Using Social Media to Communicate in an Emergency Situation

In Florida, this species of mosquito (Culex nigripalpus) plays a major role in the transmisssion of disease-causing viruses. (UF/IFAS/File Photo)

The Prevent & Protect publication series focuses on the creation of different material formats to resonate with various audiences and ways to maximize their efficacy in communicating risk to the public about mosquito control. This new 4-page publication of the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication explains how to engage in effective crisis communication and how to effectively use the Prevent & Protect emergency toolkit in a mosquito-related crisis situation. Written by Ashley Mcleod-Morin, Ricky Telg, Phillip Stokes, Alena Poulin, Shelli Rampold, Angela B. Lindsey, and Sandra Anderson.

Public Perceptions of Mosquitoes and Mosquito Control

In Florida, this species of mosquito (Culex nigripalpus<) plays a major role in the transmission of disease-causing viruses. (UF/IFAS File Photo)

The Prevent & Protect publication series focuses on the creation of different material formats to resonate with various audiences and ways to maximize efficacy in communicating about mosquito-related risks and mosquito control topics to the public. This new 3-page publication of the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication provides a background of public opinion on various aspects of mosquito control covered in the Prevent & Protect campaign. Written by Shelli Rampold, Ricky Telg, Alena Poulin, Sandra Anderson, Angela B. Lindsey, Ashley McLeod-Morin, and Phillip Stokes.

Recruiting and Retaining Members in Agricultural Organizations

Many organizations struggle with recruiting new members and retaining current members. The UF/IFAS PIE Center conducted membership surveys of the Florida Cattlemen’s Association and Florida CattleWomen to aid both groups in their membership efforts. This 3-page document discusses common membership barriers and practices in order to help agricultural organizations be better equipped to attract new members and keep current ones. Written by Ricky Telg and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, March 2018.

Opinion Leadership and Local Food

A table of fresh fruit and produce at a farmer's market.
Three new articles have been published as part of a new series on Opinion Leadership and Local Food. These articles look at the role opinion leaders, or individuals who have a large amount of influence within their respective social circles, can have on motivating their peers to join in purchasing local food. The articles are as follows:

1. Opinion Leadership and the Perceived Health Benefits of Local Food (
2. Opinion Leadership and the Perceived Effects of Local Food on the Local Community (
3. Opinion Leadership and the Perceived Economic Benefits of Local Food (

Written by Layne S. Marshall, Melissa R. Taylor, and Alexa J. Lamm and published by the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication.

Floridians' Perceptions of Invasive Species

invasive plantsInvasive species are a serious threat in Florida. Invasive species are defined as non-native or exotic organisms, which cause ecological or economic harm or negatively affect human health in a new environment where they are not historically found. This 5-page fact sheet summarizes Florida residents’ perceptions, concerns, and knowledge about invasive species. This information will equip Extension faculty to more effectively communicate and educate clientele on this topic. Written by Nicole M. W. Dodds, Mary Hannah Miller, and Alexa J. Lamm, and published by the UF Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, October 2014.

Floridians' Perceptions of Endangered Species

Red cockaded woodpecker In July 2014, the UF/IFAS Center for Public Issues Education in Agriculture and Natural Resources (PIE Center) initiated a study to explore the attitudes, perceptions, opinions, and knowledge of Floridians on endangered and invasive species. The majority of respondents to the survey have favorable views of endangered species but few consider themselves knowledgeable on the issue. This 4-page fact sheet can equip Extension faculty to more effectively communicate with and educate clientele about endangered species. Written by Mary Hannah Miller, Nicole M.W. Dodds, & Alexa J. Lamm, and published by the UF Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, October 2014.