Florida strawberry growers primarily utilize cultivars developed by the UF/IFAS Strawberry Breeding Program. These cultivars are bred to provide the yield and quality traits needed by the Florida industry. Yet if a new cultivar has the traits that Florida growers need but pathogen-tested planting stock is not available to growers, the cultivar’s impact will be limited. The Clean Plant Program generates the pathogen-tested planting stock that nurseries and growers require. This new 5-page publication of the UF/IFAS Horticultural Sciences Department, written by Catalina Moyer, Natalia A. Peres, and Vance M. Whitaker, is intended to educate both the industry and the public on the importance of the Clean Plant Program and the methods used to produce planting stock of new cultivars.
Tag: Catalina Moyer
PP273 Viral Diseases of Strawberries
PP273, a 7-page illustrated fact sheet by Catalina Moyer, Vance M. Whitaker, and Natalia A. Peres, provides
basic information on viral diseases of strawberries with particular emphasis on the presence of strawberry necrotic shock virus (SNSV) on Florida strawberry plants. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Plant Pathology, April 2010.
PP257/PP257 Powdery Mildew of Gerbera Daisy
PP-257, a 4-page illustrated fact sheet by Catalina Moyer and Natalia A. Peres, describes this important fungal disease of gerberas in Florida, its symptoms, development, and management practices. Includes a table of fungicides registered to control powdery mildew on ornamentals in Florida. Published by the UF Department of Plant Pathology, July 2008.