Asiatic citrus canker is a bacterial disease of citrus that causes necrotic lesions on leaves, stems, and fruit of infected trees. Severe cases can cause defoliation, premature fruit drop, twig dieback, and general tree decline.This eight-page fact sheet explains the history of citrus canker in Florida, describes the symptoms of citrus canker, and details how to manage the spread of citrus canker disease by preventing infection and controlling existing infections. Written by Megan M. Dewdney, Jamie D. Burrow, James H. Graham, Timothy M. Spann, and Ryan A. Atwood, and published by the Horticultural Sciences department.
Tag: Timothy M. Spann
PP264 Exotic Diseases of Citrus Identification Sheet
PP264, a 2-page ID sheet by M.M. Dewdney, J.D. Yates, M.E. Rogers, and T.M. Spann, provides images for identification and comparison chart for Citrus Variegated Chlorosis (CVC), Leprosis, Citrus Black Spot, Sweet Orange Scab (SOS) and Citrus Tristeza Stem-Pitting (CTV-SP). Published by the UF Department of Plant Pathology, May 2009.
PP263 Citrus Greening, Blight and Tristeza Comparison Identification Sheet
PP263, a 2-page English/Spanish ID sheet by M.M. Dewdney, J.D. Yates, R.H. Brlansky, T.M. Spann, and M.E. Rogers, guides identification of Citrus Greening and provides a comparison chart for Citrus Greening, Blight and Tristeza. Published by the UF Department of Plant Pathology, May 2009.
CH199 Citrus Canker: An Established Infection in the Florida Citrus Industry
CH199, a full-color tri-fold brochure by J.D. Yates, T.M. Spann, M.E. Rogers, and M.M. Dewdney, provides key information on the history, spread, symptoms, and management of this serious disease affecting the citrus industry. Includes references and contact list. Published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, July 2008.
CH198/CH198: Citrus Greening: A Serious Threat to the Florida Citrus Industry
CH198, a full-color tri-fold brochure by J.D. Yates, T.M. Spann, M.E. Rogers, and M.M. Dewdney, provides key information on the history, vector, symptoms, management, and diagnostics of this serious disease affecting the citrus industry. Includes references and contact list. Published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, July 2008.