Eating a diet rich in colorful fruits and vegetables provides a variety of nutrients as well as phytochemicals that can promote health. Lutein and zeaxanthin are two non-provitamin A carotenoids that appear to be protective against age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of blindness in older adults. This 2-page fact sheet was written by Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, March 2011.
Tag: Linda B. Bobroff
Healthy Living: Exercise and Diabetes (FCS8613/FY669)
Staying active is one of the best things you can do for your health. Regular physical activity can help you control your blood glucose levels, reduce body fat, and decrease your risk of heart disease. Staying active also can help you sleep better, improve posture and balance, maintain independent living, and improve quality of life. Here are some tips to help you create a fun and healthy exercise program. Start today! This 2-page fact sheet was written by Sergio Romero and Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, February 2011.
Vida Saludable: Juego de letras sobre una variedad de alimentos (FCS8615Span/FY673)
Ordene las letras para escribir los nombres de algunos alimentos que sirven de opciones inteligentes para tener buena salud. ¡Después coloque cada una de las letras enumeradas en los espacios indicados para descifrar el mensaje! This 1-page handout was written by Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, December 2010.
Healthy Living: Scrambling for a Variety of Foods (FCS8615/FY672)
Unscramble the words to spell some of the foods that are wise choices for good health. Then write down each of the numbered letters on the blanks to figure out the message! This 1-page handout was written by Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, December 2010.
Disaster Planning Tips for Older Adults (FCS9198/FY620)
Disaster can strike without warning. An important part of planning for a disaster is to have a plan for what you will do if you have to leave your home. Pick a place to meet family members or a close friend in the event that you have to evacuate. Communications often are down early in a disaster, so knowing where to meet loved ones or friends ahead of time is helpful. Use the special tips in this 4-page fact sheet to plan and prepare for any emergency. Written by Carolyn S. Wilken, Linda B. Bobroff, and Emily Minton and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, February 2011.
Alimentando a su bebé (FCS8545Span/HE983)
Alimentar a su bebé es una de las primeras cosas que uno hace como padre. También es una de las maneras de desarrollar una relación con un nuevo miembro de la familia. Cuando el alimentar va bien, todos están felices en la familia. Esta información le puede ayudar a desarrollar una relación alimenticia cercana con su bebé. Las habilidades que aprenda también le ayudarán a evitar “peleas” para alimentar a su hijo durante la niñez y la edad pre-escolar.
This 4-page fact sheet was written by Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Famiy Youth and Community Sciences, February 2011.
Vida Saludable: Examinando el nivel de glucosa en la sangre (FCS8811Span/FY908)
Examinar el nivel de glucosa en su sangre es una parte importante en el manejo de la diabetes. El conocer los valores de glucosa en su sangre le indica que tan eficiente está funcionando su plan de cuidado y si debe hacer algún cambio. This 2-page fact sheet was written by Jennifer Hillan and Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, February 2011.
Vida Saludable: Señales de advertencia sobre la diabetes (FCS8577Span/FY085)
¿Podría usted padecer de diabetes y no saberlo? Es posible. ¡Cerca de un cuarto de personas que padecen de diabetes no saben que tienen esta enfermedad!
This 1-page handout is the Spanish language version of FCS8577/FY084: Healthy Living: Diabetes Warning Signs. It was written by Linda B. Bobroff, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, February 2011.
Datos sobre el potasio (FCS8805Span/FY1214)
El potasio es un mineral que se encuentra dentro de las células del cuerpo. Es uno de algunos minerales conocidos como electrolitos. Estos minerales (potasio, sodio y cloruro) se encuentran en los fluidos dentro y fuera de las células del cuerpo.
This 2-page fact sheet is the Spanish language version of “Facts about Potassium” (FCS8805/FY889) Written by R. Elaine Turner and Linda B. Bobroff. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, January 2011.
FCS8640/FY207 Facts about Vitamin D
Revised! FCS8640, a 2-page illustrated fact sheet by Linda B. Bobroff and Isabel Valentín-Oquendo, summarizes key facts about vitamin D’s role in human nutrition — why we need it, what happens if we don’t get enough, how much we need, how we can get enough, supplements, and how much is too much. Includes links to reliable nutrition information on the Web. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, December 2010.
FCS8547/HE944 Healthy Living: Determine Your Nutritional Health
FCS8547, a 4-page fact sheet by Linda B.Bobroff, provides a checklist to determine whether an older person is at nutritional risk and additional information about warning signs of poor nutritonal health. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, November 2010.
FCS8576Span/FY083 Vida Saludable: Fuentes de información sobre la diabetes
Revised! FCS8576Span, a 1-page Spanish-language fact sheet by Linda Bobroff and Paulina Wittkowski, lists contact information for diabetes information and referral sources. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, November 2010.
FCS8576/FY082 Healthy Living: Diabetes Resources
Revised! FCS8576, a 1-page fact sheet by Linda Bobroff and Paulina Wittkowski, lists contact information for diabetes information and referral sources. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, November 2010.
FCS-8847-Span/FY935 Vida Saludable: Esta en Riesgo de Deshidratación?
FCS8847Span, a 1-page fact sheet by Jennifer Hillan and Linda B. Bobroff, is the Spanish version of “Healthy Living: Are You At Risk of Dehydration?” (FCS8847). It provides a list of questions elders can ask themselves to determine whether they are at risk for dehydration, and offers suggestions for staying hydrated. Published by the UF Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, September 2010.
FCS8219/HE696 Nutrition for Health and Fitness: Sodium in Your Diet
Revised! FCS8219, a 6-page illustrated fact sheet by Linda B. Bobroff, provides facts about sodium, sodium and high blood pressure, how to read food labels and cook with less sodium. Includes references, sodium intake checklist and recipes for low sodium foods. Published by the UF Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, October 2010.
FCS8930/FY1206 Remembering to Take Your Diabetes Medications
FCS8930, a 1-page handout by Linda B. Bobroff, provides tips for helping people remember to take their diabetes medications on time. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, September 2010.
FCS2227-Span/FY857: Prevención de Caídas: ¿Quién está a a riesgo?
Revised! FCS2227-Span, a 1-page handout by Sergio Romero and Linda B. Bobroff, is the Spanish language version of FCS2227/FY733: Fall Prevention: Who’s at Risk?. It provides a short quiz to determine whether a person is at risk of falling. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, August 2010.
FCS2231-Span/FY861: Prevención de Caídas: ¡Reduzca su riesgo!
Revised! FCS2231Span, a 1-page handout by Jennifer Hillan and Linda B. Bobroff, is the Spanish language version of FCS2231/FY737: Fall Prevention: Reduce Your Risk!, which tests knowledge of lifestyle factors that can affect the risk of falling using a simple crossword puzzle activity. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, August 2010.
FCS8621ENG/FY674 Healthy Living: Are You at Risk for Drug Interactions?
Revised! FCS8621ENG, a 1-page handout by Jennifer Hillan and Linda B. Bobroff, provides a list of 9 questions to help people determine whether they are at risk of drug interactions. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, August 2010.
FCS8577/FY084 Healthy Living: Diabetes Warning Signs
Revised! FCS8577, a 1-page handout by Linda B. Bobroff, informs older adults of the risks of untreated diabetes, and provides a checklist of the warning signs of high blood glucose levels. Published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, August 2010.