Bacterial Spot of Pepper

A pile of harvested bell peppers. UF/IFAS Photo by Tyler Jones

Bacterial spot, caused by three species of Xanthomonas, is a limiting disease problem on all peppers. This new 4-page fact sheet provides information on symptoms, causal organism and host resistance, disease cycle and epidemiology, and disease management (including cultural and sanitation practices, chemical control measures and the use of Actigard in chile peppers). Written by Camille McAvoy, Pamela Roberts, and Jeffrey Jones, and published by the UF/IFAS Plant Pathology Department.

Freeze Damage Symptoms and Recovery for Citrus

Figure 6. Fruit drop in citrus after a severe winter freeze. Credits: Mongi Zekri, UF/IFAS
Citrus trees are evergreen, never become fully dormant, and cannot withstand temperatures as low as those tolerated by deciduous trees. But citrus trees can become preconditioned or acclimated to cool air temperatures that occur in late fall and winter. One of the best ways to lessen cold injury and to hasten recovery from cold damage is to maintain healthy trees. This five-page fact sheet discusses the symptoms of freeze damage and ways to help recover trees that have been damaged. Written by Mongi Zekri, Chris Oswalt, Steve Futch, Gary England, Camilly McAvoy, Laurie Hurner, and Parker Platts, and published by the Horticultural Sciences Department.