4H10.8, a 3-page fact sheet by Dale Pracht, Marilyn Norman, Kate Fogarty, and Jean Hink, is part of the Risk Management for 4-H Youth Development Work series. It outlines the steps to use the pre-event planning matrix, which helps leaders prepare for activities that involve risk. Includes references. Published by the Florida 4-H Youth Development Program, August 2010.
Author: cps138
4H10.7/4H298 Risk Management for 4-H Youth Development Work: Transportation
4H10.7, a 2-page fact sheet by Dale Pracht, Marilyn Norman, Kate Fogarty, and Jean Hink, is part of the Risk Management for 4-H Youth Development Work series. It describes the possibility of risks when transporting participants during 4-H activities. Includes references. Published by the Florida 4-H Youth Development Program, August 2010.
4H10.6/4H297 Risk Management for 4-H Youth Development Work: Volunteers
4H10.6, a 3-page fact sheet by Dale Pracht, Marilyn Norman, Kate Fogarty, and Jean Hink, is part of the Risk Management for 4-H Youth Development Work series. It explains the importance of background checks and screening to recruit 4-H volunteers and describes how to educate 4-H volunteers so that they understand risk management. Includes references. Published by the Florida 4-H Youth Development Program, August 2010.
4H10.5/4H296 Risk Management for 4-H Youth Development Work: Insurance
4H10.5, a 4-page fact sheet by Dale Pracht, Marilyn Norman, Kate Fogarty, and Jean Hink, is part of the Risk Management for 4-H Youth Development Work series. It describes the necessity of accident and illness insurance and general liability insurance for the 4-H organization. Published by the Florida 4-H Youth Development Program, August 2010.
4H10.4/4H295 Risk Management for 4-H Youth Development Work: Records and Contracts
4H10.4, a 2-page fact sheet by Dale Pracht, Marilyn Norman, Kate Fogarty, and Jean Hink, is part of the Risk Management for 4-H Youth Development Work series. It discusses the risks involved with contracts, public records and other paperwork. Includes references. Published by the Florida 4-H Youth Development Program, August 2010.
4H10.3/4H294 Risk Management for 4-H Youth Development Work: Special Events and Activities
4H10.3, a 4-page fact sheet by Dale Pracht, Marilyn Norman, Kate Fogarty, and Jean Hink, is part of the Risk Management for 4-H Youth Development Work series. It describes ways to prepare for risks when 4-H has special events like fairs, conferences and overnight trips. Includes references. Published by the Florida 4-H Youth Development Program, August 2010.
4H10.2/4H293 Risk Management for 4-H Youth Development Work: Basic Building Blocks for All
4H10.2, a 3-page fact sheet by Dale Pracht, Marilyn Norman, Kate Fogarty, and Jean Hink, is part of the Risk Management for 4-H Youth Development Work series. It outlines basic overall precautions to take during 4-H activities to protect participants, sponsors, finances, and the reputation of the 4-H name. Includes references. Published by the Florida 4-H Youth Development Program, August 2010.
4H10.1/4H292 Risk Management for 4-H Youth Development Work
4H10.1, a 3-page fact sheet by Dale Pracht, Marilyn Norman, Kate Fogarty, and Jean Hink, serves as the introduction to the Risk Management for 4-H Youth Development Work series. It defines risk management and explains how to incorporate a risk management plan into 4-H activities. Includes references. Published by the Florida 4-H Youth Development Program, August 2010.
HS1180 Cultural Practices for Vegetable and Small Fruit Crops: Does Shoot Pruning Improve Tomato Yield and Reduce Bacterial Spot Infestation?
HS1180, a 4-page illustrated fact sheet by Bielinski M. Santos and Gary E. Vallad, examines the effectiveness of shoot pruning to control bacterial spot infestation and improve yield of tomato. Published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, July 2010.
FA177 Teach Aquaculture Curriculum: Introduction
FA177, a 2-page fact sheet by Cortney L. Ohs, R. Leroy Creswell, Amber L. Garr, Carlos V. Martinez, Brian E. Myers, Elisa J. Livengood, Craig S. Kasper, and Frank A. Chapman, introduces the Teach Aquaculture Curriculum. The curriculum is designed to engage students in aquaculture and the aquatic sciences through a series of hands-on activities involving all the sciences, mathematics, reading, and writing. Each activity in the series includes student performance standards. Published by the UF School of Forest Resources and Conservation, Program in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, July 2010.
FA172 Teach Aquaculture Curriculum: What Makes a Good Fish Food?
