Fusarium wilt of watermelon is one of the most serious and difficult diseases to manage and occurs in most production regions worldwide. The fungus can be seedborne and has great longevity in the soil, allowing infested soil to also serve as a source of infection. This new 4-page publication of the UF/IFAS Plant Pathology Department signs, symptoms, and the disease cycle of Fusarium wilt and provides recommendations for cultural and chemical management. Written by Pamela Roberts, Nicholas Dufault, Robert Hochmuth, Gary Vallad, and Mathews Paret.
Tag: Nicholas Dufault
Powdery Mildew on Watermelon in Florida
This 3-page document discusses the symptoms and management of powdery mildew, a problematic fungal disease, on watermelon in Florida. Written by Pamela D. Roberts, Mathews Paret, and Nicholas Dufault and published by the UF/IFAS Plant Pathology Department, January 2019.
Be on the Lookout for Bacterial Leaf Streak of Corn
Bacterial leaf streak (BLS) is a new corn disease that has been found in several major corn-producing regions of the United States. This 3-page document describes the identification and management of BLS. Written by Kevin Korus and Nicholas Dufault and published by the UF/IFAS Plant Pathology Department, November 2018.
2016 Evaluation of Foliar Fungicides for Disease Control in Peanut in Jay, FL
This report includes a summary of the 2016 foliar fungicide programs for control of early and late leaf spot and white mold (southern stem rot) in peanut at Jay, Florida. It shows the effectiveness of 13 fungicide programs for disease control. This 6-page fact sheet discusses fungicide treatments, treatment rates, application timing, 2016 growing conditions, experimental design, and results. Written by Michael Mulvaney, Robert Kemerait, John Atkins, and Nicholas Dufault, and published by the UF Agronomy Department, April 2017.
Carinata, the Jet Fuel Cover Crop: 2016 Production Recommendations for the Southeastern United States
Carinata has been grown commercially for several years on the Canadian prairie and more recently in the US northern plains as a summer crop. For the past four years, UF has been conducting research to evaluate various management practices that allow incorporation of carinata into current cropping systems as a winter crop with minimal modification to existing infrastructure in the southeastern US. This 8-page fact sheet is a major revision that discusses carinata characteristics, biology, nutrient management, tillage, variety selection, planting dates, seeding depth, seeding rate, row spacing, weed management, disease management, insect management, harvest management, economics, and crop insurance. Written by Ramdeo Seepaul, Christine M. Bliss, David L. Wright, Jim J. Marois, Ramon G. Leon, Nicholas Dufault, Sheeja George, and Steve M. Olson, and published by the UF Agronomy Department, December 2014. Revised October 2015.