This seven-page fact sheet includes a summary of various fungicide spray programs for fungal disease control of early leaf spot, late leaf spot, and white mold/stem rot of peanut in 2012-2016 on-farm trials in Hamilton County. Written by K.W. Wynn, N.S. Dufault, and R.L. Barocco and published by the Plant Pathology Department.
Tag: Keith Wynn
Methods to Evaluate Peanut Maturity for Optimal Seed Quality and Yield
Determining when to dig is one of the most important economic decisions a grower must make. Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) poses a unique challenge for maturity determination because it is an indeterminate crop that forms pods underground. This 8-page fact sheet discusses maturity assessment methods as well as steps for collecting and evaluating a maturity sample. Written by Ethan Carter, Patrick Troy, Diane Rowland, Barry Tillman, Keith Wynn, Krystel Pierre, and Michael Mulvaney, and published by the UF Agronomy Department, September 2016.