FA172, a 5-page activity by Craig S. Kasper, Cortney L. Ohs, Brian E. Myers, Frank A. Chapman, Amber L. Garr, R. Leroy Creswell, Carlos V. Martinez, and Elisa J. Livengood, is activity 22 of the Teach Aquaculture Curriculum. In this activity for grades 9-12, students will learn the common ingredients in fish food, design their own fish food, and discover how water stability relates to fish nutrition, production and the environment. Includes student performance standards. Published by the UF School of Forest Resources and Conservation, Program in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, July 2010.
FA173 Teach Aquaculture Curriculum: Anatomy of a Fish
FA173, a 5-page activity by Amber L. Garr, Cortney L. Ohs, Craig S. Kasper, R. Leroy Creswell, Frank A. Chapman, Brian E. Myers, Elisa J. Livengood, and Carlos V. Martinez, is activity 1 of the Teach Aquaculture Curriculum. In this activity for grades 5-12, students categorize types of fish, describe the basic biology of fish species, and identify the primary functions of anatomical features common to aquaculture. Includes student performance standards. Published by the UF School of Forest Resources and Conservation, Program in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, July 2010.
FA175 Teach Aquaculture Curriculum: Spawning and Rearing Bivalve Molluscs — Larval Culture
FA175, a 4-page activity by R. Leroy Creswell, Cortney L. Ohs, Craig S. Kasper, Carlos V. Martinez, Elisa J. Livengood, Amber L. Garr, Frank A. Chapman, and Brian E. Myers, is activity 13 of the Teach Aquaculture Curriculum. In this activity for grades 9-12, students learn to describe the reproductive biology and spawning of bivalve molluscs, leading to an understanding of the conditions used in hatcheries for commercial production of bivalve molluscs. Includes student performance standards. Published by the UF School of Forest Resources and Conservation, Program in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, July 2010.
FA176 Teach Aquaculture Curriculum: Dancing with Brine Shrimp
FA176, a 7-page activity by Elisa J. Livengood, Cortney L. Ohs, Amber L. Garr, R. Leroy Creswell, Carlos V. Martinez, Craig S. Kasper, Brian E. Myers, and Frank A. Chapman, is activity 14 of the Teach Aquaculture Curriculum. In this activity for grades 5-12, students will hatch and culture brine shrimp to observe the behavior and the different development stages of the organisms. Includes student performance standards. Published by the UF School of Forest Resources and Conservation, Program in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, July 2010.
IPM147/IN853 How to Use NematacĀ® S against Pest Mole Crickets in Pastures
Revised! IPM147, a 3-page illustrated fact sheet by N.C. Leppla, J.H. Frank, and J.A. Graesch, discusses the use of the proprietary formulation of insect-parasitic nematode Steinernema scapterisci for use against mole crickets, which can severely damage Florida pastures. Published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, June 2010.
ENY860S/IN852 Los Mosquitos de Recipientes de Florida
ENY860S, a 5-page illustrated fact sheet by Jorge R. Rey and Roxanne R. Connelly, is the Spanish language version of ENY860/IN851 Florida Container Mosquitoes. It describes the types of container mosquitoes found in Florida and recommendations for control. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, August 2010.
ENH1167/EP428 New Florida Foliage Plant Cultivar: Aglaonema Moonlight Bay
ENH1167, a 4-page illustrated fact sheet by R.J. Henny, J. Chen, and T.A. Mellich, describes Aglaonema Moonlight Bay, a new ornamental foliage plant that is a result of a mutation discovered in the Aglaonema Silver Bay plant — description, availability, and origin. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, July 2010.
AN248 Custom Exempt Red Meat and/or Poultry Slaughter Facilities in Florida
AN248, a 3-page illustrated fact sheet by Chad Carr and Larry Eubanks, discusses custom exempt slaughter facilities in Florida, and how these facilities differ from other meat processing facilities. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Animal Science, July 2010.
AN243 Forage Mineral Concentrations in Grazed, Warm-Season Bahiagrass Pastures in Florida
AN243, a 4-page fact sheet by Bob Myer, Lee McDowell, Cheryl Mackowiak, and Ann Blount, discusses the concentrations of forage minerals in bahiagrass pastures for beef cattle, to determine adequate mineral levels and use of mineral supplements. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Animal Science, July 2010.
AN247 Summary of Alternative Cooling Procedures for Large Bone-In Hams
AN247, a 4-page fact sheet by Chad Carr and Larry Eubanks, discusses cooling requirements for heavier weight hams to avoid bacterial contamination. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Animal Science, July 2010.