Thrips in Florida Strawberry Crops

Figure 2. Thrips damage to strawberry. Credit: H. A. SmithStrawberries grown in Florida are attacked by several pests, including flower thrips. Western flower thrips and common blossom thrips (both invasive) can cause damage to strawberries in Florida; but, while the native Florida flower thrips is commonly found in strawberry blossoms, it hasn’t been established that it can cause economic damage to strawberry. This 9-page fact sheet describes thrips damage, characteristics to distinguish among the three species, and methods of control. Written by Jeff D. Cluever, Hugh A. Smith, Joe E. Funderburk, and Galen Frantz, and published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, January 2015. (Photo: H. A. Smith)

Groundnut Ringspot Virus in Florida (PP282)

roling and bronzed tomato plant leavesGroundnut ringspot virus was recently identified in tomatoes in South Florida — the first report in the United States. It can infect tomato plants at all stages of growth and lead to unmarketable fruits or plant death. This 4-page fact sheet shares what is known about the symptoms, host range, disease transmission, and management. Written by Eugene McAvoy, Scott Adkins, Craig Webster, Charles Mellinger, Loren Horsman, Galen Frantz, Stuart Reitz, and Shouan Zhang, and published by the UF Department of Plant Pathology, July 2011.