Senators have a responsibility to represent the will of their constituents. Similarly, citizens have a responsibility to educate their Representatives and Senators on how issues may impact them and other local citizens. This three-page guide walks you through the process of making your voice heard and provides some helpful tips to make your message to your legislator stand out. Written by Stacey Ellison and published by the UF/IFAS 4-H Youth Development Department, March 2019.