4-H Horse and Pony Lease (4HHSF01/4H318)

In the Florida 4-H Horse Lease Program, the same animal may be leased by up to three 4-H members and all Lessees must conform to the requirements of the Florida 4-H Equine Program. This revised 7-page publication contains the forms that might be needed for one 4-H’er to lease a horse: a page of instructions, a page of advice, the 3-page lease form, and 2 copies of the addendum (if up to two others are sharing Horse). Written by E.L. Johnson and Wendy DeVito, and published by the UF Department of 4-H Youth Development, March 2011.

Bahiagrass: A Quick Reference (SSAGR263/AG271)

In Florida, bahiagrass is the most planted warm-season perennial forage grass. Two-thirds of improved pastures are planted with bahiagrass because of its excellent adaptation, ease of management, persistence under low fertilization and close grazing, as well as its relatively simple planting.
This revised 3-page “quick reference” fact sheet was written by Yoana C. Newman, and published by the UF Department of Agronomy, February 2011.

Fundamentals of Bit Selection and Use (AN256)

Choosing an appropriate bit can be a confusing process for horse enthusiasts. This 6-page illustrated fact sheet describes the various types of bits and how to select the best bit for horse and rider. Written by Edward L. Johnson and Kylee J. Duberstein. Published by the UF Department of Animal Sciences, January 2011.

Caring for the Older Horse: Common Problems and Solutions (AN253/AN253)

Horses often live into their late 20s and early 30s. But as the horse ages, its needs change, and additional care may be required to keep it as healthy as possible. This 5-page fact sheet addresses changes in the aging horse’s body that impact its requirements, along with possible ways to meet these requirements and solutions to problems that may occur. It was written by Edward L. Johnson, Kylee Jo Duberstein and Mark Shuffitt, and published by the UF Department of Animal Sciences, October 2010.

Incorporating Growth Performance with Youth Market Hog Shows (AN257)

Florida, like many other states, has extensive youth swine exhibition programs but little to no commercial pork production. To remain relevant, the focus of these programs should be both educational and industry-applicable. By incorporating growth performance, youth swine shows can provide opportunities for education about growth performance and lean gain per day on test, and reward genetically superior animals. This 6-page fact sheet explains how such an exhibition program would work. Written by Chad Carr and Travis Arp. Published by the UF Department of Animal Sciences, January 2011.

AN255 The Annual Cultivated Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) as a Potential Forage Crop for Livestock in the Southeastern U.S.

AN255, a 5-page fact sheet by R. O. Myer, A. T. Adesogan, A. R. Blount, D. W. Gorbet, and B. L. Tillman, provides livestock producers with information on the use of annual cultivated peanut as a potential forage crop in the Southeast — forage production trial results, nutritional value, feeding value, and use as forage for grazing. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Animal Sciences, December 2010.

AE468/AE468 Opciones de Manejo Basadas en el Clima para Productores de Ganado Vacuno en el Centro-Norte de Florida

AE468, a 9-page illustrated fact sheet by Norman Breuer, VĂ­ctor Cabrera, Peter E. Hildebrand y James W. Jones, is the Spanish language version of CIR1476/AE289 Climate-Based Management Options for North Central Florida Beef Cattle Producers. It presents the results of a study interviewing ranchers and extension agents in North Central Florida, with an aim to developing user-friendly decision support systems for the agricultural production clientele. Includes references.
Published by the UF Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, November 2010.

AN254 Growing Calf and Show Steer Feed Management

AN254, a 9-page fact sheet by Matt Hersom and Todd Thrift, detail feeds, feed management, and nutrient requirements for growing cattle with a view towards successful development of a quality show calf. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Animal Sciences, October 2010.

AN251 The Florida Bull Test 2009-2010

AN251, a 6-page fact sheet by G. Cliff Lamb, reports on this performance test and breeding soundness evaluation conducted in 2009-2010 — procedures, rules and regulations, results, and sale summary. Includes 2010-2011 test dates and a table of individual animal performance. Published by the UF Department of Animal Sciences, October 2010.

AN252 Ultrasound and Carcass Merit of Youth Market Hogs

AN252, a 5-page illustrated fact sheet by Chad Carr, Dwain Johnson, and Mark Shuffitt, describes the process whereby ultrasound evaluation of the live animal can be used to predict fat thickness and loineye area to determine the carcass merit of youth market hogs. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Animal Science, October 2010.

AN250 Educational Opportunity for Showing Market Animals by Breed

AN250, a 5-page illustrated fact sheet by Travis Arp, Chad Carr, and Warren Beeler, discusses the ongoing importance of junior livestock shows for the educational value and leadership opportunities they provide, and the challenges that need to be considered for continuing relevance. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Animal Sciences, August 2010.

SSAGR177/AG180 Silage Harvesting, Storing, and Feeding

Revised! SS-AGR-177, an 8-page illustrated fact sheet by A. T. Adesogan and Y. C. Newman, discusses the advantages, disadvantages and phases of silage fermentation and the factors affecting silage quality. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, September 2010.

SSAGR65/AA216 Pastures and Forage Crops for Horses

Revised! SS-AGR-65, an 8-page fact sheet by Y. C. Newman, E. L. Johnson, J. Vendramini, C. Chambliss, and I. V. Ezenwa, discusses site selection, stocking rate, varieties, and pasture management for horses. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, September 2010.

AN249 Dairy Business Analysis Project: 2008 Financial Summary

AN249, a 17-page illustrated report by A. De Vries, M. Sowerby, L. Ely, and R. Giesy, summarizes the financial performance of 14 dairy farms that participated in a 2008 survey. It is intended for general use by dairy farmers, the allied industry, government, and educational professionals. Published by the UF Department of Animal Science, August 2010.

AN248 Custom Exempt Red Meat and/or Poultry Slaughter Facilities in Florida

AN248, a 3-page illustrated fact sheet by Chad Carr and Larry Eubanks, discusses custom exempt slaughter facilities in Florida, and how these facilities differ from other meat processing facilities. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Animal Science, July 2010.

AN243 Forage Mineral Concentrations in Grazed, Warm-Season Bahiagrass Pastures in Florida

AN243, a 4-page fact sheet by Bob Myer, Lee McDowell, Cheryl Mackowiak, and Ann Blount, discusses the concentrations of forage minerals in bahiagrass pastures for beef cattle, to determine adequate mineral levels and use of mineral supplements. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Animal Science, July 2010.

FSHN10-05/FS153 The Cause of Trichinosis and its Prevention Through Safe Food Handling Practices

FSHN10-05, a 5-page fact sheet by Alina Balaguero and Keith R. Schneider, discusses Trichinosis, an infection caused by the foodborne pathogen Trichinella, and provides information on preventing the infection, recognizing symptoms, and receiving treatment. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, June 2010.