The Florida citrus industry maintains a high demand for trees for replanting and resetting, as well as an interest in new releases of rootstocks and scions with improved disease and abiotic stress tolerances. One of the main constraints for liner production in great numbers is time. The consensus among citrus nurseries is that it takes two years to produce enough quantities of budwood to establish seed block trees when a new interesting rootstock is produced. This new 3-page article addresses the practices and challenges of producing seeds and budwood in Florida. This article, chapter 7 of the forthcoming Citrus Nursery Production Guide, was written by Fernando Alferez and Mireia Bordas and is a publication of the UF/IFAS Horticultural Sciences Department.
Tag: Seed Production
HS981/HS227 Seed Production and Seed Sources of Organic Vegetables
Revised! HS981, a 12-page report by Jennifer Bonina and Daniel J. Cantliffe, is a guide to organic seed production in Florida. Includes references and a list of organic, open-pollinated, and heirloom seed suppliers. Published by the UF Departrment of Horticultural Sciences, November 2009.