¿Pudiera Propagarse el COVID-19 a través de los alimentos?
¿Puediera el virus alojarse en el cabello o en la barba?
¿Cuales son las practicas más efectivas que puedo implementar en mi establecimiento?
¿Existe algun procedimiento que deba seguir si un empleado es diagnosticado con COVID-19 o piensa que lo contrajo?
¿Puedo tomarle la temperatura a un empleado que venga a trabajar?
¿Qué sucede si un empleado tiene miedo y no quiere venir a trabajar o servirle a un cliente enfermo? ¿Qué tal si ya usó todos sus días de enfermedad (sick time)?
This is a Spanish language version of COVID-19 FAQ for Food Service: General Questions and Employee Health, written by Natalie Seymour, Mary Yavelak, Candice Christian, and Ben Chapman (NC State University Extension), and published by the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department.
Tag: Ben Chapman
COVID-19 preguntas frecuentes para servicios de comida: recepcion de alimentos y sus empaques
¿Pudiera Propagarse el COVID-19 a través de los alimentos?
¿Es seguro recibir alimentos de estados o paises afectados por COVID-19?
¿Qué sucede si la cadena de suministro de alimentos se interrumpe?
¿Debo limpiar los empaques de alimentos antes de usarlos?
¿Qué debemos utilizar si queremos lavar y desinfectar?
This is a translation of FSHN20-14/FS337: COVID-19 FAQ for Food Service: Receiving and Food Packaging, written by Natalie Seymour, Mary Yavelak, Candice Christian, and Ben Chapman (NC State University Extension), and published by the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department.
Preguntas frecuentes sobre el virus del COVID-19 en supermercados: limpieza y desinfección
¿Qué desinfectantes se deben utilizar?
¿Cómo deben manejarse las superficies y las áreas de auto servicio?
This is a Spanish language translation of FSHN20-09/FS332: COVID-19 FAQ for Grocery Stores: Cleaning and Disinfection, written by Natalie Seymour, Mary Yavelak, Candice Christian, and Ben Chapman (NC State University Extension), translated by Nelly Nelson, and published by the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department.
COVID-19 para Supermercados: RecepciĆ³n y empaque de alimentos
¿El virus COVID-19 puede transmitirse a través de los alimentos?
¿Es seguro aceptar alimentos de países o estados impactados por el virus COVID-19?
¿Deben limpiarse los paquetes de alimentos antes de usarlos?
Si queremos limpiar y desinfectar, ¿qué debe usarse?
This is the Spanish language version of FSHN20-08-Span/FS331, COVID-19 FAQ for Grocery Stores: Receiving and Food Packaging, written by Natalie Seymour, Mary Yavelak, Candice Christian, and Ben Chapman (NC State University Extension), translated by Liza Garcia-Jimenez, and published by the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department.
Preguntas Frecuentes de COVID-19 para bancos de alimentos: recepción de alimentos y limpieza
¿Se puede propagar el COVID-19 a través de los alimentos?
¿Es seguro aceptar alimentos de países o estados impactados por COVID-19?
¿Deben limpiarse los empaques de alimentos antes de usarlos?
¿Cómo debe manejarse la limpieza y la desinfección?
This is the Spanish language version of FSHN20-7S/FS330, COVID-19 FAQ for Food Banks: Receiving Food and Cleaning, written by Natalie Seymour, Mary Yavelak, Candice Christian, and Ben Chapman (NC State University Extension), translated by Victor Blanco, and published by the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department.
COVID-19 Preventative Measures: Cleaning and Disinfecting Reusable Bags
Current evidence suggests that novel coronavirus may remain viable for hours or days on a variety of surfaces. Cleaning followed by disinfection is recommended by the CDC as a best practice measure for prevention of COVID-19 and other viral respiratory illnesses in households and community settings. This new flyer, published by the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department and written by Natalie Seymour, Mary Yavelak, Candice Christian, and Ben Chapman (NC State University Extension), provides information on safe cleaning and disinfection of reusable bags.
Is Coronavirus an Issue in Produce Production?
CDC, FDA and USDA have no reports at this time of human illnesses that suggest coronavirus can be transmitted by food or food packaging. Research on similar viruses, such as SARS and influenza, show risk of transmission from food is very low. While information on if or how long virus persists on surfaces is minimal, risk of foodborne transmission is low and should not be of concern. This flyer, written by Natalie Seymour, Mary Yavelak, Candice Christian, and Ben Chapman (NC State University Extension), provides answers to some frequently asked questions about coronavirus and produce production. Published by the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department.
Is Coronavirus a Concern on Fresh Produce?
CDC, FDA and USDA are not aware of any reports at this time of human illnesses that suggest
coronavirus can be transmitted by food or food packaging. However, it is always important to
follow good hygiene practices (i.e., wash hands and surfaces often, separate raw meat from other
foods, cook to the right temperature, and refrigerate foods promptly) when handling or preparing foods. This flyer, written by Natalie Seymour, Mary Yavelak, Candice Christian, and Ben Chapman (NC State University Extension), provides answers to some frequently asked questions about coronavirus and fresh produce. Published by the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department.
COVID-19 and Food Safety FAQ: Is Coronavirus a Concern with Takeout?
These flyers, written by Natalie Seymour, Mary Yavelak, Candice Christian, and Ben Chapman (NC State University Extension), provide quick, digestible information regarding prevention of COVID-19 and procedures for food service, grocery stores, and other food-related businesses. This flyer in particular provides guidance regarding takeout and COVID-19. Published by the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department.
COVID-19 and Food Safety FAQ: Is Coronavirus a Concern at Grocery Stores?
These flyers, written by Natalie Seymour, Mary Yavelak, Candice Christian, and Ben Chapman (NC State University Extension), provide quick, digestible information regarding prevention of COVID-19 and procedures for food service, grocery stores, and other food-related businesses. This flyer in particular provides guidance regarding food safety at grocery stores. Published by the UF/IFAS Food Science and Human Nutrition Department.