Tapegrass, Eelgrass, or Wild Celery (Vallisneria americana Michaux): A Native Aquatic and Wetland Plant

Tapegrass, Vallisneria americana. a) Tapegrass underwater meadow. b) Illustrations of male and female plants.

This 5-page document describes the main features of tapegrass and summarizes important habitat requirements for its growth and restoration. Written by Mohsen Tootoonchi, Lyn A. Gettys, and Jehangir H. Bhadha, and published by the UF/IFAS Agronomy Department, September 2019.

Native Aquatic and Wetland Plants: Duck Potato, Sagittaria lancifolia

Duck potato inflorescence.This 3-page fact sheet discusses the classification, description, habitat, propagation, and uses of duck potato, an aquatic perennial that typically grows in swampy ground or standing water in ponds, lakes, streams, and ditches and usually blooms in the spring. Written by Kimberly A. Moore, Luci E. Fisher, Carl J. Della Torre III, and Lyn A. Gettys, and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, December 2015.

Native Aquatic and Wetland Plants: Cardinal Flower, Lobelia cardinalis

Flowers of cardinal flower.This 3-page fact sheet discusses the classification, description, habitat, propagation, and use of cardinal flower, an aquatic perennial that is commonly found in stream banks and swamps. Written by Kimberly A. Moore, Luci E. Fisher, Carl J. Della Torre III, and Lyn A. Gettys, and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, December 2015.

Native Aquatic and Wetland Plants: Blue-Eyed Grass, Sisyrinchium angustifolium

Blue-eyed grass inflorescence.This 2-page fact sheet discusses the classification, description, habitat, propagation, and uses of blue-eyed grass, an aquatic perennial native to Florida. Written by Kimberly A. Moore, Luci E. Fisher, Carl J. Della Torre III, and Lyn A. Gettys, and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, December 2015.

Arrow Arum: Peltandra virginica

Spathe and spadix inflorescence of arrow arum.Arrow arum is a native aquatic and wetland plant that is a welcome addition to water gardens, aquatic ponds, and wetland restoration and mitigation sites. The species is broadly adapted and extremely common throughout Florida, and its perennial nature assures a stellar performance year after year. This new 3-page fact sheet provides an overview of this plant and discusses its distribution, habitat, propagation, and other uses. Written by Kimberly A. Moore, Luci E. Fisher, Carl J. Della Torre III, and Lyn A. Gettys, and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, October 2015.

Golden Canna: Canna flaccida

Flower of golden canna

Golden canna is a native wetland plant with bright yellow flowers that can be found throughout most of Florida. This 4-page facts sheet details the golden canna’s biology, distribution and habitat, propagation, pests and diseases, and landscaping and other uses. Written by Edward F. Gilman, Carl J. Della Torre III, and Lyn A. Gettys, and published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, June 2015.

Skyflower: Hydrolea corymbosa

Flowers of skyflower

Skyflower is a native wetland plant that produces brilliant blue flowers and can be found throughout Florida. This 4-page facts sheet details skyflower biology, distribution and habitat, propagation, and uses. Written by Lyn A. Gettys and Carl J. Della Torre III, and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, July 2015.

Lemon bacopa: Bacopa caroliniana

Figure 1. Lemon bacopa flower. Credit: Lyn Gettys, UF/IFASLemon bacopa is a native aquatic and wetland plant that is a welcome inclusion in a variety of settings, including water gardens, aquatic ponds, and wetland restoration and mitigation sites. The species is broadly adapted and extremely common throughout Florida, and its perennial nature assures a stellar performance year after year. Although lemon bacopa can be weedy in some situations, it is most often considered a beneficial native plant that brings a number of desirable characteristics to almost any aquatic setting. This 3-page fact sheet was written by Lyn Gettys and Carl J. Della Torre III, and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, April 2015. (Photo: Lyn Gettys, UF/IFAS)