This new 5-page document introduces the sources, providers, and types of rainfall data available to Florida researchers and residents to promote understanding of the rainfall data and their application in studies and daily life. Written by Meijing Zhang, Young Gu Her, Kati Migliaccio, and Clyde Fraisse, and published by the UF Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, January 2017.
Tag: Florida Climate
Net Irrigation Requirements for Florida Turfgrass Lawns, Part 1: Report of Gathered Weather Data and Quality Check (AE480)
Urban water users need specific recommendations to irrigate efficiently and for planning and regulatory programs.The first step in the process of estimating net irrigation requirements is to check the quality of 30 years of weather data at ten different locations in Florida and one in Alabama. This 9-page fact sheet was written by Consuelo C. Romero and Michael D. Dukes, and published by the UF Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, August 2011. (AP photo by Milt Putnam, University of Florida/IFAS)
WEC286/UW331 Science Support for Climate Change Adaptation in South Florida
WEC286, a 5-page illustrated fact sheet by Laura M. Early, Rebecca G. Harvey, Laura A. Brandt, James I. Watling, and Frank J. Mazzotti, discusses how climate change will affect sea level and the ecosystem in South Florida and outlines the Department of Interior’s approach to manage public lands and natural resources impacted by climate change. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, July 2010.
AE447 4-H Weather and Climate Workshop
AE-447, an 11-page illustrated instructor’s guide by Clyde W. Fraisse, William R. Lusher, Melissa Griffin, and Arthur A. Texeira, provides instructors with directions, equipment lists, background resources, instructions for setup, script for the power point presentation, conducting the workshop, and followup questions. Includes relevant Sunshine State Standards in Science, Mathematics, and Visual Arts. Published by the UF Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, March 2009.