Several economic factors should be considered in selecting an agricultural irrigation system. This 7-page fact sheet compares two widely used irrigation systems for tomato production: seepage and sub-surface drip irrigation. Written by Jenna Rogers, Tatiana Borisova, Jeffrey Ullman, Kelly Morgan, Lincoln Zotarelli, and Kelly Grogan, and published by the UF Department of Food and Resource Economics, October 2014. (UF/IFAS Photo: Tyler Jones)
Tag: Jenna Rogers
Costs and Benefits of More Efficient Irrigation Systems for Florida Chipping Potato Production
The goal of this 11-page fact sheet is to help producers and other interested parties understand how alternative irrigation systems can affect economic outcomes in agricultural operations. We used chipping potato production in the Hastings area in northeast Florida as an example to discuss factors to consider when selecting an irrigation system. Written by Jenna Rogers, Tatiana Borisova, Lincoln Zotarelli, Kelly Grogan, Jeffrey Ullman, Jessica Bertine, and Kelly Morgan, and published by the UF Department of Food and Resource Economics, September 2014.
Water Withdrawals and Their Use in Florida in 2010
This publication is based on Florida water use information collected by the United States Geological Service. It expands on EDIS document FE797 that examined Florida water withdrawals data for 2005. In addition, in EDIS document FE757 (Florida’s Water Resources), the authors describe Florida’s abundant water resources—the state receives about 54 inches of rainfall per annum, compared to 30 inches nationwide, and it overlies prolific aquifers. Whether water is scarce or abundant, however, depends not only upon available supplies, but also upon patterns of water use. To gather this information, the United States Geological Survey employs several water-use categories to develop estimates of water withdrawals and water use. This 5-page fact sheet was written by Tatiana Borisova and Jenna Rogers, and published by the UF Department of Food and Resource Economics, May 2014.