This is the Spanish language version of ENH95/WG095 Postemergent Herbicides for Use in Ornamentals Postemergent herbicides are applied directly to weeds. This 5-page fact sheet is largely comprised of two tables: Table one lists postemergent herbicides that can be safely used over the top of some ornamentals when used according to label directions; table 2 lists postemergent herbicides that are registered for use around ornamental plants when applied as a directed spray. Written by E. Vanesssa Campoverde, Chris Marble, and Jeffrey G. Norcini and published by the Environmental Horticulture Department.
Tag: Jeffrey G. Norcini
Postemergent Herbicides for Use In Ornamentals
Postemergent herbicides are applied directly to weeds. This 5-page fact sheet is largely comprised of two tables: Table one lists postemergent herbicides that can be safely used over the top of some ornamentals when used according to label directions; table 2 lists postemergent herbicides that are registered for use around ornamental plants when applied as a directed spray. Written by Jeffrey G. Norcini and Chris Marble, and published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, November 2014. (UF/IFAS photo: Thomas Wright)
Preemergence Herbicides for Use in Ornamentals (OH94/WG058)
Preemergence herbicides are herbicides that are applied prior to weed seed germination. Control of weeds using preemergence herbicides is most successful when the correct herbicide is applied in the correct manner to a weed-free growing medium prior to weed seed germination. This 60-page fact sheet was written by Robert H. Stamps, Heidi M. Savage, Diane K. Rock, and Jeffrey G. Norcini, and published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, March 2012.
Wildflowers Susceptible to Deer Damage in North Florida (WEC315/UW360)
One sure way to prevent deer damage to your landscape is to choose plants that deer do not like to eat. Unfortunately deer foraging preferences vary geographically and studies conducted with captive deer aren’t always accurate. So UF/IFAS wildlife researchers investigated the foraging preference of wild white-tailed deer at two sites in Gadsden County with high deer densities for two years. Of 11 wildlfowers tested, four were very susceptible to browsing: fringeleaf tickseed, Florida tickseed, coastalplain tickseed, and orange coneflower. This 4-page fact sheet was written by Holly K. Ober, Lucas W. DeGroote, James H. Aldrich, Jefferey G. Norcini, and Gary W. Knox , and published by the UF Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, December 2011.
ENH1104/EP368 Establishment of Leavenworth’s Tickseed (Coreopsis leavenworthii) on Roadside Right-of-Ways
ENH-1104, a 7-page illustrated fact sheet by Jeffrey G. Norcini, Anne L. Frances, Carrie Reinhardt Adams, provides recommendations for establishing this upright wildflower with showy yellow petals and brownish center that occurs almost exclusively in Florida, including ecotypes, site selection, site preparation, sowing seeds, establishment and maintenance. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, April 2009.
ENH1103/EP367 Establishment of Lanceleaf Tickseed (Coreopsis lanceolata) in Roadside Right-of-Ways
ENH-1103, an 8-page illustrated fact sheet by Jeffrey G. Norcini, Anne L. Frances, Carrie Reinhardt Adams, provides recommendations for establishing northern-Florida ecotypes of this low-growing, short-lived perennial that blooms with yellow flowers in early to mid-spring, including site selection, site preparation, sowing seeds, establishment and maintenance. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, March 2009.