Spectacular flowers and shade tolerance are among the reasons for the azalea’s popularity as a landscape plant in North and Central Florida. They enhance the home landscape as foundation or mass plantings and as background or foreground plants, depending on their size. They are also sometimes pruned into single-trunked standards that serve as specimen plants. Generally, their open, relaxed growth habit is more suited to informal landscape designs. This 5-page fact sheet was written by Sydney Park Brown, Dewayne L. Ingram, and James T. Midcap, and published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, January 2012.
Tag: Sydney Park Brown
Gardening with Annuals in Florida (CIR1134/MG319)
Annuals offer an almost infinite variety of flower color and plant form. They brighten landscape beds and add a splash of color to a porch, deck, or patio when placed in containers. Some also make good cut flowers. This 8-page fact sheet covers selection and use, site preparation and planting, care, and cultural practices. Written by Sydney Park Brown, and published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, September 2011.
Horticultural Therapy (ENH970/EP145)
Horticultural therapy is the practice of engaging people in plant or gardening activities to improve their bodies, minds, and spirits. Research confirms that healthful benefits accrue when people connect with plants by viewing, planting, growing, and/or caring for them. This revised 3-page fact sheet describes the history and benefits of horticultural therapy, and includes references and links to additional resources. It was written by Sydney Park Brown, Eva C. Worden, Theodora M. Frohne, and Jessica Sullivan, and published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, January 2011.
4H-PSJ-20/4H004 Florida 4-H Horticulture Identification and Judging: Contest Rules and Glossary
Revised! 4H-PSJ-20, a 16-page illustrated fact sheet by Jeffrey G. Williamson, Sydney Park Brown, and Tom Wichman, provides guidelines and information for Florida 4H members and Master Gardeners interested in horticulture and/or in participating in state contests held annually at 4-H Congress or the Master Gardener Annual Conference. This publication combines and supercedes 4H-PSJ-20 (Rules and Glossary), 4H-PSJ-21 (Flowers and Foliage Plants), 4H-PSJ-22 (Fruits and Nuts), 4H-PSJ-23 (Ornamentals), 4H-PSJ-24 (Vegetables) and 4H-PSJ-25 (Score Sheet). Published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, August 2009.
CIR1098/MG336 Growing Gardenias in Florida
Circular 1098, a 7-page illustrated fact sheet by Joan Bradshaw and Sydney Park Brown, provides guidelines for growing this evergreen shrub known for the sweet scent of its wax-like blossoms — site selection, planting, maintenance practices, pests and other problems, cultivars, and propagation. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, May 2009.
SP103/VH021 Florida Vegetable Gardening Guide
Revised! SP-103, a 12-page fact sheet by J.M. Stephens, Sydney Park Brown, Danielle Treadwell, Susan Webb, Amanda Gevens, R.A. Dunn, G. Kidder, D. Short, and G.W. Simone, provides research-based recommendations appropriate for home gardens. It covers planning, soil preparation, compost and fertilizing, irrigation and drainage, and pest management with and without pesticides. Includes tables with fertilizer and insectic control recommendations, a planting guide with planting dates and spacing information, and a table of varieties recommended for Florida gardens. Published by the UF Horticultural Sciences Department, February 2009.
CIR527/MG034 Gerberas for Florida
Revised! Circular 527, a 3-page illustrated fact sheet by B. Tjia, R.J. Black, and Sydney Park Brown, describes these members of the sunflower family that are popular for Florida gardens and make long-lasting cut flowers — flower colors and forms, planting and care, seeds, division, pests and diseases. Published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, November 2008.