Herbicide resistance was historically not a significant issue in most horticultural crops because few herbicides were applied. Close proximity of agronomic crops and the loss of methyl bromide has led to a gradual increase in herbicide inputs and the increased occurrence of herbicide-resistant weeds in tomato fields. Very few herbicides are registered for tomato, and resistance is a major concern. This new 11-page publication of the UF/IFAS Horticultural Sciences Department provides a definition of herbicide resistance, explains how it develops, and provides management recommendations for tomato growers. It was written for growers and Extension agents, but the information may be of interest to anyone concerned about herbicide resistance in vegetable and small fruit crops. Written by Shaun M. Sharpe, Nathan S. Boyd, Ramdas G. Kanissery, and Peter J. Dittmar.
Tag: Shaun M. Sharpe
Biology and Management of Pusley (Richardia L.) in Tomato, Pepper, Cucurbit, and Strawberry Production
Four species of pusley (Richardia L.) are widespread and common weeds in Florida vegetable and strawberry production. We refer to the native plant Richardia scabra L. as Florida pusley. This discrimination is necessary because these species are often referred to collectively as Florida pusley due to overlapping distributions, similar growth habits and leaf morphologies, and difficulty identifying without the presence of fruit. This new 6-page publication of the UF/IFAS Horticultural Sciences Department describes the different pusley species and provides management options for strawberry, pepper, cucurbits, and tomato. Written by Shaun M. Sharpe, Nathan S. Boyd, Chris Marble, and Shawn Steed.
Control of Black Medic in Strawberry Production
Black medic is an annual broadleaf weed that competes with strawberry crops and impedes harvest. This 4-page document describes how to manage black medic in strawberry production. Written by Shaun M. Sharpe and Nathan S. Boyd and published by the UF/IFAS Horticultural Sciences Department, July 2018.