SSAGR93/AG161 Factors Affecting Forage Quality

Revised! SS-AGR-93, a 5-page illustrated fact sheet by A. T. Adesogan, L. E. Sollenberger, Y.C. Newman, and J.M.B. Vendramini, discusses forage quality and factors affecting intake and nutritive value. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, June 2009.

SSAGR321/AG331 Pasture Aeration

SS-AGR-321, a 2-page illustrated fact sheet by Joao Vendramini and Maria Silveira, presents the results of research conducted at the Range Cattle Research and Education Center in Ona to test the efficiency of aeration in increasing forage production on soils typical in Florida. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, May 2009.

PI180/PI216 The Agricultural Health Study: 2008 Update

PI-180, a 2-page fact sheet by Frederick M. Fishel, summarizes the most recent findings from The Agricultural Health Study (AHS) in the following areas: pesticide residues in homes, pesticides and colorectal cancer, and pesticides and diabetes. Includes reference. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, May 2009.

PI102/PI139 Plant Growth Regulators

Revised! PI-102, a 5-page fact sheet by Frederick M. Fishel, defines the term, “plant growth regulator,” addresses patterns of use for plant growth regulators, and provides a listing of plant growth regulators registered for use in Florida. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, April 2009.

PI1/PI001 Protecting Water Resources from Agricultural Pesticides

Revised! PI-1, a 5-page illustrated fact sheet by O. Norman Nesheim and Frederick M. Fishel, describes practices that help protect groundwater and surface water from pesticide contamination. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, April 2009.

PI170/PI206 Carbofuran Cancellation Process

PI-170, a 4-page illustrated fact sheet by Frederick Fishel, provides a brief history of carbofuran’s use in the United States, describes risks associated with carbofuran use, and outlines the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) stated rational for revoking its regulations that have allowed carbofuran residues in food. This publication also describes the EPA’s plans announced in 2008 to cancel the pesticide’s registration due to risks carbofuran poses to pesticide applicators and to birds in treated fields. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, August 2008.

PI173/PI209 Handling Total Release Foggers

PI-173, a 4-page illustrated fact sheet by Frederick M. Fishel, cautions about the risks of total release foggers (TRFs), also called "bug bombs," and common sense precautions people can take to reduce risks before using one in any building. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, March 2009.

SSAGR71/AA255 Forage Grasses for Florida’s Organic Soils

Revised! SS-AGR-71, a 3-page fact sheet by I. V. Ezenwa, R. M. Muchovej and F. M. Pate, is part of the Florida Forage Handbook. It highlights the two forage grasses recommended for the fertile organic soils of the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) — St. Augustinegrass and Limpograss. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, March 2009.

SSAGR319/AG329 Perennial Peanut: A Quick Reference

SS-AGR-319, a 3-page illustrated fact sheet by Yoana C. Newman, Cheryl L. Mackowiak, Ann R. Blount, and Jason Ferrell, summarizes key information about the use of this forage legume in Florida. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, March 2009.

SSAGR08/WG006 Weed Management in Pastures and Rangeland – 2009

Revised! SS-AGR-08, a 13-page fact sheet by B.A. Sellers and J.A. Ferrell, describes mechanical control, sanitation, chemical control, postemergence applications, and precautions to take when using phenoxy or benzoic acid herbicides. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, February 2009.

PI101/PI138 Defoliants and Dessicants

Revised! PI-101, a 2-page fact sheet by Frederick M. Fishel, discusses the meaning of the terms “defoliant and desiccant,” describes uses of defoliants and desiccants, and provides a listing of these products registered for use in Florida. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, February 2009.

SSAGR77/UW097 Tropical Soda Apple: Biology, Ecology and Management of a Noxious Weed in Florida

Revised! SS-AGR-77, a 5-page illustrated fact sheet by Brent Sellers, Jay Ferrell, J. Jeffrey Mullahey, and Pat Hogue informs about this serious weed problem in perennial grass pastures and native areas of Florida, taxonomy, biology, ecology, chemical control, biological control and management. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, February 2009.

SSAGR63/AA192 Forage Testing

Revised! SS-AGR-192, a 4-page fact sheet by J.M. Vendramini, M.S. Silveira, J. D. Arthington, and A. R. Blount, provides basic information about forage testing procedures at the UF/IFAS Forage Extension Testing Laboratory, where to send samples, how to interpret the testing results and how to collect a sample. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, February 2009.

PI94/PI131 Fungicide Resistance Action Committee’s (FRAC) Classification Scheme of Fungicides According to Mode of Action

PI-94, a 9-page guide by Frederick M. Fishel, addresses resistance to pesticides and describes the Fungicide Resistance Action Committee’s (FRAC) classification of fungicides and bactericides registered for use in Florida by their modes of action. A cross reference of common names for active ingredients — with corresponding examples of their trade names — is also provided. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, January 2009.

PI177/PI213 Professionalism and Pesticides: Public and Customer Communications

PI-177, a 4-page illustrated fact sheet by Frederick M. Fishel, describes the components of professionalism, how to talk to customers about pesticides, notification requirements, and and recordkeeping. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, January 2009.

PI169/PI205 Licensing of Public Health Pest Control Applicators i

PI-169, a 4-page illustrated fact sheet by Frederick M. Fishel, describes the law governing those who make pesticide applications for wide-area mosquito control or for control of other arthropods of public health significance, including midges, sand flies, dog flies, yellow flies, house flies, etc. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, January 2009.

PI176/PI212 Professionalism and Pesticides: Supervision

PI-176, a 2-page illustrated fact sheet by F. M. Fishel, describes the extent of supervision required by law in Florida for various types of licenses and pesticide label restrictions. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, January 2009.

PI175/PI211 Using Your Handheld Lawn and Garden Sprayer

PI-175, a 4-page illustrated fact sheet by F. M. Fishel, advises homeowners in choosing the right type of handheld sprayer and using it properly. Includes examples and references. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, January 2009.

PI174/PI210 The Global Increase in Counterfeit Pesticides

PI-174, an 8-page illustrated fact sheet by Frederick M. Fishel, describes the growing problem of illegal manufacture and trade of counterfeit pesticides, types of counterfeit and illegal pesticides, effects of illegal trade and counterfeit pesticides, challenges to fighting the problem, steps that need to be taken, and examples. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, January 2009.