Most of us are accustomed to the ease and convenience of washing our dishes in an automatic dishwasher. At times, however, no dishwasher is available. This 4-page fact sheet teaches ways to safely wash or clean your dishes by hand, which may be necessary when your dishwasher is broken, you are outdoors, or you are working in a facility without a dishwasher. Written by Morgan Denhard, Amy Simonne, and Ricki McWilliams, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, December 2014.
Tag: Morgan Denhard
Shopping for Health: A Menu for One (FSHN1302/FS224)
In today’s busy world, many Americans find themselves cooking meals for one. Older adults and college students alike face the challenge of making meal preparation a priority when no one else is depending on them to create a balanced meal. Whether you pop a dish into the microwave after a busy day or spend time cooking a special meal for yourself, shopping for and preparing healthy, low-cost meals for one can be easy and enjoyable with just a little bit of planning. This 4-page fact sheet was written by Morgan Denhard and Wendy Dahl, and published by the UF Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, February 2013.