Dune Restoration Plants fact sheets

Dune Restoration and Enhancement for the Florida Panhandle

A Santa Rosa beach mouse peers out of his hole on an oceanfront dune in this November 2000 photograph taken by University of Florida graduate student Brittany Bird. A study by Bird and other researchers at UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences suggests that bright lights from oceanfront development are harmful to threatened and endangered subspecies of beach mouse. (AP Photo/University of Florida/IFAS/Brittany Bird)
Published by the UF/IFAS Florida Sea Grant College Program, this manual provides an overview of the coastal ecosystems along the Florida Panhandle and shows how dunes can be restored and enhanced in this region of the Northern Gulf of Mexico.

In addition to direct experience acquired over many years of field work and experimentation, authors Chris Verlinde, Mack Thetford, and Debbie Miller consulted peer-reviewed academic journals, government documents, and various online resources to create the manual. Undergraduate and graduate students from the University of Florida and local professionals worked together with the UF/IFAS researchers to develop and test practical restoration techniques for Florida’s dunes.