Insect and mite pests of cotton feed on cotton roots, leaves, stems, and fruit and reduce plant health and productivity, and, subsequently, cotton crop yields. These pests hide in different places on or within the plant or field, which makes them difficult to find and identify and costly to manage. The purpose of this 14-page guide written by Joseph Funderburk, Nicole Casuso, Norman Leppla, and Michael Donahoe and published by the Department of Entomology and Nematology is to provide Florida cotton growers a selected set of options for integrated pest management of insects and mites in cotton fields. It serves as a reference for cultural, mechanical, biological, and chemical control of arthropods. The guide includes links to additional UF/IFAS EDIS articles, as well as external sources of information on arthropod management. The guide also contains a searchable table of registered insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides for Florida cotton.