Vida Saludable: Use sus medicinas de una manera segura

Elaine Turner, left, assistant professor with the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, and Paul Doering, a UF professor of pharmacy, discuss how grapefruit juice affects absorption of certain drugs Tuesday 7/3. Turner and Doering are members of a new UF committee that will produce consumer-targeted educational materials on drug interactions. Special emphasis will be placed on clarifying the "grapefruit juice effect," which experts say has been overstated in the press.

Las medicinas nos pueden hacer sentir mejor y mejorar nuestra salud, pero si no las usamos correctamente nos pueden hacer sentir peor o hasta causarnos problemas de salud mayores. This is the Spanish-language version of FCS8594/FY667, Healthy Living: Use Your Medicines Safely! This 5-page document provides tips to help you use your medicines safely. Written by Paulina Wittkowsky, Linda B. Bobroff, and Emily Minton, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, revised February 2018.